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White Oak Swamp (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
e marched, by orders, at sunrise, crossed White Oak Swamp, (the bridge, destroyed by the enemy, caugia regiment, on the left, extending from White Oak Swamp, across the Williamsburg road, to the Yorblished. It was anticipated that, by the White Oak Swamp road, Kearny's division, which had been med down the road toward the north fork of White Oak Swamp. I passed on, and at eight o'clock my en we moved, with the brigade, camping at White Oak Swamp, moving next morning early, with the briginy at Grapevine Bridge, and moved toward White Oak Swamp, which we reached about half past 9 A. M.to a piece of woods several miles west of White Oak Swamp, at which place it staid one day, and the. Captain Clark, at Mechanicsville and White Oak Swamp, expended three hundred and ninety-two ro, when we again joined the division below White Oak Swamp, and returned with it to our camp on the arch, and proceeded to a point at or near White Oak Swamp, where it remained for the night. On T[20 more...]
Litchfield, Conn. (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
the landing. I took the precaution to leave the main body about two miles behind, and proceeded to the point with a small party and one piece of artillery. Colonel W. H. F. Lee, the proprietor of this once beautiful estate, now in ashes and desolation, described the ground, and pointed out all the localities to me, so that I was convinced that a few bold sharpshooters could compel the gunboat to leave. I accordingly ordered down about seventy-five, partly of the First Virginia cavalry, (Litchfield's company D,) and partly Jeff Davis legion and Fourth Virginia cavalry. They were deployed in pairs, with intervals of forty paces, and armed with rifle carbines. They advanced on this monster,--so terrible to our fancy,--and a body of sharpshooters were sent ashore from the boat to meet them. Quite a determined engagement of skirmishers ensued; but our gallant men never faltered in their determination to expose this Yankee bugaboo, called gunboat. To save time, however, I ordered up
Donaldsonville (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
d rapidly in the direction of Gaines's farm, or Cold Harbor, down the Chickahominy. After my brigade had reached the banks of Beaver Dam Creek, I directed General Pryor to bring his brigade into action, who informed me that his brigade had been sent forward, and that he had sent to General Longstreet for reenforcements. On returning to my lines, I found one of his regiments on the hill, and directed into line on my right, to prevent a flank movement. General Pryor's battery (the Donaldsonville, Louisiana, artillery) was also placed in position near Smith's, of my brigade, when the two played very handsomely on the enemy's lines, keeping up a constant and well-directed fire. Both companies behaved with great gallantry and coolness, and displayed a skill in the use of their guns highly creditable to that arm of the service. After a protracted and heavy firing on the bank of the creek, some hour and a half, the enemy abandoned their works and retreated, as I have already stated. He
Oldhouse Landing (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
in his attempt to reach James River; Major-General Huger's division to march down the Williamsburg road, on my right flank, and Major-General Jackson's division, which, he stated, had crossed, or was crossing, the Grapevine Bridge, over the Chickahominy River, was to operate down that river, on its right bank, whilst my own command would press him vigorously in front. On our arrival at Fair Oak Station, we found the enemy's lines in that vicinity, which had been evacuated, in possession of a pathe day, and captured three prisoners, one of which was wounded. At night the regiment was marched back to camp ; and again, on the twenty-ninth, returned to the same post, where it remained until about noon, when it was ordered across the Chickahominy River, crossing the bridge and taking the road by the way of Savage's Station. Nothing worthy of note occurred until Tuesday evening, July first, when heavy firing was again heard immediately in front, when the regiment, in conjunction with the
Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 86
picket line, occupy it himself, and thereby enable him to advance his works several hundred yards nearer our lines. In this he completely failed; and although General McClellan at night telegraphed, over his own signature, to the war office in Washington, that he had accomplished his object, had driven me back for more than a mile, had silenced my batteries and occupied our camps, there is not one word of truth in the whole statement. When the fight ceased at dark I occupied the very line my pi of the tropics, as well as the substantials of the land. Large quantities of forage were left also. An opportunity was here offered for observing the deceitfulness of the enemy's pretended reverence for everything associated with the name of Washington; for the dwelling-house was burned to the ground, and not a vestige left, except what told of desolation and vandalism. Nine large barges, loaded with stores, were on fire as we approached; immense numbers of tents, wagons, and cars, in long
