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Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 2.19
on the heights in the immediate rear of Fredericksburg. Without the slightest delay the enemy's line of defense was marked out, nor did their labors cease until their defensive lines were made formidable and complete by the mounting of a large number of guns. In the meantime the Army of the Potomac had drawn its abundant supply of daily rations, subjected itself to some drilling and several reviews, while, its commander had been carrying on an animated correspondence with the powers at Washington, chiefly in relation to pontoons which had been promised but had failed to reach Falmouth until long after the arrival of both armies at the points they then occupied. [See p. 121.] Some time during the first week in December the much-looked — for pontoon train appeared, and then came the oft-repeated camp rumor of a movement over the river, which in a few days assumed a more definite form, the actual plan of attack becoming the topic of many a camp-fire. It was freely stated that the wh
Franklin, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.19
oom, upon being appealed to by General Burnside, sat up and said in the most frank and decided manner that the attack ought not to be renewed that morning. Then a general consultation took place, in which all who were present joined, the result of which was a verbal order, transmitted through me, countermanding the arrangements for a second attack. Of those present at the first interview, on the Fredericksburg side, Generals Getty, Willcox, Butterfield, and probably several others whom I do not now remember, are living. The only survivors of the Phillips house interview are General Franklin and myself. In one of his letters to me, dated Hartford, Conn., December 17th, 1866, he says: . . . I distinctly recollect your talk to Burnside, to which you refer, and had he been so talked to before he crossed the river, many lives would have been saved, as well as much credit to himself and reputation to the gallant Army of the Potomac. Franklin's men charging across the railroad.
Hartford (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.19
om, upon being appealed to by General Burnside, sat up and said in the most frank and decided manner that the attack ought not to be renewed that morning. Then a general consultation took place, in which all who were present joined, the result of which was a verbal order, transmitted through me, countermanding the arrangements for a second attack. Of those present at the first interview, on the Fredericksburg side, Generals Getty, Willcox, Butterfield, and probably several others whom I do not now remember, are living. The only survivors of the Phillips house interview are General Franklin and myself. In one of his letters to me, dated Hartford, Conn., December 17th, 1866, he says: . . . I distinctly recollect your talk to Burnside, to which you refer, and had he been so talked to before he crossed the river, many lives would have been saved, as well as much credit to himself and reputation to the gallant Army of the Potomac. Franklin's men charging across the railroad.
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.19
been preserved, and from it the following quotations are given: camp, near Falmouth, Va., December 10th, 1862. Dear mother--. . . . To-morrow, if our present plans are carried out, the great battle of the war will commence. . . . I have little hope of the plans succeeding. I do not think them good,--there will be a great loss of life and nothing accomplished. I am sure we are to fight against all chances of success. There is a rumor and a hope that Banks may have landed on the James River; if so, a large part of the enemy's force will be diverted from this point, but if they have a force anywhere near our own in number we are pretty certain to get whipped. The letter to Judge Kirkland was much stronger and more explicit, and evoked an answer from which one paragraph is quoted: New York, December 18th, 1862. How wonderfully prophetic is your letter, written on the 10th of December. It foretells exactly the awful disaster and reverse that our cause has met with
Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.19
Why Burnside did not renew the attack at Fredericksburg. by rush C. Hawkins, Brevet Brigadier-General, U. S. V. November 22d, 1862, the whole Union army had reached Falmouth, opposite FredericksFredericksburg, and General Lee, who had proved upon more than one occasion his watchfulness and enterprise, took means to insure the arrival, about the same time, of the Army of Northern Virginia on the heights in the immediate rear of Fredericksburg. Without the slightest delay the enemy's line of defense was marked out, nor did their labors cease until their defensive lines were made formidable and cobe made by General Sumner's Right Grand Division upon the enemy's center immediately back of Fredericksburg, where the hills were steepest and the fortifications strongest. There were a few officere bombardment of December 11th, the many disastrous attempts to lay the pontoons in front of Fredericksburg, and come to 3 o'clock of that day, when volunteers were called for to cross the river in op
