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William S. Williams (search for this): chapter 5.39
F. Potts, Capt. William M. Morris, Lieut.-Col. Jeff. J. Hibbets; 68th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. George E. Welles; 78th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. G. F. Wiles, Maj. John T. Rainey. Third Brigade, Col. Adam G. Malloy: 17th Wis., Lieut.-Col. Thomas McMahon, Maj. Donald D. Scott; Worden's Battalion (detachments 14th Wis., and 81st and 95th Ill.), Maj. Asa Worden. Artillery, Chiefs of corps artillery: Maj. Thomas D. Maurice, Lieut.-Col. Albert M. Powell, Maj. John T. Cheney, Capt. Edward Spear. Jr. Capt. William S. Williams: D, 1st Ill., Capt. Edgar H. Cooper; H, 1st Mich., Capt. Marcus D. Elliott, Lieut. William Justin; 3d Ohio, Lieut. John Sullivan. Fourth division, Brig.-Gen. Walter Q. Gresham, Col. William Hall, Brig.-Gen. Giles A. Smith. First Brigade, Col. William L. Sanderson, Col. Benjamin F. Potts: 32d Ill. (transferred to Second Brigade July 18th), Col. John Logan, Lieut.-Col. George H. English; 23d Ind., Lieut.-Col. William P. Davis, Lieut.-Col. George S. Babbitt; 53d Ind., Lieut.-Col.
W. M. Neyland (search for this): chapter 5.39
R. B. Young, Brig.-Gen. H. B. Granbury: 6th and 15th Tex., Capt. R. Fisher, Capt. M. M. Houston, Capt. J. W. Terrill, Capt. R. B. Tyus, Capt. S. E. Rice, Lieut. T. L. Flint; 7th Tex., Capt. J. H. Collett, Capt. C. E. Talley, Capt. J. W. Brown; 10th Tex., Col. R. Q. Mills, Capt. J. A. Formwalt, Lieut.-Col. R. B. Young; 17th and 18th Tex. (dismounted cavalry), Capt. G. D. Manion, Capt. William H. Perry, Capt. F. L. McKnight; 24th and 25th Tex. (dismounted cavalry), Col. F. C. Wilkes, Lieut.-Col. W. M. Neyland, Maj. W. A. Taylor. Walker's division, Discontinued July 24th, Jackson's brigade being consolidated with Gist's, and transferred to Cheatham's division; Stevens's brigade went to Bate's division, and Mercer's brigade to Cleburne's division. Maj.-Gen. W. H. T. Walker, Brig.-Gen. H. W. Mercer. Escort: Capt. T. G. Holt. Jackson's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. John R. Jackson: 5th Ga., Transferred with General Jackson to Savannah July 3d. Col. C. P. Daniel; 47th Ga., Transferre
Alexander C. Little (search for this): chapter 5.39
