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Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) 942 140 Browse Search
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Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) 457 125 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington. Search the whole document.

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Williamsburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
k's 36 183 -- 219 4th Kentucky Trabue's Breckenridge's 30 183 -- 213 4th Louisiana Gibson's Ruggles's 24 163 22 209 154th Tennessee B. R. Johnson's Cheatham's 25 163 11 199 27th Tennessee Wood's Hardee's 27 105 48 180 33d Tennessee Stewart's Clark's 20 103 17 140 9th Arkansas Bowen's Breckenridge's 17 115 -- 132 Crescent Reg't (La.) Pond's Ruggles's 23 84 20 127 18th Alabama J. K. Jackson's Withers's 20 80 20 120 13th Arkansas Stewart's Clark's 25 72 3 100 Williamsburg, Va.             May 5, 1862.             24th Virginia Early's D. H. Hill's 30 93 66 189 11th Virginia A. P. Hill's Longstreet's 26 105 3 134 19th Mississippi Wilcox's Longstreet's 15 85 -- 100 7th Virginia A. P. Hill's Longstreet's 13 64 -- 77 9th Alabama Wilcox's Longstreet's 10 45 6 61 McDowell, Va.             May 8, 1862.             12th Georgia ---------- E. Johnson's 35 140 -- 175 25th Virginia ---------- E. Johnson's 7 65 -- 72 58t
Thompson's Station (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
148 29th Tennessee Smith's Cheatham's 27 82 -- 109 32d Alabama Adams's Breckenridge's 21 86 21 128 2d Arkansas Liddell's Cleburne's 15 94 9 118 2d Arkansas Rifles McNair's McCown's 10 99 11 120 10th South Carolina Anderson's Withers's 16 91 2 109 10th Texas Cav'y (dismounted) Ector's McCown's 10 93 15 118 Arkansas Post, Ark.             Jan. 11, 1863.             24th Texas ---------- ---------- 12 17 25 54 6th Texas ---------- ---------- 8 24 21 53 Thompson's Station, Tenn.             March 5, 1863.             1st Texas Legion ---------- ---------- 11 59 7 77 4th Mississippi ---------- ---------- 9 37 -- 46 Chancellorsville, Va.             May 1-3, 1863.             37th North Carolina Lane's A. P. Hill's 34 193 -- 227 2d North Carolina Ramseur's D. H. Hill's 47 167 -- 214 13th North Carolina Pender's A. P. Hill's 31 178 7 216 3d North Carolina Colston's Trimble's 38 141 17 196 22d North Ca
Pea Ridge, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
neral Francis S. Bartow Killed at First Bull Run. Brigadier-General Felix K. Zollicoffer Killed at Mill Springs. Brigadier-General Ben. McCulloch Killed at Pea Ridge. Brigadier-General James McIntosh Killed at Pea Ridge. Brigadier-General William Y. Slack Mortally wounded. Killed at Pea Ridge Brigadier-General AdlPea Ridge. Brigadier-General William Y. Slack Mortally wounded. Killed at Pea Ridge Brigadier-General Adley H. Gladden Mortally wounded. Killed at Shiloh. Brigadier-General Robert Hatton Killed at Fair Oaks. Brigadier-General Turner Ashby Killed at Harrisonburg. Brigadier-General Richard Griffith Mortally wounded. Killed at Savage Station. Brigadier-General Charles S. Winder Killed at Cedar Mountain. Brigadier-GenPea Ridge Brigadier-General Adley H. Gladden Mortally wounded. Killed at Shiloh. Brigadier-General Robert Hatton Killed at Fair Oaks. Brigadier-General Turner Ashby Killed at Harrisonburg. Brigadier-General Richard Griffith Mortally wounded. Killed at Savage Station. Brigadier-General Charles S. Winder Killed at Cedar Mountain. Brigadier-General Samuel Garland, Jr Killed at South Mountain. Brigadier-General George B. Anderson Mortally wounded. Killed at Antietam. Brigadier-General L. O'B. Branch Killed at Antietam. Brigadier-General William E. Starke Killed at Antietam. Brigadier-General Henry Little Killed at Iuka. Brigadier-General Thomas R. Cobb K
