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Eastport (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
e gunboats the moment the stage of water admitted, and had also requested General Allen, at St. Louis, to despatch up to Eastport a steam-tug ferry-boat. The Admiral, ever prompt and ready to assist us, had two gunboats up at Eastport under CaptaiEastport under Captain Phelps, the very day after my arrival at Iuka, and Captain Phelps had a coal-barge decked over with which to cross horses and wagons before the arrival of the ferry-boat. Sitll following literally the instructions of General Halleck, I pushed fol Ewing, with the Fourth division, to cross the Tennessee, by means of the gunboats and scow, as rapidly as possible, at Eastport, and push forward to Florence, which he did, and the same day a messenger from General Grant floated down the Tennessee l you meet orders. Instantly the order was executed, and the order of march was reversed, and all columns directed to Eastport, the only place where I could cross the Tennessee. At first I only had the gunboats and coalbarge, but the two transp
Gallatin, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
ed. He reports the enemy four hundred strong, and his force one hundred and twenty. November thirteenth, Captain Cutter, with one company of mounted infantry and a portion of Whittemore's battery, (mounted,) belonging to the garrison of Clarksville, had a fight near Palmyra with Captain Grey's company of guerrillas, killing two, wounding five, and taking one prisoner; Cutter's loss, one lieutenant and one man wounded. November sixteenth, Scout organized by General Paine and sent out from Gallatin and La Vergne returned, and report having killed five and captured twenty-six guerrillas, with horses, sheep, cattle, and hogs in their possession, collected for the use of the rebel army. Brigadier-General Crook, commanding Second division of cavalry, was ordered, November seventeenth, to concentrate his division at or near Huntsville, Ala., and to patrol the north side of the Tennessee from Decatur to Bridgeport, and to hunt up bands of guerrillas reported to be swarming about in that
Orchard Knob (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
, captured something over two hundred men, and secured themselves in their new position before the enemy had sufficiently recovered from his surprise to attempt to send reenforcements from his main camp. Orders were then given to General Granger to make his position secure by constructing temporary breastworks, and throwing out strong pickets to his front. Howard's corps was moved up on the left of Granger with the same instructions, and Bridge's battery (Ill.) was placed in position on Orchard Knob. The troops remained in that position for the night. The Tennessee River having risen considerably from the effect of the previous heavy rain-storm, it was found difficult to rebuild the pontoonbridge at Brown's Ferry. Therefore, it was determined that General Hooker should take Osterhaus's division, which was still in Lookout valley, Geary's division, and Whitaker's and Grose's brigades of the First division, Fourth corps, under Brigadier-General Cruft, and make a strong demonstrati
Ringgold, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
t eleven A. M., in Railroad Pass or Gap, near Ringgold — about half Osterhaus's and third Geary's did on the Rossville road toward Grapeville and Ringgold. The advance of Thomas's forces reached RiFourteenth corps) of Sherman's column reached Ringgold about noon of the same day. Howard's corps wa, had already turned it. So I rode forward to Ringgold, and found the enemy had already fallen back t in the distance. The pursuit continued — Ringgold — the enemy overtaken. Soon after daylight for the balance of the command to proceed to Ringgold, (Cruft now leading,) as this would enable methe rebel army on the road from Greysville to Ringgold. Three pieces of artillery were captured, ane record of our operations in the vicinity of Ringgold. The town was distant five miles. At daylighorce of cavalry. The gorge is to the east of Ringgold, and we were approaching it from the west. Ainued, and the rear of the enemy overtaken at Ringgold; here the battle of Ringgold (most gallantly [24 more...
Lookout Valley (Wisconsin, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
outh side of the river and at the mouth of Lookout valley. After the reconnoissance, the plan agreem their main camp in Chattanooga valley to Lookout valley. Holding these advantages, he would have zure of the range of hills at the mouth of Lookout valley, and covering the Brown's Ferry road, was he almost inaccessible heights rising from Lookout valley, at its outlet to the river, and below theenemy's main camp in Chattanooga valley to Lookout valley. On the twenty-eighth, Hooker emerged into Lookout valley at Wauhatchie, by the direct road from Bridgeport by way of Whitesides to Chattandge and Lookout Mountain, and a brigade in Lookout valley. True, we held possession of the country s will then depend on those of the enemy. Lookout valley, I think, will be easily held by Geary's dtre the whole country, from Wauhatchie, in Lookout valley, to the mouth of the North-Chickamauga, a ed at eleven o'clock with his batteries in Lookout valley. directing his fire against our lines alo[19 more...]
