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e every reason to believe they were taken from the body of Colonel Ulric Dahlgren, and came to me without alteration of any kind. When Mr. Blair came to Richmond I mentioned Colonel Dahlgren's special orders, and he said, Did you believe it? I said that there had been no time for such a forgery, and that there was an itinerary in the same hand also. Upon Mr. Blair making some laughing remark of disbelief, I offered to send for the book, and said it had been photographed and sent to General Meade, who was then in our front-with an inquiry as to whether such practices were authorized by his Government; and also to say that if any question was raised as to the copies, the original paper would be submitted. No such question was then made, and the denial that Dahlgren's conduct had been authorized was accepted. Mr. Blair laughed again and said: Now, the fact is I do not want to believe it, and if you could convince me I would rather not look at it. I had felt much the same unw
Wade Hampton (search for this): chapter 47
Ashland down to the outer defences of Richmond; there Kilpatrick had dismounted his twenty-five hundred men and was making a regular attack on the works. General Wade Hampton heard that the Federal cavalry was approaching the city, and immediately moved out to attack him. The Marylanders drew up on his rear picket just as, ben a volley was fired, and Colonel Dahlgren, who had ridden forward and tried to discharge his pistol, fell dead, and his command were taken prisoners. General Wade Hampton in his report said: We captured upward of one hundred prisoners, representing five regiments, many horses, arms, etc. and forced this body of the enis admirably fitted for the cavalry service, and I trust it will not be deemed an interference on my part to urge, as emphatically as I can, his promotion. General Hampton presented Colonel Johnson with a sabre in compliment for his having thus saved Richmond from capture, and General Elzey, who commanded the Department of Richm
Bradley T. Johnson (search for this): chapter 47
ovement around Lee's flank was at once discovered, and Colonel Johnson was directed by General Lee to look out for it. Thmen in camp. With these, during the night, by his scouts, Johnson located Kilpatrick's column, and then started with sixty mame time, and together they would ride into Richmond. Colonel Johnson at once drove in Kilpatrick's picket, who, finding him my report without expressing my appreciation of Colonel Bradley T. Johnson and his gallant command. With a mere handful o as I can, his promotion. General Hampton presented Colonel Johnson with a sabre in compliment for his having thus saved R two Ulrics. The Maryland Line, commanded by Colonel Bradley T. Johnson, rendered noble service in the conduct of his force against the Dahlgren raid. Shortly after this, Colonel Johnson promised me that the Maryland Line should capture a flnteenth, which sent him to hospital for a week or two. Colonel Johnson directed him to deliver the captured guidon to me in p
February, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 47
Chapter 47: the Maryland line and the Kilpatrick and Dahlgren raid. In February, 1864, an expedition was organized in the Federal Army, of a force of three thousand picked cavalry, to make a dash on Richmond, release the prisoners, burn the city, and escape by way of the Peninsula to Old Point Comfort. On February 29th, it started one column of four hundred men under Colonel Ulric Dahlgren, to cross the James River in Goochland County, above Richmond, and the other, under Brigadier-General Judson Kilpatrick, to make a direct attack on the city, while Dahlgren attacked from the south side. Crossing at Ely's Ford, after surprising and capturing the picket there, they passed in rear of General Lee's army (capturing en route a whole court martial of Confederate officers, but passing by a camp of sixty-eight pieces of artillery that was unprotected, and would have fallen an easy prey), until, under the guidance of a negro that had been sent by Secretary Stanton, they reached the
munications with Richmond. This movement around Lee's flank was at once discovered, and Colonel Johnson was directed by General Lee to look out for it. The Maryland line cavalry was extended in a picket line along the Pamunkey to New Kent Court House, leaving only seventy-five men in camp. With these, during the night, by his scouts, Johnson located Kilpatrick's column, and then started with sixty men and two pieces of artillery to close up on Kilpatrick. Just before daylight of March Ist, the Marylanders struck one of Kilpatrick's flanking parties and drove them in on the main body. They followed the enemy through Ashland down to the outer defences of Richmond; there Kilpatrick had dismounted his twenty-five hundred men and was making a regular attack on the works. General Wade Hampton heard that the Federal cavalry was approaching the city, and immediately moved out to attack him. The Marylanders drew up on his rear picket just as, by a happy chance, an officer a
