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Rossville (Georgia, United States) (search for this): entry chickamauga-battle-of
Valley road, rallying their shattered columns, reformed them by the way, and, with McCook, halted and changed front at Rossville, with a determination to defend the pass at all hazards against the pursuers. Thomas finally withdrew from his breastwere furiously attacked, the Confederates throwing in fresh troops continually. General Granger, commanding reserves at Rossville, hastened to the assistance of Thomas with Steedman's division. The latter fought his way to the crest of a hill, and rock, and his men repulsed assault after assault until the sun went down, when he began the withdrawal of his troops to Rossville, for his ammunition was almost exhausted. General Garfield, Rosecrans's chief of staff, had arrived with orders for Thomas to take the command of all the forces, and, with McCook and Crittenden, to take a strong position at Rossville. It was then that Thomas had the first reliable information of disaster on the right. Confederates seeking to obstruct the movement
Lookout Mountain, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): entry chickamauga-battle-of
first reliable information of disaster on the right. Confederates seeking to obstruct the movement were driven back, with a loss of 200 men made prisoners. So ended the battle of Chickamauga. The National loss was reported at 16,326, of whom 1,687 were killed. The total loss of officers was 974. It is probable the entire Union loss, including the missing, was 19,000. The Confederate loss was reported at 20,500, of whom 2,673 were killed. Rosecrans took 2,003 prisoners, thirty-six guns, twenty caissons, and 8,450 small-arms, and lost, as prisoners, 7,500. Bragg claimed to have captured over 8,000 prisoners (including the wounded), fifty-one guns, and 15,000 small-arms. The Confederates were victors on the field, but their triumph was not decisive. On the evening of the 20th the whole National army withdrew in good order to a position in front of Chattanooga, and on the following day Bragg advanced and took possession of Lookout Mountain and the whole of Missionary Ridge.
East Chickamauga Creek (Georgia, United States) (search for this): entry chickamauga-battle-of
k the attenuated line of the Nationals, the extremities of which were then 50 miles apart. Rosecrans proceeded at once to concentrate his own forces.; and very soon the two armies were confronting each other in battle array on each side of Chickamauga Creek, in the vicinity of Crawfish Spring, each line extending towards the slope of Missionary Ridge. Rosecrans did not know that Lee had sent troops from Virginia, under Longstreet, to reinforce Bragg, who was then making his way up from Atlanta to swell the Confederate forces to the number of fully 70,000. Johnston, in Mississippi, also sent thousands of prisoners, paroled at Vicksburg and Port Hudson, to still further reinforce Bragg. In battle order on Chickamauga Creek (Sept. 19, 1863), the Confederate right was commanded by General Polk, and the left by General Hood until Longstreet should arrive. During the previous night nearly two-thirds of the Confederates had crossed to the west side of the creek, and held the fords fr
Port Hudson (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): entry chickamauga-battle-of
very soon the two armies were confronting each other in battle array on each side of Chickamauga Creek, in the vicinity of Crawfish Spring, each line extending towards the slope of Missionary Ridge. Rosecrans did not know that Lee had sent troops from Virginia, under Longstreet, to reinforce Bragg, who was then making his way up from Atlanta to swell the Confederate forces to the number of fully 70,000. Johnston, in Mississippi, also sent thousands of prisoners, paroled at Vicksburg and Port Hudson, to still further reinforce Bragg. In battle order on Chickamauga Creek (Sept. 19, 1863), the Confederate right was commanded by General Polk, and the left by General Hood until Longstreet should arrive. During the previous night nearly two-thirds of the Confederates had crossed to the west side of the creek, and held the fords from Lee and Gordon's mills far towards Missionary Ridge. Rosecrans's concentrated army did not then number more than 55,000 men. Gen. George H. Thomas, w
Crawfish Spring (Idaho, United States) (search for this): entry chickamauga-battle-of
(q. v.) and marched southward through the gaps of Missionary Ridge, pushed his forces through the mountain passes, and was surprised to find his antagonist, instead of retreating, concentrating his forces to attack the attenuated line of the Nationals, the extremities of which were then 50 miles apart. Rosecrans proceeded at once to concentrate his own forces.; and very soon the two armies were confronting each other in battle array on each side of Chickamauga Creek, in the vicinity of Crawfish Spring, each line extending towards the slope of Missionary Ridge. Rosecrans did not know that Lee had sent troops from Virginia, under Longstreet, to reinforce Bragg, who was then making his way up from Atlanta to swell the Confederate forces to the number of fully 70,000. Johnston, in Mississippi, also sent thousands of prisoners, paroled at Vicksburg and Port Hudson, to still further reinforce Bragg. In battle order on Chickamauga Creek (Sept. 19, 1863), the Confederate right was comma
