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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
the Embassadors to British custody, 164. enemies of the Republic hopeful, 165. the Government strengthened, 166. the Burnside expedition a terrible storm, 167. the expedition at Hatteras Inlet, 168. the Confederates on Roanoke Island, 169. arts, and tugs, and about sixteen thousand troops, mostly recruited in New England, composed the expedition. General Ambrose Everett Burnside, an Indianian by birth, a West Point graduate, 1847. and a resident of Rhode Island when Louis M. Goldsbothat perilous passage, and in making full preparations for moving forward over the still waters of Pamlico Sound. General Burnside (whose Headquarters were on the S. R. Spaulding) with his officers and men had been unwearied in their assistance of very accurate knowledge of the force that was coming. With the logic furnished by the nature of the coasts and Ambrose E. Burnside. waters of Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds, and the points in their vicinity which it was evident the Nationals inten
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 8: the siege and capture of Fort Donelson. (search)
America in the Paris Moniteur, at about the time we are considering. Speaking of the capture of Roanoke Island, and of Elizabeth City, in Eastern North Carolina Feb., 1862. the writer observed: The Federal army landed, and proceeded toward Elizabeth City, which it found evacuated and burned by the Southern troops. From there a detachment advanced as far as the Tennessee River, and thus occupies the principal road between Memphis and Columbus. This movement establishes the troops of General Burnside in the rear of the great army of the Potomac. Elizabeth City, on the Atlantic coast, and the Tennessee River, at the point indicated, are fully 750 miles apart, in an air line, and at least 1,200 miles by any route troops might be taken. to satisfy the ruling class that it was of no military importance whatever. In that effort the Commissioners failed. At Richmond the fall of Fort Donelson caused emotions of mingled anger and dismay. The loss of Roanoke Island, a few days before,
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 12: operations on the coasts of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. (search)
d took military possession of New Berne. General Burnside made the fine old mansion of the Stanley be considered hereafter. Mr. Colyer was with Burnside's expedition for the two-fold purpose of diste administered the duties of his office under Burnside there, colored men built three first-class eat, and 400 stand of arms.--See Reports of General Burnside and Commodore Lockwood, April 27, 1862. ort Macon very much in the condition in which Burnside observed it when he entered it, excepting the Norfolk. This occupation so widely dispersed Burnside's troops, which at no time numbered more thane four months of his campaign in that region, Burnside Operations in Burnside's Department. had eBurnside's Department. had exhibited those traits of character that marked him as an energetic, sagacious, and judicious command life, will be considered hereafter. While Burnside and Rowan were operating A blockade-runner.ach; Lyon and Lincoln, three columbiads each; Burnside, one heavy mortar; Sherman, three heavy morta[11 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 14: movements of the Army of the Potomac.--the Monitor and Merrimack. (search)
klin were placed, the General-in-Chief curtly remarked, You are entitled to have any opinion you please. When the President asked McClellan C what and when any thing could be done, the latter replied, with more force than courtesy, that the case was so clear that a blind man could see it; and then spoke of the difficulty of ascertaining what force he could count upon; that he did not know whether he could let General Butler go to Ship Island, See page 324. or whether he could re-enforce Burnside. See page 315. To the direct question of the Secretary of the Treasury, to the effect as to what he intended doing with his army, and where he intended doing, McClellan answered, that the movements in Kentucky were to precede any from Washington. McDowell's Notes. This part of the plan of the General-in-Chief (the movements in the West) was soon gloriously carried out, as we have already observed; and before the Army of the Potomac had fairly inaugurated its campaign, in the spring of
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 15: the Army of the Potomac on the Virginia Peninsula. (search)
