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campaign before Richmond battles of Mechanicsville, Beaver Dam Creek, and Ellison's Mills terrific battle scene preparaith little additional loss. From Ellison's Mills and Beaver Dam Creek, (the latter two miles down the Chickahominy,) the en morning. Ellison's Mills on our left, in front, and Beaver Dam Creek on the right, in front, were considerable obstacles td, Brigadiers Featherstone and Pryor moved up towards Beaver Dam Creek on the right, and Brigadier Maxy Gregg, towards Ellis stream, within five hundred yards of the position of Beaver Dam Creek. The movement was effected silently, and in the dim vinced he had naught to fear from any force sent from Beaver Dam Creek to operate on his right flank-he crossed the greater ffair, and his success doubtless expedited matters at Beaver Dam Creek. It was now past eight A. M., and since both routetween us and Gaines's property. Ellison's Mills and Beaver Dam Creek were,. in fact, the impediments thrown out to obstruc
sed lips; he leans forward uneasily in his saddle, and with his downcast eyes appears very thoughtful; but he is a desperate, unflinching man when once aroused. He seems to take little notice of complimentary remarks regarding the action at Beaver Dam Creek in the morning, but is absorbed and anxious for the work assigned him. He is a thorough soldier, and when commanding the Seventeenth Mississippi, drilled his battalion thrice a day through all the heat of summer, apparently enjoying the exer now hand to hand with ours at the brook, and obstinately defending their line of breastworks. In such a position, and on such broken ground, officers saw it would be impossible to ride, and as many horses had been shot in the morning at Beaver Dam Creek, Wilcox, Featherstone, Pryor, and other officers, left their steeds in the woods, where they had been quietly drawn up since two P. M.; and when orders came to advance, they buttoned up their coats, pressed down their hats, drew their swords
and artillery. The retreat had been conducted with much order, and comparatively few stores fell into our hands; the enemy having burned them beforehand, together with many wagons, the ashes of which were still smoking. Passing on towards Beaver Dam Creek, deserted encampments were visible in the woods on either side of the road, among which I strolled for some time, observing that they contained many valuable medicines, which, together with other useful things, were under guard. Beaver DBeaver Dam Creek and Ellison's Mills were totally deserted, and except for a few wounded men limping about, a stranger would not have recognized these places as the scenes of the terrible struggle in the twilight of Friday morning. The hot sun presently made us aware that there were bodies in the woods not yet buried, and, although parties were at work here and there, it was several days ere all the putrefying matter was covered. The neighboring houses were badly shattered by shot and shell, and in man
ld a doleful tale of affairs since the fight opened at the Branch turnpike on Thursday afternoon. The rank and file knew nothing of Jackson's approach in the direction of Hanover Court-House; but the officers knew: and when asked what the immense destruction of stores meant along the line, they answered ambiguously, spoke of a probable change of base, clearing of the rear, and of a speedy march to Richmond. When Porter's right wing was driven out of Mechanicsville, Ellison's Mills, and Beaver Dam Creek, McClellan laughed, and said he was only drawing the rebels on to destruction at Gaines's Mills; and when the whole of the right and part of the centre were driven thence, he said that now the rebels were fairly caught in his toils, he had gotten us all on the north bank, and was going to hurl his strength at our right, feeble as it was, and capture Richmond in one day, before we had time to re-cross and oppose him. This was all believed by the multitude, who relied implicitly on hi
and Branch fighting his way in our centre, so that before such a force they were obliged to fall back. Their defence of Mechanicsville, Ellison's Mills, and Beaver Dam Creek deserves credit, for had our men been less impetuous, we should have found every avenue to Gaines's Mills much more strongly fortified than we did. Think youe reason to complain of you infantry, in taking up all the business, and not allowing us an opportunity. Did you ever hear what Featherstone said of us? At Beaver Dam Creek, there were twelve pieces playing against twice as many of the enemy, and Featherstone, commanding, anxiously watched us, to cover his infantry. We fired ve Bridge I saw one; from the last-named place to and including Mechanicsville, I counted six--not reckoning siege-pieces taken in reverse; at Ellison's Mills, Beaver Dam Creek, and Gaines's Mills, I saw twenty; at Frazier's Farm half-a-dozen, and at Malvern Hill as many more. Lee estimates the captured field-guns at forty or more,