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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Jackson's Valley campaign of 1862. (search)
April the strength of Banks' corps, embracing Shields, is given by General McClellan as 23,339, inc to leave for Harper's Ferry the next day. Shields' report — Rebellion Record, volume IV; Ashby'eport. Confederate Official Reports. General Shields had made his dispositions to meet attack,lls back to Strasburg, which he fortifies. Shields left New Market May 12th. He assumes a defenswas at Strasburg with about six thousand men, Shields having been taken from him to swell a column promptly burned the first two, and thus left Shields with an impassable river between them, entiregade, at dawn, across both rivers and against Shields. Ewell was directed to leave Trimble's brigatreat, and retired sixty miles to Strasburg. Shields, so soon as his broken brigades rejoined him,ed march, are not able to defeat the 7,000 of Shields'. After a fierce struggle he suffers a severeis following, attacks the advance brigades of Shields and completely defeats them, driving them eig[34 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial Paragrpahs. (search)
wall Cemetery, one can see the line of march by which the first troops who moved in Virginia in 1861 hurried to the capture of Harper's Ferry and the defence of our border. Yonder is the camp from which old Joe Johnston moved out to meet Patterson, and from which, after ably eluding his foe, he started on that forced march to save the country, which terminated in the brilliant victory of first Manassas. Looking southward, we see the field of Kernstown, where Stonewall Jackson first taught Shields the caution which he afterwards used with such discretion. There are the hills from which we drove Banks on the morning of May 25th, 1862, and in full view the streets of the town, through which we rushed pell-mell after the enemy, amid the waving of handkerchiefs by the noble women and the cheers of the whole people. Yonder is Milroy's Fort, which, in June, 1863, General Early says, was surprised and captured by Colonel Hilary P. Jones' battalion of artillery. And the very location of t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of Jackson's Valley campaign. (search)
deral army was brought in, who informed me that General Shields, commanding about eight thousand troops, was prree days cooked rations. Ewell was crazy to attack Shields, and though awaiting orders from General Jackson, w two guns of Brockenbrough's battery, and to impede Shields' movement in every possible way I could, by barricae much excited, pointed out Jackson's position, General Shields', and General McDowell's, who was then at Warree are left out here in the cold. Why, I could crush Shields before night if I could move from here. This man Jmy words, if this old fool keeps this thing up, and Shields joins McDowell, we will go up at Richmond! I'll st from getting together, and keep me posted — follow Shields as long as it is safe, and send me a courier to letever send him to General Ewell again. I followed Shields for three days. Have in my possession kindly words ody. The next day was a rough one for our army. Shields had secured a splendid position, well described by