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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 20: a brave officer's mortification.--history set right. (search)
istant Engineers, A. W. Morley, G. W. W. Dove, R. B. Plotts and C. E. Emery; Acting-Master's Mate, J. R. Howell; Boatswain, J. L. Choate; Gunner, James Thayer; Carpenter, H. L. Dixon; Sailmaker, H. T. Stocker. Steamer Sciota. Lieutenant Commanding, Edw. Donaldson; Acting-Masters, G. P. Foster and A. McFarland; Assistant Surgeon, G. H. E. Baumgarten; Second-Assistant Engineer, C. E. De Valin; Third-Assistant Engineers, H. M. Quig, A. H. Price and Edward Curtis; Acting-Masters' Mates, John Staples and G. O. Taylor. Steamer Sachem. Acting-Masters, L. G. Crane and Robert Tarr; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, G. H. Van Deusen; Acting-Third-Assistant Engineer, P. P. Staat; Acting-Masters' Mate, W. L. Pavy. Steamer Varuna. Commander, Chas. S. Boggs; Lieutenant, C. H. Swasey; Acting-Masters, J. D. Childs and Ezra Leonard; Acting-Masters' Mates, S. H. Bevins and H. D. Foster; Gunner, T. H. Fortune. Steamer Winona. Commander, Edward T. Nichols; Lieutenant, John G. Walker; Act