National (Nevada, United States) (search for this): entry chickamauga-battle-of
r towards Missionary Ridge. Rosecrans's concentrated army did not then number more than 55,000 men. Gen. George H. Thomas, who was on the extreme left of the National line, on the slopes of Missionary Ridge, by a movement to capture an isolated Confederate brigade, brought on a battle (Sept. 19) at ten o'clock, which raged witannan and Baird were enabled to reform their shattered columns. There was a lull, but at five o'clock the Confederates renewed the battle, and were pressing the National line heavily, when Hazen, who was in charge of a park of artillery—twenty guns—hastened to put them in position, with such infantry supports as he could gather, at the centre; and the blunder of an incompetent staff officer, sent with orders to General Wood, produced disaster on the National right. A gap was left in the National line, when Hood, with Stewart, charged furiously, while Buckner advanced to their support. The charge, in which Davis and Brannan and Sheridan were struck simul
Dry Valley (Georgia, United States) (search for this): entry chickamauga-battle-of
Chattanooga, leaving thousands behind, killed, wounded, or prisoners. The tide carried with it the troops led by Rosecrans, Crittenden, and McCook; and the commanding general, unable to join Thomas, and believing the whole army would speedily be hurrying pell-mell to Chattanooga, hastened to that place to provide for rallying them there. Thomas, meanwhile, ignorant of the disaster on the right, was maintaining his position firmly. Sheridan and Davis, who had been driven over to the Dry Valley road, rallying their shattered columns, reformed them by the way, and, with McCook, halted and changed front at Rossville, with a determination to defend the pass at all hazards against the pursuers. Thomas finally withdrew from his breastworks and concentrated his troops, and formed his line on a slope of Missionary Ridge. Wood and Brannan had barely time to dispose their troops properly, when they were furiously attacked, the Confederates throwing in fresh troops continually. General
Johnston (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): entry chickamauga-battle-of
0 miles apart. Rosecrans proceeded at once to concentrate his own forces.; and very soon the two armies were confronting each other in battle array on each side of Chickamauga Creek, in the vicinity of Crawfish Spring, each line extending towards the slope of Missionary Ridge. Rosecrans did not know that Lee had sent troops from Virginia, under Longstreet, to reinforce Bragg, who was then making his way up from Atlanta to swell the Confederate forces to the number of fully 70,000. Johnston, in Mississippi, also sent thousands of prisoners, paroled at Vicksburg and Port Hudson, to still further reinforce Bragg. In battle order on Chickamauga Creek (Sept. 19, 1863), the Confederate right was commanded by General Polk, and the left by General Hood until Longstreet should arrive. During the previous night nearly two-thirds of the Confederates had crossed to the west side of the creek, and held the fords from Lee and Gordon's mills far towards Missionary Ridge. Rosecrans's concentra
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): entry chickamauga-battle-of
tack the attenuated line of the Nationals, the extremities of which were then 50 miles apart. Rosecrans proceeded at once to concentrate his own forces.; and very soon the two armies were confronting each other in battle array on each side of Chickamauga Creek, in the vicinity of Crawfish Spring, each line extending towards the slope of Missionary Ridge. Rosecrans did not know that Lee had sent troops from Virginia, under Longstreet, to reinforce Bragg, who was then making his way up from Atlanta to swell the Confederate forces to the number of fully 70,000. Johnston, in Mississippi, also sent thousands of prisoners, paroled at Vicksburg and Port Hudson, to still further reinforce Bragg. In battle order on Chickamauga Creek (Sept. 19, 1863), the Confederate right was commanded by General Polk, and the left by General Hood until Longstreet should arrive. During the previous night nearly two-thirds of the Confederates had crossed to the west side of the creek, and held the fords
Missionary Ridge, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): entry chickamauga-battle-of
he abandoned Chattanooga (q. v.) and marched southward through the gaps of Missionary Ridge, pushed his forces through the mountain passes, and was surprised to find the vicinity of Crawfish Spring, each line extending towards the slope of Missionary Ridge. Rosecrans did not know that Lee had sent troops from Virginia, under Lone of the creek, and held the fords from Lee and Gordon's mills far towards Missionary Ridge. Rosecrans's concentrated army did not then number more than 55,000 men. Thomas, who was on the extreme left of the National line, on the slopes of Missionary Ridge, by a movement to capture an isolated Confederate brigade, brought on a babreastworks and concentrated his troops, and formed his line on a slope of Missionary Ridge. Wood and Brannan had barely time to dispose their troops properly, when n good order to a position in front of Chattanooga, and on the following day Bragg advanced and took possession of Lookout Mountain and the whole of Missionary Ridge.
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