Turkey Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
plateau, rising in the form of an amphitheatre. One flank was protected by Turkey Creek, and the other by gunboats. We could only reach the first line of batteriest been previously removed. Thursday, third, the retreat of the enemy beyond Turkey Creek having been effected, and no probability of another renewal of engagement thskirted by woods on the left, and a high and abrupt declivity, descending to Turkey Creek, on the right. I reported to General Ewell, and a few moments after, to D. on the road where the River road joins the Quaker road, west of a branch of Turkey Creek, with a wood and that branch between it and Malvern Hill; distance from the e commanding General's notice, that, in taking the position I did in rear of Turkey Creek, I acted entirely from my own judgment; but was much gratified, next day, on The Jeff Davis legion preceded, and soon reached the River road, in rear of Turkey Creek, capturing scores of the discomfited and demoralized foe at ever turn — wago
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
ty. These troops were attacked in front and flank by superior numbers, and were for hours without reenforcements. The Louisiana brigade having sustained a very severe loss in field officers, besides suffering in rank and file, was driven off the fn were leaving the field in every direction, and in great disorder; two regiments, one from South Carolina and one from Louisiana, were actually marching back from the fire. The first Texas was ordered to go over them and through them, which they dily uncertain as to whether they belonged to our army or that of the enemy, I directed private Maddox, company K, Fifth Louisiana, to advance and challenge, Who are you? to which the reply was, Friends. Hearing this reply, I demanded, What regimenhave been crushed by the superior weight of the enemy, had they known our numbers. We were subsequently joined by some Louisiana regiments and General Lawton's brigade. Considerable confusion was created necessarily in the swamp and bushes, office
Quaker (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
General Lee then directed me to proceed by the Quaker road, and to form on the right of Jackson. Hauder interrogated me as to the position of the Quaker road. I told him that it left the Long Bridge and in the vicinity of Malvern Hill, near the Quaker road; know the country intimately, having freqred to conduct Major-General Magruder into the Quaker road on the morning of first July, 1862, I didruder was conducted by J. B. Sweeney to be the Quaker road, and that this is the only road regarded ed until about nine P. M. Whilst halted at the Quaker road, the cheers of the combatants were distinong the Charles City road, and thence into the Quaker road, and, under the more immediate direction ding, and was ordered by him to proceed to the Quaker road, in the direction of Willis's church. Prmes River, skirting along the west side of the Quaker road, and closely watching the right of that rcamp of the enemy near Willis's Church, on the Quaker road; but not being able to obtain any reliabl[29 more...]
Berkeley Springs (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
nover, August 2, 1862. Colonel R. H. Chilton, Assist. Adjutant-General: Colonel: In answer to Major Taylor's note, asking for a report of the facts concerning the dash of the enemy's cavalry upon the camp of the Bath cavalry, at Verdon, I have the honor to state that Captain Litchfield, who commanded the squadron of my command sent to that vicinity after the raid at Beaver Dam, has, at my request, submitted a report, which is herewith forwarded, giving a lucid account of the affair. The Bath cavalry has never been assigned to any regiment, but belonged to the Valley forces, and had been, for five weeks, at Verdon, according to the Captain's account, (Captain McChestney,) depending on the vicinity for rations and forage. The company, according to the accounts of the citizens, fled at the approach of the enemy. I arrived upon the ground in the afternoon. Captain McChestney reported his force to be seventy-five or eighty men, two of whom were captured, and he informed me about te
Harrison's Landing (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
ninety-nine wounded; of enlisted men, three hundred and five killed, and one thousand four hundred and twenty wounded; and at Malvern Hill, three officers killed, and nineteen wounded. The principal loss sustained by my command at Malvern Hill fell upon the division of Major-General D. H. Hill. On the second of July, by order of the commanding General, my corps (with the exception of Major-General D. H. Hill's division, which remained near Malvern Hill) was moved in the direction of Harrison's Landing, to which point the Federals had retreated, under the shelter of their gunboats in the James River. On the morning of the third, my command arrived near the landing and drove in the enemy's skirmishers, and continued in front of the enemy until the eighth, when I was directed to withdraw my troops and march to the vicinity of Richmond. For further information respecting the engagements and officers who were distinguished in them, I respectfully call attention to the accompanying re
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