rst Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Giles A. Smith, Col. James S. Martin, Col. Theodore Jones: 55th Ill., Joined from veteran furlough June 16th. Lieut.-Col. Theodore C. Chandler, Capt. Jacob M. Augustin, Capt. Francis H. Shaw, Capt. Cyrus M. Browne; 111th Ill., Transferred to Second Brigade August 4th. Col. James S. Martin, Maj. William M. Mabry, Col. J. S. Martin; 116th Ill., Lieut.-Col. Anderson Froman, Capt. Thomas White, Capt. John S. Windsor; 127th Ill., Lieut.-Col. Frank S. Curtiss, Capt. Alexander C. Little, Lieut.-Col. F. S. Curtiss,Capt. Charles Schryver; 6th Mo., Lieut.-Col. Delos Van Deusen; 8th Mo., Four companies relieved for muster-out June :16th, and five companies June 25th, Company K remaining. Lieut.-Col. David C. Coleman, Capt. Hugh Neill, Capt. John W. White; 57th Ohio, Col. Americus V. Rice, Lieut.-Col. Samuel R. Mott. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. J. A. J. Lightburn, Col. Wells S. Jones, Brig.-Gen. J. A. J. Lightburn, Col. Wells S. Jones, Brig.-Gen. J. A. J. Lightburn,
W. C. Richards (search for this): chapter 5.39
t.-Col. T. P. Shaw, Maj. J. L. White, Capt. T. W. Getzen, Capt. E. W. Horne, Col. T. P. Shaw. Tucker's (or Sharp's) Brigade, Brig.-Gen. W. F. Tucker, Brig.-Gen. Jacob H. Sharp: 7th Miss., Lieut.-Col. B. F. Johns, Col. W. H. Bishop; 9th Miss., Capt. S. S. Calhoun, Lieut.-Col. B. F. Johns; 10th Miss., Capt. R. A. Bell, Lieut.-Col. G. B. Myers; 41st Miss., Col. Byrd Williams, Capt. J. M. Hicks; 44th Miss., Col. Jacob H. Sharp, Lieut.-Col. R. G. Kelsey; 9th Miss. Battalion Sharp-shooters, Maj. W. C. Richards, Lieut. J. B. Downing. Walthall's (or Brantly's) Brigade, Brig.-Gen. E. C. Walthall, Col. Samuel Benton, Brig.-Gen. W. F. Brantly: 24th and 27th Miss. Col. Samuel Benton, Col. R. P. McKelvaine, Lieut.-Col. W. L. Lyles; 29th and 30th Miss., Col. W. F. Brantly, Lieut.-Col. J. M. Johnson, Maj. W. G. Reynolds; 34th Miss., Capt. T. S. Hubbard, Col. Samuel Benton, Captain T. S. Hubbard. Stevenson's division, Major.-Gen. C. L. Stevenson. Escort, Capt. T. B. Wilson. Brown's Brigade,
James Mooney (search for this): chapter 5.39
's Sd Batt'n), Capt. Robert P. Barry; 18th U. S. (8 co's 1st and 3d Batt'ns), Capt. George W. Smith, Capt. Lyman M. Kellogg, Capt. Robert B. Hull; 18th U. S. (2d Batt'n), Capt. William J. Fetterman; 19th U. S. (1st Batt'n and A, 2d Batt'n), Capt. James Mooney, Capt. Lewis Wilson, Capt. Egbert Phelps, Capt. James Mooney. Third Brigade, Col. Benjamin F. Scribner, Col. Josiah Given, Col. Marshall F. Moore: 37th Ind., Lieut.-Col. William D. Ward, Maj. Thomas V. Kimble, Lieut.-Col. William D. Ward; 3Capt. James Mooney. Third Brigade, Col. Benjamin F. Scribner, Col. Josiah Given, Col. Marshall F. Moore: 37th Ind., Lieut.-Col. William D. Ward, Maj. Thomas V. Kimble, Lieut.-Col. William D. Ward; 38th Ind., Lieut.-Col. Daniel F. Griffin; 21st Ohio, Col. James M. Neibling, Lieut.