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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 30: Longstreet moves to Georgia. (search)
ommanding general gave me a map showing prominent topographical features of the grounds from the Chickamauga River to Mission Ridge, and beyond to the Lookout Mountain range. At early dawn I found the left wing. It was composed of Buckner's corer's, and H. P. Van Cleve's,--General T. L. Crittenden commanding the corps. It was in position on the east slope of Mission Ridge, ordered to be prepared to support the corps of the right or left, or both; one of its brigades had been left to occu the day's work. A reserve corps under General Gordon Granger was off the left of the Union army to cover the gap in Mission Ridge at Rossville and the road from the Union left to that gap. Minty's cavalry was with this corps, and posted at Mission; but the commander ordered direct assault under the original plan,--his back to the river, the Union army backing on Mission Ridge. The Chickamauga River, rising from the mountains south, flows in its general course a little east of north to confl