Falmouth, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.19
rnside did not renew the attack at Fredericksburg. by rush C. Hawkins, Brevet Brigadier-General, U. S. V. November 22d, 1862, the whole Union army had reached Falmouth, opposite Fredericksburg, and General Lee, who had proved upon more than one occasion his watchfulness and enterprise, took means to insure the arrival, about ther had been carrying on an animated correspondence with the powers at Washington, chiefly in relation to pontoons which had been promised but had failed to reach Falmouth until long after the arrival of both armies at the points they then occupied. [See p. 121.] Some time during the first week in December the much-looked — for po without qualification predicted. The first letter in the order mentioned has been preserved, and from it the following quotations are given: camp, near Falmouth, Va., December 10th, 1862. Dear mother--. . . . To-morrow, if our present plans are carried out, the great battle of the war will commence. . . . I have little h
New York (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.19
ir final orders for the movement of the following day. Besides attending to the details of moving my command on the morrow, I found time to write three letters--one to my mother, another to my wife, and a third to Charles P. Kirkland, of the city of New York. In each of these defeat was distinctly and without qualification predicted. The first letter in the order mentioned has been preserved, and from it the following quotations are given: camp, near Falmouth, Va., December 10th, 1862. from this point, but if they have a force anywhere near our own in number we are pretty certain to get whipped. The letter to Judge Kirkland was much stronger and more explicit, and evoked an answer from which one paragraph is quoted: New York, December 18th, 1862. How wonderfully prophetic is your letter, written on the 10th of December. It foretells exactly the awful disaster and reverse that our cause has met with. How is it possible, if you thus knew all this, that those havi
Marye's Heights (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.19
per fire where the second was completed. By 9 o'clock that night the division of General Howard and my brigade had obtained possession of the town, the former taking the right of the line and the latter the left. The whole of the 12th of December into the night was occupied in crossing the army, and on the morning of the 13th the battle began and continued at intervals until darkness set in. During a considerable portion of that day, while the attacks upon the enemy's center, known as Marye's Heights, were being made, General George W. Getty, my division commander, and myself were on the roof of the Slaughter house, a high residence at the lower end of the city, named after its owner. From this prominent position our repeated repulses and the terrible destruction of the Union troops had been witnessed. At about half-past 3 o'clock the order came for General Getty's Third Division of the Ninth Corps to make an attack upon that part of the enemy's line to the left of where the princ
James A. Hardie (search for this): chapter 2.19
g one of the largest armies of modern times. But a solemn sense of duty, and a humane desire to save further useless slaughter, convinced me that any sacrifice of self ought to be made in the interest of the men who were fighting our battles. I arrived at the Phillips house about :11 o'clock to learn that I had probably passed General Burnside on the road, who had gone to perfect the details for a second attack. Those present at the Phillips house were Generals Sumner, Hooker, Franklin, Hardie, and Colonel Taylor. I made a brief statement and explanation of the object of my mission, which deeply interested all present. They united in a desire that I should wait until the arrival of General Burnside, which occurred about 1 o'clock. As he came through the door he said: Well, it's all arranged; we attack at early dawn, the Ninth Corps in the center, which I shall lead in person ; and then seeing me he said: Hawkins, your brigade shall lead with the 9th New York on the right of the
J. H. Taylor (search for this): chapter 2.19
ery enthusiastic, said the battle would be won in forty-eight hours, and called for three cheers for the commander, which were given. The meeting ended, Colonel J. H. Taylor, assistant adjutant-general of the Right Grand Division,. and myself were standing together in the hall of the house, when General Burnside came along and will be the greatest slaughter of the war; there isn't infantry enough in our whole army to carry those heights if they are well defended. He then turned to Colonel Taylor and said, ;Colonel, what do you say about it? The response came quickly and was sufficiently definite, I quite agree with Colonel Hawkins. The carrying out on the road, who had gone to perfect the details for a second attack. Those present at the Phillips house were Generals Sumner, Hooker, Franklin, Hardie, and Colonel Taylor. I made a brief statement and explanation of the object of my mission, which deeply interested all present. They united in a desire that I should wait until
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