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Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.41
lle, thence eastwardly by way of Scotland to Gettysburg — not arriving in time, however, to participrs, I withdrew to the hill north and west of Gettysburg, where we remained until the following day i in my division during the operations around Gettysburg were-- Killed,219 Wounded,1,229 Missingt road from Chambersburg via Fayetteville to Gettysburg, and nine miles from the latter place. Onurn the same day. On reaching the suburbs of Gettysburg, General Pettigrew found a large force of ca move at 5 o'clock A. M. in the direction of Gettysburg. On nearing Gettysburg it was evident that Gettysburg it was evident that the enemy was in the vicinity of the town in some force. It may not be improper to remark that at tly--I was ignorant what force was at or near Gettysburg, and supposed it consisted of cavalry, most ysburg. My division, now within a mile of Gettysburg, was disposed as follows: Archer's brigade i whether or not he was massing his forces on Gettysburg. Heavy columns of the enemy were soon encou[5 more...]
Chambersburg, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.41
Ohio canal). A report of his operations and the disposition made of his captures has been forwarded. June 18th we crossed the Potomac at Boteler's ford and encamped upon the battle-ground of Sharpsburg; thence marched via Hagerstown and Chambersburg to within three miles of Carlisle. From Greencastle, Steuart's brigade was ordered to McConnellsburg to collect horses, cattle and other supplies which the army needed. The brigade having accomplished its mission to my satisfaction rejoinet of July, including the part it took in the battle of Gettysburg--first day--July 1st, 1863. The division reached Cashtown, Pennsylvania, on the 29th of June. Cashtown is situated at the base of the South Mountain, on the direct road from Chambersburg via Fayetteville to Gettysburg, and nine miles from the latter place. On the morning of the 30th of June, I ordered Brigadier-General Pettigrew to take his brigade to Gettysburg, search the town for army supplies, shoes especially, and retu
Williamsport (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.41
-General Daniel and Colonel O'Neal, and to Brigadier-General Smith and their brigades while under my command. We marched on the 5th across the mountain by Waynesboroa towards Hagerstown, and remained for a few days within three miles of the latter place. Thence the division moved two and a half miles from Hagerstown and formed line of battle on both sides of and perpendicular to the Hagerstown and Williamsport pike. On the night of the 13th, I recrossed the Potomac one mile above Williamsport, and continued the march next day to within four miles of Martinsburg, thence to Darksville on the 15th, where we remained until ordered to return to Martinsburg to destroy the Baltimore and Ohio railroad and repel an advance of the enemy. This done the division, by steady marches, recrossed the Blue Ridge at Front Royal and went into camp near Orange Courthouse about the 1st of August. The casualties in my division during the operations around Gettysburg were-- Killed,219 Wounded
Hagerstown (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.41
of his captures has been forwarded. June 18th we crossed the Potomac at Boteler's ford and encamped upon the battle-ground of Sharpsburg; thence marched via Hagerstown and Chambersburg to within three miles of Carlisle. From Greencastle, Steuart's brigade was ordered to McConnellsburg to collect horses, cattle and other supplnd Colonel O'Neal, and to Brigadier-General Smith and their brigades while under my command. We marched on the 5th across the mountain by Waynesboroa towards Hagerstown, and remained for a few days within three miles of the latter place. Thence the division moved two and a half miles from Hagerstown and formed line of battleHagerstown and formed line of battle on both sides of and perpendicular to the Hagerstown and Williamsport pike. On the night of the 13th, I recrossed the Potomac one mile above Williamsport, and continued the march next day to within four miles of Martinsburg, thence to Darksville on the 15th, where we remained until ordered to return to Martinsburg to destroy t
Martinsburg (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.41
wn and formed line of battle on both sides of and perpendicular to the Hagerstown and Williamsport pike. On the night of the 13th, I recrossed the Potomac one mile above Williamsport, and continued the march next day to within four miles of Martinsburg, thence to Darksville on the 15th, where we remained until ordered to return to Martinsburg to destroy the Baltimore and Ohio railroad and repel an advance of the enemy. This done the division, by steady marches, recrossed the Blue Ridge atMartinsburg to destroy the Baltimore and Ohio railroad and repel an advance of the enemy. This done the division, by steady marches, recrossed the Blue Ridge at Front Royal and went into camp near Orange Courthouse about the 1st of August. The casualties in my division during the operations around Gettysburg were-- Killed,219 Wounded,1,229 Missing,375   Total,1,823 I am, Major, with great respect, your obedient servant, Edward Johnson, Major-General. Report of Major-General H. Heth. headquarters Heth's division, Camp near Orange Courthouse, September 13, 1863. Captain — I have the honor to report the operations of my division
McConnellsburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.41
ached, with orders to destroy a number of canal boats and a quantity of grain and flour stored at different points, and cut the canal (Chesapeake and Ohio canal). A report of his operations and the disposition made of his captures has been forwarded. June 18th we crossed the Potomac at Boteler's ford and encamped upon the battle-ground of Sharpsburg; thence marched via Hagerstown and Chambersburg to within three miles of Carlisle. From Greencastle, Steuart's brigade was ordered to McConnellsburg to collect horses, cattle and other supplies which the army needed. The brigade having accomplished its mission to my satisfaction rejoined the division at our camp near Carlisle. On the 29th June, in obedience to orders, I countermarched my division to Greenville, thence eastwardly by way of Scotland to Gettysburg — not arriving in time, however, to participate in the action of the 1st instant. The last day's march was twenty-five miles, rendered the more fatiguing because of o
Darksville (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.41
nder my command. We marched on the 5th across the mountain by Waynesboroa towards Hagerstown, and remained for a few days within three miles of the latter place. Thence the division moved two and a half miles from Hagerstown and formed line of battle on both sides of and perpendicular to the Hagerstown and Williamsport pike. On the night of the 13th, I recrossed the Potomac one mile above Williamsport, and continued the march next day to within four miles of Martinsburg, thence to Darksville on the 15th, where we remained until ordered to return to Martinsburg to destroy the Baltimore and Ohio railroad and repel an advance of the enemy. This done the division, by steady marches, recrossed the Blue Ridge at Front Royal and went into camp near Orange Courthouse about the 1st of August. The casualties in my division during the operations around Gettysburg were-- Killed,219 Wounded,1,229 Missing,375   Total,1,823 I am, Major, with great respect, your obedient serva
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.41
ort of General Edward Johnson. headquarters Johnson's division, September 30th, 1863. Major — I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of my division from June 15th to July 31st, 1863, embracing the campaign in Pennsylvania and battle of Gettysburg. My division comprised the Stonewall brigade, Brigadier-Gen-J. A. Walker, consisting of the Second, Fourth, Fifth, Twenty-seventh and Thirty-third Virginia regiments, commanded respectively by Colonel Nadenbousch, Mble services in conveying orders and superintending their execution. I take this occasion to mention the energy displayed by my Chief Quartermaster, Major A. W. Vick, and his assistants, in collecting transportation for the division when in Pennsylvania, the division having a limited supply when it crossed the Potomac; also to Major Hungerford, Chief Commissary of Subsistence, and his assistants for their activity in procuring supplies. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, H. H
Ohio Canal (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.41
Nolan, Lieutenant-Colonel Burke, Major Powell, Lieutenant-Colonel Zable and Major Brady, with Andrews' battalion of artillery, Major Latimer commanding, consisting of Raines', Dement's, Brown's and Carpenter's batteries. On June 16th my division left camp at Stephenson's and marched to Sbepherdstown, where Jones' brigade was temporarily detached, with orders to destroy a number of canal boats and a quantity of grain and flour stored at different points, and cut the canal (Chesapeake and Ohio canal). A report of his operations and the disposition made of his captures has been forwarded. June 18th we crossed the Potomac at Boteler's ford and encamped upon the battle-ground of Sharpsburg; thence marched via Hagerstown and Chambersburg to within three miles of Carlisle. From Greencastle, Steuart's brigade was ordered to McConnellsburg to collect horses, cattle and other supplies which the army needed. The brigade having accomplished its mission to my satisfaction rejoined the
Front Royal (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.41
formed line of battle on both sides of and perpendicular to the Hagerstown and Williamsport pike. On the night of the 13th, I recrossed the Potomac one mile above Williamsport, and continued the march next day to within four miles of Martinsburg, thence to Darksville on the 15th, where we remained until ordered to return to Martinsburg to destroy the Baltimore and Ohio railroad and repel an advance of the enemy. This done the division, by steady marches, recrossed the Blue Ridge at Front Royal and went into camp near Orange Courthouse about the 1st of August. The casualties in my division during the operations around Gettysburg were-- Killed,219 Wounded,1,229 Missing,375   Total,1,823 I am, Major, with great respect, your obedient servant, Edward Johnson, Major-General. Report of Major-General H. Heth. headquarters Heth's division, Camp near Orange Courthouse, September 13, 1863. Captain — I have the honor to report the operations of my division from t
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