ecided to take that route to Richmond, urged the Government to allow him to attempt the capture of Norfolk, and thus make the breaking up of the blockade of the James an easy matter. But it was not until after the evacuation of Yorktown, when President Lincoln and Secretaries Chase and Stanton visited Fortress Monroe, that his suggestions were favorably considered. He then renewed his recommendations; and when, on the 8th, May, 1862. he received positive information that Huger (who, with Burnside in his rear and McClellan on his flank, saw that his position was untenable) was preparing to evacuate that post, orders were given for an immediate attempt to seize Sewell's Point, and march on Norfolk. Arrangements were made with Commodore Goldsborough to co-operate; and a large number of troops were embarked on transports then lying in Hampton Roads. Goldsborough attacked the Confederate batteries on the point, which replied with spirit. The Merrimack came out to assist McClellan's
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 16: the Army of the Potomac before Richmond. (search)
he Confederates, out. numbered, fell rapidly back, keenly pursued. They lost seven hundred and thirty of their men made prisoners, and left two hundred dead on the field. They also lost one howitzer, a caisson, many small arms, two railway trains, and their camp at Hanover Court-House. The troops thus smitten were of the division of General L. O'B. Branch, composed chiefly of men from North Carolina and Georgia. These had been ordered to Virginia after Branch's defeat at New Berne, by Burnside. The National loss was three hundred and fifty. At two o'clock the next morning May 28, 1862. McClellan telegraphed to the Secretary of War that Porter had gained a truly glorious victory with his magnificent division --not a defeat, 28, but a complete rout --and that he had cut all but the Richmond and Fredericksburg Railroad. He expressed his belief that the Confederates were concentrating every thing on Richmond, and that Washington was in no danger; and he told the War Minister that
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 17: Pope's campaign in Virginia. (search)
t-general's office reported the total of the Army of the Potomac, exclusive of General Wool's command, and a force under Burnside that had been ordered from North Carolina, 158,314, of whom 101,691 were present and fit for duty. The Government wasd to assume control of all the vast fleets of war-vessels and transports on the James River and Chesapeake Bay. Already Burnside's army, which had been ordered from North Carolina, as we have observed, See page 315. and was at Newport-Newce, had rtunity to recover what he had lost by disastrous slowness and indecision, the Government, when on the 17th he asked for Burnside's entire army in North Carolina to be sent to him, complied with his request. He dreaded, he said, the effect of any resed of the divisions of Longstreet, two brigades under Hood, and Stuart's cavalry. Pope was joined by eight thousand of Burnside's soldiers under General Reno, and other troops under General King; and ten regiments under General Stevens, that had ju
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 18: Lee's invasion of Maryland, and his retreat toward Richmond. (search)
omposed of his own and the forces of Pope and Burnside, numbered a little more than eighty-seven tho under a heavy fire of artillery charged upon Burnside's extreme left, and after severe fighting, inlate in the evening of the 7th, at which time Burnside was in the tent of the chief. Twice before the command of that army had been offered to Burnside, who came from North Carolina with the presti down the river to prevent such movement; and Burnside felt satisfied that he might successfully makers was held on the evening of the 12th, when Burnside submitted his plan of attack the next morningon the left that day. Its lines extended from Burnside's Headquarters, at the Phillips house, acrossssness of the enterprise, that he hastened to Burnside and begged him to desist from further attacks. Burnside would not yield, so Humphrey's division, four thousand strong, was sent out from the cit officers and men distrusted his ability, yet Burnside did not stop to offer excuses, Burnside an[36 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 21: slavery and Emancipation.--affairs in the Southwest. (search)
ed his communications most seriously. But during that time the Army of the Cumberland was not wholly idle. From it went out important expeditions in various directions, which we shall consider hereafter. We have now taken note of the most important military operations of the war to the close of 1862, excepting some along the Atlantic coast after the capture of Fort Pulaski, the land and naval expedition down the coasts of Georgia and Florida, in the spring of 1862, and the departure of Burnside from North Carolina in July following, to join the Army of the Potomac. See chapter XII. The immediately succeeding events along that coast were so intimately connected with the long siege of Charleston, that it seems proper to consider them as a part of that memorable event. Let us now take a brief view of civil affairs having connection with military events, and observe what the Confederate armed vessels were doing in the mean time. The second session of the Thirty-seventh Congre