-Col. Arnold McMahan; 74th Ohio, Col. Josiah Given, Maj. Joseph Fisher, Col. Josiah Given; 78th Pa., Col. William Sir-well; 79th Pa., Joined from veteran furlough May 9th. Col. Henry A. Hambright, Maj. Michael H. Locher, Capt. John S. McBride, Maj. Michael H. Locher; 1st Wis., Lieut.-Col. George B. Bingham. Artillery, See also artillery brigade of corps. Capt. Lucius H. Drury: C, 1st Ill., Capt. Mark I. Presc
W. P. Milton (search for this): chapter 5.39
Jennings; 18th Tenn., Lieut.-Col. W. R. Butler, Maj. William 11. Joyner; 26th Tenn., Capt. A. F. Boggess, Col. R. M. Saffell; 32d Tenn., Col. Ed. C. Cook, Maj. J. P. McGuire, Capt. C. G. Tucker, Maj. J. P. McGuire; 45th and 23d (battalion) Tenn., Col. A. Searcy. Cumming's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Alfred Cumming, Col. C. M. Shelley: 34th Ga., Maj. J. M. Jackson, Capt. W. A. Walker, Maj. J. M. Jackson, Capt. 11. A. Jones; 36th Ga., Col. C. E. Broyles; 39th Ga., Lieut.-Col. J. F. B. Jackson, Capt. W. P. Milton; 56th Ga., Col. E. P. Watkins, Capt. J. A. Grice, Capt. B. T. Spearman; 2d Ga. (State troops), Col. J. B. Willcoxson, Capt. Seaborn Saffold. Reynolds's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. A. W. Reynolds, Col. R. C. Trigg, Col. John B. Palmer: 58th N. C., Maj. T. J. Dula, Capt. S. M. Silver; 60th N. C., Lieut.-Col. J. T. Weaver, Col. W. M. Hardy, Lieut.-Col. J. T. Weaver; 54th Va., Col. R. C. Trigg, Lieut.-Col. J. J. Wade, Capt. W. G. Anderson, Col. R. C. Trigg; 63d Va., Capt. C. H. Lynch. Pettus's Bri
William Smyth (search for this): chapter 5.39
Brig.-Gen. C. R. Woods, Col. Milo Smith: 26th Iowa, Col. Milo Smith, Lieut.-Col. Thomas G. Ferreby, Col. Milo Smith, Lieut.-Col. T. G. Ferreby; 30th Iowa, Lieut.-Col. Aurelius Roberts; 27th Mo., Col. Thomas Curly, Maj. Dennis O'Connor, Col. Thomas Curly; 76th Ohio, Col. William B. Woods. Second Brigade, Col. James A. Williamson: 4th Iowa, Lieut.-Col. Samuel D. Nichols, Capt. Randolph Sry; 9th Iowa, Col. David Carskaddon, Maj. George Granger; 25th Iowa, Col. George A. Stone; 31st Iowa, Col. William Smyth. Third Brigade, Col. Hugo Wangelin: 3d Mo., Col. Theodore Meumann; 12th Mo., Lieut.-Col. Jacob Kaercher, Maj. F. T. Ledergerber; 17th Mo., Maj. Francis Romer; 29th Mo., Lieut.-Col. Joseph S. Gage, Maj. Philip H. Murphy, Col. J. S. Gage; 31st Mo., Lieut.-Col. Samuel P. Simpson, Maj. Frederick Jaensch, Lieut.-Col. S. P. Simpson; 32d Mo., Capt. Charles C. Bland, Maj. Abraham J. Seay. Artillery, Chiefs of corps artillery: Major C. J. Stolbrand, Major Allen C. Waterhouse, Major Thomas D.
