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, if any respectable man would call me a disunionist, I would answer him in monosyllables. . . . But I have often asserted the right, for which the battles of the revolution were fought—the right of a people to change their government whenever it was found to be oppressive, and subversive of the objects for which governments are instituted-and have contended for the independence and sovereignty of the States, a part of the creed of which Jefferson was the apostle, Madison the expounder, and Jackson the consistent defender. I have written freely, and more than I designed. Accept my thanks for your friendly advocacy. Present me in terms of kind remembrance to your family, and believe me, very sincerely yours, Jefferson Davis. Note.—No party in Mississippi ever advocated disunion. They differed as to the mode of securing their rights in the Union, and on the power of a State to secede-neither advocating the exercise of the power. J. D. In this canvass, both before an
le of Mississippi, believing it to be necessary and proper, and should have been bound by their action if my belief had been otherwise; and this brings me to the important point which I wish, on this last occasion, to present to the Senate. It is by this confounding of nullification and secession that the name of a great man whose ashes now mingle with his mother earth has been evoked to justify coercion against a seceded State. The phrase, to execute the laws, was an expression which General Jackson applied to the case of a State refusing to obey the laws while yet a member of the Union. That is not the case which is now presented. The laws are to be executed over the United States, and upon the people of the United States. They have no relation to any foreign country. It is a perversion of terms—at least, it is a great misapprehension of the case—which cites that expression for application to a State which has withdrawn from the Union. You may make war on a foreign state. I
ctation that it would ever be the theatre on which armies were to contend, and that he, in the mutation of human affairs, would become a soldier. He lived until the close of the war, and, on larger fields than that on which he first appeared, proved that, though not educated for a soldier, he had endowments which compensated for that disadvantage. The activity and vigilance of Stuart, afterward so distinguished as commander of cavalry in the army of Virginia, and the skill and daring of Jackson, soon by greater deeds to become immortal, checked, punished, and embarrassed the enemy in his threatened advances, and his movements became so devoid of a definite purpose that one was at a loss to divine the object of his campaign, unless it was to detain General Johnston with his forces in the valley of the Shenandoah, while General McDowell, profiting by the feint, should make the real attack upon General Beauregard's army at Manassas. However that may be, the evidence finally became c
ounting, one of them walked in and reported himself as Brigadier-General T. J. Jackson, who had arrived with the advanced brigade of JohnstonBeauregard very much by surprise, and, after ascertaining that General Jackson had taken the cars at Piedmont Station, General Beauregard ask on the direct road, so as to get on the enemy's right flank. General Jackson replied with some little hesitation, and, as I thought at the oad from Piedmont Station. This was the first time I ever saw General Jackson, and my first impressions of him were not very favorable fromion from him, under the circumstances, as was obtained. After General Jackson had given the information above stated, and received instructiully his plans for the next day. The information received from General Jackson was wholly unexpected, but General Beauregard said he thought Jackson was not correctly informed, and was mistaken; that he was satisfied General Johnston was marching with the rest of his troops and wou
ches for and seizure of arms Missouri on the side of peace address of General Price to the people proclamation of Governor Jackson humiliating concessions of the Governor to the United States Government, for the sake of peace demands of the Fedor coercion, but fifty thousand, if necessary, for the defense of our rights, or those of our Southern brothers. Governor Jackson of Missouri answered: Requisition is illegal, unconstitutional, revolutionary, inhuman, diabolical, and can not St. Louis to unite with General Harney in a joint effort to restore order and preserve peace. With the sanction of Governor Jackson he proceeded to St. Louis, the headquarters of the Department of the West, and, after some preliminary conference, e as personal rights of the people of Missouri, aroused an intense feeling in that state. It will be remembered that Governor Jackson had responded to the call of Lincoln upon him for troops with the just indignation of one who understood the rights
ved by an officer not of this council, General T. J. Jackson. In one place it is written that th, enterprising, and patriotic soldier, General T. J. Jackson, whose steadiness under fire at the fihe Potomac. Your most obedient servant, T. J. Jackson, Major-General, P. A. C. S. headquartersaluable services by taking the field with General Jackson, instead of going into winter-quarters, aector-General. sir: I have received Major-General Jackson's plan of operations in his district, Berkeley, and Morgan) can be supplied to General Jackson, and with them those objects accomplished so large a force as that asked for by Major-General Jackson. It seems to me to be now of especiale enemy's concentration, and also because General Jackson was a stranger to them, and time was wantwere to serve, and all of them unknown to General Jackson. The troops sent were his old brigade, htfully, etc., Jefferson Davis. After General Jackson commenced his march, the cold became unex[1 more...]
Commissioner from Confederacy to Lin-coln, 212, 230. Fort Barrancas, 230. Brown, 183, 407. Castle Pinckney, 242. Caswell, 355. Donelson, 348. Henry, 348. Jackson, 283. Jefferson, 242. Johnson, 242, 355. McHenry, 290. McRee, 230. Monroe, 180, 380. Morgan, 242, 283. Moultrie, 181, 183, 242. Pickens, 174, 230, 242. Pndependence, Declaration of, 15, 34, 41, 42, 48-49, 55, 69-70, 75, 98, 99, 101, 108, 121, 148, 190. Indiana territory, Slavery question in, 5-6. J Jackson, Gov. of Missouri, 358, 360-61, 364, 365, 367, 370. Reply to U. S. call for troops, 354. Proclamation calling for troops, 362. Attempt to maintain peace, 362-63. r state army, 195. Jefferson Davis appointed commander, 195. Union bank episode, 426-27. Missouri, 28, 42, 353. Admission, 8-9, 29, 140-41. Reply of Gov. Jackson to U. S. call for troops, 354. Position of neutrality, 355-61. Seizure of Camp Jackson, 356-58. Attempts for peace, 358-60, 362-63. Assembling of volunteer