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ove forward and protect this retreat, and Colonel Blenker's brigade was detached for this purpose, ommanding Fourth Brigade, First Division. Colonel Blenker, New York Volunteers, commanding First Brbattery and made several hundred yards of it. Blenker, with his pioneers, improved and extended the So soon as I completed my arrangements with Blenker, I visited Colonel Richardson; found him in peral engagement. As I was again returning to Blenker's position, I received the notice to telegrap) to the position on the Warrenton turnpike. Blenker's advance to that point was soon impeded by fe position, supported by the Garibaldi Guard; Blenker, with three regiments and the Fourth Pennsylvnd Infantry, Commanding Fifth division. Col. Blenker's report. Headquarters, First brigade,ders from me, and proceeded to Washington. Louis Blenker, Commander Brigade, Fifth Division. Cothe troops in action. The first brigade, Col. Blenker, occupied during the day the heights of Cen[12 more...]
ts of killed and wounded, if you have any fancy to publish them, and columns of letters from the soldiers, and pages of incidents of the battle which may be consulted by the curious; but there is a concurrence of testimony to the good conduct of Blenker's Germans, the 69th Irish, and the 79th Scotch. Capt. Meagher, indeed, I am told, yielded to the universal panic, and was seen on foot at Centreville making the best of his way towards Fort Corcoran, with exclamations which implied that for therom the pursuit which he did his best to avert. The journals, which at first boasted of the grand Union army of 45,000 men, are now anxious to show that only 20,000 were engaged. Why did the other 25,000 run away? The German regiment, under Col. Blenker, and perhaps some other corps, may have retired in good order, but eventually few withstood the ceaseless alarms. The rain, which commenced on Monday morning early, may have had much to do with the undisturbed retreat of the Federalists, as
who would hold and keep the fame of the nation unsullied to the end. I need not speak much in praise of the action of Blenker and the officers who served him so well. The events speak for them. Steady and watchful, he held his line throughout tf on parade, and as thoroughly at the will of their leader as if no danger had ever come near them. Over and over again Blenker begged permission to maintain his post, or even to advance. Retreat! said he to McDowell's messenger; bring me the worinto which some diverged, while others moved on to Alexandria. Three miles from the Long Bridge I came upon the rear of Blenker's brigade, Stahel's German Rifles still holding the hindmost position, and the other two regiments, Steinwehr's and the f the wretched disorder and confusion had reached. I was told that a few regiments, beside the three faithful ones of Blenker's brigade, had come in in fair order; and that they were the 2d and 3d Michigan, and the Massachusetts 1st, of Richardso
rsey Militia, commanding. 1st, 2d, 3d, & 4th Regiments New Jersey Militia, 3 months Volunteers; 1st, 2d, & 3d Regiments New Jersey Militia, 3 years Volunteers. Fifth Division. Col. D. S. Miles, 2d Infantry, commanding. First Brigade.--Col. Blenker, New York Volunteers, commanding. 8th & 29th Regiments New York Volunteers; Garibaldi Guard; 24th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. Second Brigade.--Colonel Davies, New York Volunteers, commanding. 16th, 18th, 31st, & 32d Regiments New Yorkill make a stand at Manassas, where Beauregard is now in command, with some forty odd thousand men, it is said. But it is greatly feared they will run again. The rebels have got the idea, evidently, that the Zouaves, and the Gari-baldians, and Blenker's German Rifles, and DeKalb's sharpshooters, are so many devils in human shape, and they will be disinclined to withstand a charge from these troops. If Beauregard does not give us battle at Manassas, his army will be thus thoroughly demoralize
emanated from Gen. McDowell, who directed two of my brigades to march on the Warrenton road as far as the bridge on Cub Creek. I sent my adjutant-general, Captain Vincent, to bring up Davies' and Richardson's brigades, while I gave the order to Blenker's brigade at Centreville to proceed down the Warrenton road. I accompanied these troops a part of the way, endeavoring to collect and halt the routed soldiers. I returned to Centreville heights as Col. Richardson, with his brigade, was coming e batteries. A part of Davies' command was placed in echellon of regiments, behind fences, in support of Richardson; another portion in reserve, in support of Hunt's and Titball's batteries. After completing these arrangements, I returned to Blenker's brigade, now near a mile from Centreville heights, took a regiment to cover Green's battery, and then returned to the heights. When I arrived there just before dusk, I found all my previous arrangements of defence had been changed nor could I