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United States (United States) 640 0 Browse Search
Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States) 443 19 Browse Search
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Doc 290 0 Browse Search
Knoxville (Tennessee, United States) 278 8 Browse Search
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Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) 256 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore). Search the whole document.

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December 25th (search for this): chapter 27
in, and camped for the night on the top of the Valley Mountain, at the Mingo Flats. Here we felt almost home, and visions of crackers and bacon began to float in our imaginations, and at this time our stock of coffee was exhausted. We reached the mouth of Elkwater at noon, where we met a supply-train from Colonel Moore, with the wished — for crackers, and with our crackers and coffee forgot, in a measure, the hardships of the expedition. We camped for the night near Huttonville, and Christmas day, in the afternoon, made our triumphal entry into Beverley, where we rested one day, and, by easy marches, reached the railroad on New-Year's day. Irwin. Rebel Narratives Richmond, December 28, 1863. An officer who participated in the recent fight between the forces under General William L. Jackson and the Yankees under Averill, gives us the following interesting narrative of that gallant affair: On the thirteenth instant, scouts belonging to General Jackson's brigade repor
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