Stone River (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
ry fingers trace these records at the midnight hour dare not omit. After Hooker's troops had ascended the slope of the mountain, and were still engaged with the enemy, General Carlin's brigade, of Johnson's division, came to their support. This was at half-past 5 P. M. Two days previous to the commencement of the battle, Colonel B. F. Scribner, of the Thirty-eighth Indiana, arrived at Chattanooga. I need not speak particularly of him here. The story of his deeds at Perryville, at Stone River, and at Chickamauga, (commanding a brigade in the last two battles,) is familiar to his countrymen. His regiment now forms a part of General Carlin's brigade, and the latter, with a nice appreciation of real merit which does him honor, immediately upon Colonel Scribner's arrival, requested him to take command of the right wing of his brigade. Scribner consented, and played well his part, both in the night combat on the mountain, and in the battle of the succeeding day. Far upon the m
Champion's Hill (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
did not fight as bravely. Their bold attack upon Tunnel Hill drew upon them the concentrated might of half the rebel army, and, although some of them gave way in confusion, it was simply because they were assailed by overwhelming numbers. This was particularly the case with General John E. Smith's division. But they need not even this explanation at my hands. That the courage of the men and the ability of the officers who bore the American flag in triumph at Raymond, at Jackson, at Champion Hill, and at Vicksburgh, is no longer a matter of question. Tunnel Hill had been abandoned by the rebels in the night; and when I left the summit of the Ridge about noon, the right and left wings of our army were advancing, while the centre still held its position. No enemy was visible, but columns of smoke rising from various points told that the enemy was burning the bridges over the Chickamauga, and such of his stores as he could not carry away. Sherman was throwing a shell, occasiona
Rogersville, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
ctober, and the work of crossing was pushed with all the vigor possible. In person I crossed, and passed to the head of the column in Florence on the first November, leaving the rear division to be conducted by General Blair, and marched to Rogersville and the Elk River. This was found to be impassable. To ferry would have consumed too much time, and to build a bridge still more, and there was no alternative but to turn up Elk River by way of Gilbertsboro, Elkton, etc., to the stone bridgehed by Unitia and Louisville. On the night of the fifth, all the heads of columns communicated at Marysville, where I met Major Van Buren, of General Burnside's staff, announcing that Longstreet had the night before retreated on the Rutledge, Rodgersville, and Bristol road, leading to Virginia; that General Burnside's cavalry was on his heels; that the General desired to see me in person as soon as I could come to Knoxville. I ordered all the troops to halt and rest, except the two divisions o
Columbia, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
There we crossed Elk, and proceeded to Winchester and Decherd. At Fayetteville I received orders from General Grant to come to Bridgeport with the Fifteenth army corps, and leave General Dodge's command at Pulaski and along the railroad from Columbia to Decatur. I instructed General Blair to follow with the Second and First divisions by way of New-Market, Larkinsville, and Bellefonte, while I conducted the other two divisions by Decherd, the Fourth division crossing the mountains to Stevensne severely and several slightly wounded. Again, on November fourth, that Major Fitzgibbon, Fourteenth Michigan infantry, came upon the combined forces of Cooper, Kirk, Williams, and Scott, (guerrillas,) at Lawrenceburgh, thirty-five miles from Columbia, and after a severe hand-to-hand fight, defeated them, killing eight, wounding seven, and capturing twenty-four prisoners; among the latter are one captain and two lieutenants. Our loss, three men slightly wounded and eight horses killed. He r
Chattanooga Valley (United States) (search for this): chapter 16
kout Mountain top, all the rifle-pits in Chattanooga Valley, and Missionary Ridge entire, have been ds leading from the enemy's main camp in Chattanooga valley to Lookout valley. On the twenty-eigheport, his main force being fortified in Chattanooga valley, at the foot of and on Missionary Ridge cooperate with Sherman. The troops in Chattanooga valley should all be concentrated on your left e north end of Lookout Mountain, through Chattanooga valley, to the north end of Missionary Ridge. nd, in pursuance of orders, swept across Chattanooga valley, now abandoned by the enemy, to Rossvilling north on the ridge, with his left in Chattanooga Valley, and his right east of the ridge. His ais strong positions on Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga Valley, and Missionary Ridge were in our possesied the mountain as far as the road from Chattanooga valley to the White house. Soon after, his maiemy's line of defence, stretching across Chattanooga valley, by an enfilading fire, and also, by a d[4 more...]
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