February 29th (search for this): chapter 47
Chapter 47: the Maryland line and the Kilpatrick and Dahlgren raid. In February, 1864, an expedition was organized in the Federal Army, of a force of three thousand picked cavalry, to make a dash on Richmond, release the prisoners, burn the city, and escape by way of the Peninsula to Old Point Comfort. On February 29th, it started one column of four hundred men under Colonel Ulric Dahlgren, to cross the James River in Goochland County, above Richmond, and the other, under Brigadier-General Judson Kilpatrick, to make a direct attack on the city, while Dahlgren attacked from the south side. Crossing at Ely's Ford, after surprising and capturing the picket there, they passed in rear of General Lee's army (capturing en route a whole court martial of Confederate officers, but passing by a camp of sixty-eight pieces of artillery that was unprotected, and would have fallen an easy prey), until, under the guidance of a negro that had been sent by Secretary Stanton, they reached the
of General Lee's army (capturing en route a whole court martial of Confederate officers, but passing by a camp of sixty-eight pieces of artillery that was unprotected, and would have fallen an easy prey), until, under the guidance of a negro that had been sent by Secretary Stanton, they reached the James River at Dover Mills, where a ford was supposed to be. Finding none, they accused the negro guide of treachery, and barbarously hung him to a tree with a leather strap. In the winter of 1863-64, the Maryland line, consisting of the Second Infantry, First Cavalry, First, Second, and Third Maryland Artillery, were stationed at Hanover Junction to guard Lee's flank toward the Peninsula and the railroad bridges over the North and South Anna, on the preservation of which depended Lee's communications with Richmond. This movement around Lee's flank was at once discovered, and Colonel Johnson was directed by General Lee to look out for it. The Maryland line cavalry was extended
General Lee's army (capturing en route a whole court martial of Confederate officers, but passing by a camp of sixty-eight pieces of artillery that was unprotected, and would have fallen an easy prey), until, under the guidance of a negro that had been sent by Secretary Stanton, they reached the James River at Dover Mills, where a ford was supposed to be. Finding none, they accused the negro guide of treachery, and barbarously hung him to a tree with a leather strap. In the winter of 1863-64, the Maryland line, consisting of the Second Infantry, First Cavalry, First, Second, and Third Maryland Artillery, were stationed at Hanover Junction to guard Lee's flank toward the Peninsula and the railroad bridges over the North and South Anna, on the preservation of which depended Lee's communications with Richmond. This movement around Lee's flank was at once discovered, and Colonel Johnson was directed by General Lee to look out for it. The Maryland line cavalry was extended in a
March 8th, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 47
aying throughout the very highest qualities of a soldier. He is admirably fitted for the cavalry service, and I trust it will not be deemed an interference on my part to urge, as emphatically as I can, his promotion. General Hampton presented Colonel Johnson with a sabre in compliment for his having thus saved Richmond from capture, and General Elzey, who commanded the Department of Richmond, issued an order of which the following is an extract: headquarters, Department of Richmond, March 8, 1864. General Orders, No. 10. To Colonel Eradley T. Johnson and the officers and soldiers under his command, the thanks of the Major-General are especially due for the prompt and vigorous manner in which they pursued the enemy from Beaver Dam to Richmond, and thence to Panlunkey, and down the Peninsula, making repeated charges, capturing many prisoners and horses, and thwarting any attempt of the enemy to charge them. General G. W. C. Lee said: A short distance beyond the fortifi
September, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 47
ng been intimate with his parents. Once Commodore Dahlgren had brought the little fair-haired boy to show me how pretty he looked in his black velvet suit and Vandyke collar, and I could not reconcile the two Ulrics. The Maryland Line, commanded by Colonel Bradley T. Johnson, rendered noble service in the conduct of his force against the Dahlgren raid. Shortly after this, Colonel Johnson promised me that the Maryland Line should capture a flag for me. In the following fall, September, 1864, there was a sharp cavalry affair between Early's cavalry, under Lomax, and Sheridan's, under Custer and Wilson, at Bunker Hill, in Buckley County, now West Virginia. Charge and counter-charge succeeded each other back and forth the turnpike, and in one of them Captain George M. Emack, commanding Company B, First Maryland regiment, cut down the man carrying the guidon of the opposing regiment, while he wrested from his hand the guidon and brought it off. Emack had the luck that som
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