Ox Hill (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
Tennessee Stone's River Cheatham's 377 36 155 16 54.9 4th North Carolina Seven Pines D. H. Hill's 678 77 286 6 54.4 27th Tennessee Shiloh Hardee's 350 27 115 48 54.2 23d Tennessee Chickamauga Buckner's 181 8 77 13 54.1 12th South Carolina Manassas A. P. Hill's 270 23 121 2 54.0 4th Virginia Manassas Jackson's 180 18 79 -- 53.8 4th Texas Antietam Hood's 200 10 97 -- 53.5 27th Tennessee Chaplin Hills Cleburne's 210 16 84 12 53.3 1st South Carolina Manassas Including Ox Hill (Chantilly). A. P. Hill's 283 25 126 -- 53.3 49th Virginia Fair Oaks D. H. Hill's 424 32 170 22 52.8 29th Mississippi Chickamauga Liddell's 368 38 156 -- 52.7 12th Alabama Fair Oaks D. H. Hill's 408 59 156 -- 52.6 7th South Carolina Antietam McLaws's 268 23 117 -- 52.2 58th Alabama Chickamauga Stewart's 288 25 124 -- 51.7 7th Texas Raymond John Gregg's 306 22 136 -- 51.6 6th South Carolina Fair Oaks D. H. Hill's 521 88 181 -- 51.6 15th Georgia Gettysburg Hood's 335 1
Maine (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
Joseph W., quoted 24, 525, 530 Last battle of the war, date of 462 Light Artillery, maximum of losses in 7, 462, 463 Lee, Gen. Robert E., order concerning casualty reports 559 Light batteries of Regular Army 7 Light batteries, average strength in action 462 Light batteries, loss in horses 463 Light Brigade, at Balaklava, loss of 37 List of regiments in Union Army, with losses 467 Longstreet's Division, loss at Seven Days Battle 558 Love, William D., quoted 44 Maine regiments, tabulation of, with loss in each 467 Maryland regiments, tabulation of, with loss in each 489 Maryland regiments, duplication of titles 490 Mahan, Alfred T., quoted 537 Manning, Colonel V. H., official report at Gettysburg 559 Masonic Lodge, Tenth New York 478 Massachusetts regiments, tabulation of, with loss in each 469 Maximum of killed in regiments 3 Maximum size of regimental organization 5 Maximum of regimental loss in battles 17 Maximum percenta
Cedar Mountain (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
30 150 -- 180 2d S. C. Rifles Anderson's Longstreet's 33 108 8 149 28th North Carolina Branch's A. P. Hill's 19 130 -- 149 37th North Carolina Branch's A. P. Hill's 27 111 -- 138 2d Florida Pryor's Longstreet's 23 114 -- 137 Cedar Mountain, Va.             August 9, 1862.             21st Virginia Jones's Jackson's 37 85 -- 122 42d Virginia Jones's Jackson's 36 71 -- 107 37th Virginia Taliaferro's Jackson's 12 76 -- 88 47th Virginia Taliaferro's Jackson's 12 76 -- igadier-General Robert Hatton Killed at Fair Oaks. Brigadier-General Turner Ashby Killed at Harrisonburg. Brigadier-General Richard Griffith Mortally wounded. Killed at Savage Station. Brigadier-General Charles S. Winder Killed at Cedar Mountain. Brigadier-General Samuel Garland, Jr Killed at South Mountain. Brigadier-General George B. Anderson Mortally wounded. Killed at Antietam. Brigadier-General L. O'B. Branch Killed at Antietam. Brigadier-General William E. S
Mechanicsville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