Charles E. Winegar (search for this): chapter 5.39
82d Ohio, Lieut.-Col. David Thomson; 31st Wis., Joined July 21st. Col. Francis H. West. Artillery, Major John A. Reynolds, chief of corps artillery; see, also, artillery brigade of the corps. Capt. John D. Woodbury: I, 1st N. Y., Lieut. Charles E. Winegar; am, 1st N. Y., Capt. J. D. Woodbury. Second division, Brig.-Gen. John W. Geary. First Brigade, Col. Charles Candy, Col. Ario Pardee, Jr.: 5th Ohio, Col. John H. Patrick, Lieut.-Col. Robert L. Kilpatrick, Maj. Henry E. Symmes, Capt.inkler. Artillery, Capt. Marco B. Gary: I, 1st Mich., Capt. Luther R. Smith; C, 1st Ohio, Lieut. Jerome B. Stephens. artillery Brigade (organized July 27th), Maj. John A. Reynolds. I, 1st Mich., Capt. Luther R. Smith; I, 1st N. Y., Capt. Charles E. Winegar; M, 1st N. Y., Capt. John D. Woodbury; 13th N. Y., Capt. Henry Bundy; C, 1st Ohio, Lieut. Jerome B. Stephens, Capt. Marco B. Gary; E, Pa., Lieut. Thomas S. Sloan. unattached troops. Reserve Brigade, Col. Joseph W. Burke, Col. Heber
William D. Ward (search for this): chapter 5.39
am J. Fetterman; 19th U. S. (1st Batt'n and A, 2d Batt'n), Capt. James Mooney, Capt. Lewis Wilson, Capt. Egbert Phelps, Capt. James Mooney. Third Brigade, Col. Benjamin F. Scribner, Col. Josiah Given, Col. Marshall F. Moore: 37th Ind., Lieut.-Col. William D. Ward, Maj. Thomas V. Kimble, Lieut.-Col. William D. Ward; 38th Ind., Lieut.-Col. Daniel F. Griffin; 21st Ohio, Col. James M. Neibling, Lieut.-Col. Arnold McMahan; 74th Ohio, Col. Josiah Given, Maj. Joseph Fisher, Col. Josiah Given; 78th Pa.Lieut.-Col. William D. Ward; 38th Ind., Lieut.-Col. Daniel F. Griffin; 21st Ohio, Col. James M. Neibling, Lieut.-Col. Arnold McMahan; 74th Ohio, Col. Josiah Given, Maj. Joseph Fisher, Col. Josiah Given; 78th Pa., Col. William Sir-well; 79th Pa., Joined from veteran furlough May 9th. Col. Henry A. Hambright, Maj. Michael H. Locher, Capt. John S. McBride, Maj. Michael H. Locher; 1st Wis., Lieut.-Col. George B. Bingham. Artillery, See also artillery brigade of corps. Capt. Lucius H. Drury: C, 1st Ill., Capt. Mark I. Prescott; 1, 1st Ohio, Capt. Hubert Dilger. Second division, Brig.-Gen. Jefferson C. Davis, Brig.-Gen. James D. Morgan, Brig.-Gen. Jefferson C. Davis. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Jame
G. W. Gordon (search for this): chapter 5.39
rp, Lieut.-Col. F. E. P. Stafford; 33d Tenn., Col. W. P. Jones, Maj. R. N. Payne, Capt. W. F. Marberry; 41st Tenn., Lieut.-Col. James D. Tillman, Capt. A. M. Kieth. Vaughan's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. A. J. Vaughan, Jr., Col. M. Magevney, Jr., Brig.-Gen. G. W. Gordon: 11th Tenn., Col. G. W. Gordon, Maj. J. E. Burns; 12th and 47th Tenn., Col. W. M. Watkins, Capt. W. S. Moore, Lieut.-Col. V. G. Wynne; 29th Tenn., Col. Horace Rice; 13th and 154th Tenn., Col. M. Magevney, Jr., Lieut.-Col. B. L. Dyer, ColCol. G. W. Gordon, Maj. J. E. Burns; 12th and 47th Tenn., Col. W. M. Watkins, Capt. W. S. Moore, Lieut.-Col. V. G. Wynne; 29th Tenn., Col. Horace Rice; 13th and 154th Tenn., Col. M. Magevney, Jr., Lieut.-Col. B. L. Dyer, Col. M. Magevney, Jr. Cleburne's division, Maj.-Gen. P. R. Cleburne, Brig.-Gen. M. P. Lowrey. Escort, Capt. C. F. Sanders. Polk's Brigade, Broken up in July and regiments assigned to other brigades. Brig.-Gen. Lucius E. Polk: 1st and 15th Ark., Col. J. W. Colquitt, Lieut.-Col. W, H. Martin, Capt. F. G. Lusk, Capt. W. H. Scales; 5th Confederate, Capt. W. A. Brown, Maj. R. J. Person, Capt. A. A. Cox; 2d Tenn., Col. W. D. Robison, Capt. Isaac P. Thompson; 35th and 48th Tenn., Capt. H. G.
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