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Orange County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
lliam up with a round turn; to tell him that, politically, he is a humbug, and that, practically, he is a felon. Any disreputable corsair can write to Mr. Cass. Gentlemen of a burglarious turn of mind, sent to a seclusion from this wicked world, may open a correspondence with Mr. Secretary. Pens, ink, paper, three-penny stamps are among the commonest and cheapest of conveniences. William may write and so may we. It is in our power to send word to the Secretary that we have subjugated Orange county, in the State of New York, and that hereafter in that bailiwick the jurisdiction of the United States will not be acknowledged. Perhaps our letter, however, would not be telegraphed to the morning papers. Therein William has the advantage of us. Beaten, expelled, exiled, ruined, dethroned, he can still write to the Government of the United States. So much for having re-established Slavery where it had been abolished. The Republic of Nicaragua, according to William, is the Republic
New York State (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
rn; to tell him that, politically, he is a humbug, and that, practically, he is a felon. Any disreputable corsair can write to Mr. Cass. Gentlemen of a burglarious turn of mind, sent to a seclusion from this wicked world, may open a correspondence with Mr. Secretary. Pens, ink, paper, three-penny stamps are among the commonest and cheapest of conveniences. William may write and so may we. It is in our power to send word to the Secretary that we have subjugated Orange county, in the State of New York, and that hereafter in that bailiwick the jurisdiction of the United States will not be acknowledged. Perhaps our letter, however, would not be telegraphed to the morning papers. Therein William has the advantage of us. Beaten, expelled, exiled, ruined, dethroned, he can still write to the Government of the United States. So much for having re-established Slavery where it had been abolished. The Republic of Nicaragua, according to William, is the Republic of Walker. Although the
Nicaragua (Nicaragua) (search for this): chapter 11
Be it known to all people, then, that the present and perpetual Executive of the Republic of Nicaragua is now a wanderer and an exile; but, whether with or without the pomps of power and the modes,n that Mr. Cass intends to prevent his return, with his companions, to his own Principality of Nicaragua. He is still more hurt to learn that there is a rumor that he designs to violate the Neutralies. So much for having re-established Slavery where it had been abolished. The Republic of Nicaragua, according to William, is the Republic of Walker. Although the last vestige of his authority lk. How shall we with ordinary patience treat this bit of brazen assumption? If the people of Nicaragua are his admirers, and passionately desire to have him once more ruling over them, why, in the gnation, the idea that he intends any violation of our laws. But how does he propose to go to Nicaragua? Solitary and alone? Unarmed? We fancy not. He can only depart for that country from these s
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 11
s a rumor that he designs to violate the Neutrality Laws — popularly supposed in the least well-informed parts of the United States to be still in existence. Now, in spite of his palaver, it is necessary to bring this marauding William up with a have subjugated Orange county, in the State of New York, and that hereafter in that bailiwick the jurisdiction of the United States will not be acknowledged. Perhaps our letter, however, would not be telegraphed to the morning papers. Therein William has the advantage of us. Beaten, expelled, exiled, ruined, dethroned, he can still write to the Government of the United States. So much for having re-established Slavery where it had been abolished. The Republic of Nicaragua, according to Wration with which Walker regards the Neutrality Laws of this country. He, the exiled Nicaraguan, is the guest of the United States; and can he possibly disregard its statutes? We do not know. We are afraid he will, if he can. Before he became a N
Lewis Cass (search for this): chapter 11
ing the stern persistence which can maintain itself under such circumstances? The king is dead — long live the king! Sweet William has written to the lion. Lewis Cass — at this moment, unless dead, our Secretary of State--upon terms of equality, and as one great functionary should write to another. William appears to consideary of State near him just about this time, and thus he is compelled to discard etiquette and to communicate in propria persona. He is quite pained to learn that Mr. Cass intends to prevent his return, with his companions, to his own Principality of Nicaragua. He is still more hurt to learn that there is a rumor that he designs trauding William up with a round turn; to tell him that, politically, he is a humbug, and that, practically, he is a felon. Any disreputable corsair can write to Mr. Cass. Gentlemen of a burglarious turn of mind, sent to a seclusion from this wicked world, may open a correspondence with Mr. Secretary. Pens, ink, paper, three-pen
Themistocles (search for this): chapter 11
ernor, and is not, by reason of his truancy from his dominion lessened in his authority by the ninth part of a hair. Are we not right in admiring the stern persistence which can maintain itself under such circumstances? The king is dead — long live the king! Sweet William has written to the lion. Lewis Cass — at this moment, unless dead, our Secretary of State--upon terms of equality, and as one great functionary should write to another. William appears to consider himself a modern Themistocles, quite entitled to what he calls the rights of hospitality. He does not happen to have a Secretary of State near him just about this time, and thus he is compelled to discard etiquette and to communicate in propria persona. He is quite pained to learn that Mr. Cass intends to prevent his return, with his companions, to his own Principality of Nicaragua. He is still more hurt to learn that there is a rumor that he designs to violate the Neutrality Laws — popularly supposed in the least w<
William Walker (search for this): chapter 11
abilities of the curliest serpentine order. We have said many things sharp and severe of Mr. William Walker, the distinguished pirate. If our memory serves us, we have held him up to the public as thought that if it were right to hang anybody, it would be eminently fit and proper to hang William Walker. We beg pardon of our readers for this mistake. We have not understood William. We havere it had been abolished. The Republic of Nicaragua, according to William, is the Republic of Walker. Although the last vestige of his authority has disappeared in that State--although he is neithecretary of State? Nothing strikes us more forcibly than the eminent consideration with which Walker regards the Neutrality Laws of this country. He, the exiled Nicaraguan, is the guest of the Uniieves that they intend to purloin upon quite legal and Christian principles. The crime of which Walker professes such an abhorrence, he committed, as all the world knows, in 1853. And he will commit
kes us more forcibly than the eminent consideration with which Walker regards the Neutrality Laws of this country. He, the exiled Nicaraguan, is the guest of the United States; and can he possibly disregard its statutes? We do not know. We are afraid he will, if he can. Before he became a Nicaraguan, he was, if our memory serves us, a Lower Californian and a Sonorian. He repels with scorn, and also with indignation, the idea that he intends any violation of our laws. But how does he propose to go to Nicaragua? Solitary and alone? Unarmed? We fancy not. He can only depart for that country from these shores with an armed retinue; and we do not place much confidence in the assertions of thieves that they intend to purloin upon quite legal and Christian principles. The crime of which Walker professes such an abhorrence, he committed, as all the world knows, in 1853. And he will commit it again, if he is allowed the opportunity. Let us have no more nonsense! November 10, 18517.
November 10th (search for this): chapter 11
es us more forcibly than the eminent consideration with which Walker regards the Neutrality Laws of this country. He, the exiled Nicaraguan, is the guest of the United States; and can he possibly disregard its statutes? We do not know. We are afraid he will, if he can. Before he became a Nicaraguan, he was, if our memory serves us, a Lower Californian and a Sonorian. He repels with scorn, and also with indignation, the idea that he intends any violation of our laws. But how does he propose to go to Nicaragua? Solitary and alone? Unarmed? We fancy not. He can only depart for that country from these shores with an armed retinue; and we do not place much confidence in the assertions of thieves that they intend to purloin upon quite legal and Christian principles. The crime of which Walker professes such an abhorrence, he committed, as all the world knows, in 1853. And he will commit it again, if he is allowed the opportunity. Let us have no more nonsense! November 10, 18517.