Louisiana Taylor's Ewell's 11 55 -- 66 44th Virginia Stewart's Ewell's 14 35 -- 49 Secessionville, S. C.             June 16, 1862.             1st S. C. Artillery Evans's ---------- 15 39 1 55 1st S. C. Battalion Charleston Battalion. Evans's ---------- 10 30 2 42 Oak Grove, Va.             June 25, 1862.             1st Louisiana Wright's Huger's 22 109 4 135 22d Georgia Wright's Huger's 10 77 2 89 48th North Carolina Ransom's Holmes's 18 70 -- 88 Mechanicsville, Va.             June 26, 1862.             44th Georgia Ripley's D. H. Hill's 71 264 -- 335 1st North Carolina Ripley's D. H. Hill's 36 105 1 142 Gaines's Mill, Va.             June 27, 1862.             1st S. C. Rifles Gregg's A. P. Hill's 81 234 4 319 20th North Carolina Garland's D. H. Hill's 70 202 -- 272 4th Texas Hood's Whiting's 44 208 1 253 14th South Carolina Gregg's A. P. Hill's 18 190 -- 208 38th Georgia La
Yazoo City (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
-clad. Losses in the Confederate Navy.--1861-65. Date. Vessel. Commander. Battle. Killed. Wounded. Missing. Total. 1862               Mch. 2-19 Virginia The Merrimac. Buchanan Hampton Roads 2 19   21 April 24 Gov. Moore Kennon New Orleans 57 17   Out of 93 on board, as stated by Commander Beverly Kennon, in the Century Magazine.74 May 10 General Price Hawthorne Plum Point, Miss. 2 1   3 May 15 Marine Corps Farrand Drewry's Bluff 7 9   16 July 15 Arkansas Brown Yazoo 10 15   25 July 22 Arkansas Brown Vicksburg 7 6   Out of a crew of 41.13 1863               Jan. 1 Bayou City Lubbock Galveston 12 70   82 Jan. 1 Neptune Bayley Galveston Jan. 11 Alabama Semmes Hatteras   1   1 Feb. 24 Queen of the West McCloskey Indianola 2 4   6 Feb. 24 C. S. Webb Pierce Indianola   1   1 June 17 Atlanta Webb Warsaw Sound   16   16 1864               Feb. 1 Boat Crews, C. S. N. Wood Underwriter 6 22 1 29 May
Champion's Hill (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
iam E. Starke Killed at Antietam. Brigadier-General Henry Little Killed at Iuka. Brigadier-General Thomas R. Cobb Killed at Fredericksburg. Brigadier-General Maxcy Gregg Killed at Fredericksburg. Brigadier-General James E. Rains Killed at Stone's River. Brigadier-General Roger W. Hanson Killed at Stone's River. Brigadier-General E. D. Tracy Killed at Port Gibson. Brigadier-General E. F. Paxton Killed at Chancellorsville. Brigadier-General Lloyd Tilghman Killed at Champion's Hill. Brigadier-General Martin E. Green Killed at Vicksburg Brigadier-General William Barksdale Killed at Gettysburg. Brigadier-General Lewis Armistead Killed at Gettysburg. Brigadier-General Richard B. Garnett Killed at Gettysburg. Brigadier-General Paul J. Semmes Mortally wounded. Killed at Gettysburg. Brigadier-General J. J. Pettigrew Mortally wounded. Killed at Falling Waters. Brigadier-General Preston Smith Killed at Chickamauga. Brigadier-General Benjamin
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
horses 463 Light Brigade, at Balaklava, loss of 37 List of regiments in Union Army, with losses 467 Longstreet's Division, loss at Seven Days Battle 558 Love, William D., quoted 44 Maine regiments, tabulation of, with loss in each 467 Maryland regiments, tabulation of, with loss in each 489 Maryland regiments, duplication of titles 490 Mahan, Alfred T., quoted 537 Manning, Colonel V. H., official report at Gettysburg 559 Masonic Lodge, Tenth New York 478 Massachusetts regiments, tabulation of, with loss in each 469 Maximum of killed in regiments 3 Maximum size of regimental organization 5 Maximum of regimental loss in battles 17 Maximum percentage of casualties in regiments 36 Maximum percentage of enrollment killed 8 Michigan regiments, tabulation of, with loss in each 510 Michigan Engineers, mention of 511 Michigan generals in the war 512 Michigan Cavalry Brigade 120 Military executions, number of 530 Military popula
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