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Fitz Lee 458 2 Browse Search
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England (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 2
the powerful republic of America. Here, from England, in 1665, settled the great-grandfather of thon, a United States Senator, envoy to France, England, and Spain, twice Governor of his native Statcame of an ancient and distinguished stock in England, and neither country can boast a nobler scion, they made a treaty with the Commonwealth of England, wherein Virginia was described as an Indepen Virginia two years before his restoration in England. In consequence, the motto to the Virginia Cdat Virginia quintam until after the union of England and Scotland, when it was En dat Virginia quaedit it may be added that when he returned to England, some years afterward, he gave away all the lry as a dashing dragoon in the war between Great Britain and the colonies. His boldness and activi the Council of Virginia. Bishop Porteus, of England, was her uncle. Their son Henry was born JanCommonwealth. When the war was declared with England in 1812, Henry Lee was living in Alexandria, [7 more...]
Alexandria (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
honorable Somersetshire family, originally of German extraction, and left six sons and two daughters. Stratford is still standing in Westmoreland County, an object of much veneration and respect. Within its walls, in the same chamber, two signers of the Declaration of Independence were born, while the fact that Robert Edward Lee first saw the light there makes it yet more interesting. It is a large, stately mansion, built in the shape of the letter H, and not far from the banks of the Potomac. Upon the roof were summer houses, with chimneys for columns, where the band played in the evenings, and the ladies and gentlemen promenaded. Thomas Lee was buried at Pope's Creek Church, five miles from Stratford. George Washington was baptized at this church, and in the early days his family, the Lees, Paynes, and other prominent families of the neighborhood worshiped there. It has been said that as Westmoreland County is distinguished above all other counties in Virginia as the bi
go to the southward; it is an excellent one, and the officer at the head of it has great reserves of genius. Lafayette held the leader of the legion in high estimation, and bears testimony to his distinguished services, his talents as a corps commander, and his handsome exploits ; while one of the general officers of the army said: He seemed to have come out of his mother's womb a soldier. General Nathanael Greene, his immediate commander, testified that few officers, either in America or Europe, were held in so high a point of estimation, in a letter to the President of Congress, February 18, 1782, expressed himself as more indebted to this officer [Lee] than any other for the advantages gained over the enemy in the operations of the last campaign, and in a letter to Lee himself writes: No man in the progress of the campaign had equal merit with yourself, nor is there one so reported; everybody knows I have the highest opinion of you as an officer, and you know I love you as a frie
Hastings (Michigan, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
own to the county of his birth, his State, and his country. James Madison, fourth President of the United States, was born in the adjoining county of King George seven years before Monroe, and but a few miles distant. To this section, from England, came, too, the Lees, who belonged to one of the oldest families in the mother country, its members from a very early date being distinguished for eminent services to sovereign and country. By the side of William the Conqueror, at the battle of Hastings, in 1066, Lancelot Lee fought, and a later descendant, Lionel Lee, followed Richard Coeur de Lion, taking part in the third crusade to Palestine, in 1192, at the head of a company of gentlemen cavaliers, displaying great bravery at the siege of Acre. The Lees of Virginia, a family which has, perhaps, given more statesmen and warriors to their new home than any other of our old colonial progenitors, came of an ancient and distinguished stock in England, and neither country can boast a no
Waterloo, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
f genius, of which, forty-four years afterward, his great son was an illustrious example. On June 18, 1817, from Nassau, he writes: This is the day of the month when your dear mother became my wife, and it is not so hot in this tropical region as it was then at Shirley. Since that happy day, marked only by the union of two humble lovers, it has become conspicuous as the day our war with Great Britain was declared in Washington, and the one that sealed the doom of Bonaparte on the field of Waterloo. The British general, rising gradatim from his first blow struck in Portugal, climbed on that day to the summit of fame, and became distinguished by the first of titles, Deliverer of the Civilized World. Alexander, Hannibal, and Caesar, among the ancients; Marlborough, Eugene, Turenne, and Frederick, among the moderns, opened their arms to receive him as a brother in glory. Again he tells him that Thales, Pittacus, and others in Greece taught the doctrine of morality almost in our ver
Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
ch as far as Bedford, Pa., and in a letter, dated October 20, 1794, to Henry Lee, Esq., commander in chief of the militia army on its march against the insurgents in certain counties of western Pennsylvania, says at its conclusion: In leaving the Army I have less regret, as I know I commit it to an able and faithful direction, and that this direction will be ably and faithfully seconded by all. While Governor of Virginia, a section lying under the Cumberland Mountains, projecting between Kentucky and Tennessee, was formed into a separate county and named after him. It has since been divided into two, the eastern portion being called after General Winfield Scott. In 1779 General Lee was elected to Congress, and on the death of General Washington was appointed to deliver an address in commemoration of the services of that great man, in which occurs the famous sentence so often quoted: First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his fellow-citizens. [In this popular qu
King George county (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
on called in June, 1778, to consider the Federal Constitution, a United States Senator, envoy to France, England, and Spain, twice Governor of his native State, Secretary of State in Mr. Madison's administration, and President of the republic for two terms from 1817 to 1825-thus adding, by a long and meritorious public career, additional renown to the county of his birth, his State, and his country. James Madison, fourth President of the United States, was born in the adjoining county of King George seven years before Monroe, and but a few miles distant. To this section, from England, came, too, the Lees, who belonged to one of the oldest families in the mother country, its members from a very early date being distinguished for eminent services to sovereign and country. By the side of William the Conqueror, at the battle of Hastings, in 1066, Lancelot Lee fought, and a later descendant, Lionel Lee, followed Richard Coeur de Lion, taking part in the third crusade to Palestine, in 11
Cumberland Sound (United States) (search for this): chapter 2
r. He was landed at Dungeness, known as the most beautiful and attractive residence on the Georgia coast, and here he was lovingly received and tenderly cared for. From the window of his sick-room an extensive view of the Atlantic Ocean, of Cumberland Sound, and the low-lying verdant shores of Georgia could be seen upon the one side, while upon the other lay attractive gardens and groves of oranges and olives, while grand live oaks swayed solemnly to and fro loaded with pendent moss. Generalir brave deeds and the grateful songs of the true lovers of liberty are caught up by the billows of a common ocean. Two months after the sick soldier landed he was dead. Every token of respect was shown by the United States Navy vessels in Cumberland Sound; their colors were put at half-mast, as well as the flags at the military headquarters of the army on Amelia Island. Citizens from the adjoining islands united in paying their respects. Commodore Henley, of the navy, superintended the las
Cornfield Point (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
Chapter 1: ancestry. Westmoreland is one of a group of counties in Virginia lying between the Rappahannock and Potomac Rivers. It was originally a portion of Northumberland County, and, though small in geographical extent, its historical record is great. Within a space of thirty miles in length and an average width of fifteen miles were born statesmen, soldiers, and patriots whose lives and characters adorn the pages of American history, and whose courage, genius, and learning are the proud inheritance of those who dwell to-day in the powerful republic of America. Here, from England, in 1665, settled the great-grandfather of the Father of his country. Americanized, he became an extensive planter, soldier, magistrate, member of the House of Burgesses, and a gentleman whose virtue and piety were undoubted. In his will he expressed his sorrow for his sins, and begged forgiveness from Almighty God, Saviour, and Redeemer. Here his son, Lawrence, and his grandson, Augustine, were
Brandywine (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
rt was heard in Virginia. The English volley lighted patriotic fires in the hearts of the colonists with the rapidity electricity flies in this age from the touch of the button. The sword was substituted for the law book in the hands of Henry Lee, and we find him, at the age of nineteen, after the battle of Lexington, a captain of cavalry, being nominated for that position by Patrick Henry, the orator of American liberty. He rose rapidly in his new career. In the Northern Department at Brandywine, Germantown, Springfield, and in the operations in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York, his address, cool courage, great ability, and unceasing activity as an outpost officer speedily drew the attention of his superiors. Congress recognized his services, promoted him, and gave him an independent partisan corps. Ever thereafter his position in the war was near the flashing of the guns. His duties kept him close to the enemy's lines, and his legion was what cavalry should be — the eyes
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