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Found 27 total hits in 12 results.
Kingston (Canada) (search for this): entry frontenac-fort
Frontenac, Fort
A fortification built by Frontenac in 1673 at the foot of Lake Ontario, at the present Kingston.
After the repulse of the English at Ticonderoga (July 8, 1758), Col. John Bradstreet urged Abercrombie to send an expedition against this fort.
He detached 3,000 men for the purpose, and gave Colonel Bradstreet command of the expedition.
He went by the way of Oswego, and crossed the lake in bateaux, having with him 300 bateau-men.
His troops were chiefly provincials, and were furnished with eight pieces of cannon and two mortars.
They landed within a mile of the fort on the evening of Aug. 25, constructed batteries, and opened them upon the fort at short range two days afterwards Finding the works untenable, the garrison surrendered (Aug. 27) without much resistance.
The Indians having previously deserted, there were only 110 prisoners. The spoils were sixty cannon, sixteen mortars, a large quantity of small arms, provisions and military stores, and nine armed v
Lake Ontario (search for this): entry frontenac-fort
Frontenac, Fort
A fortification built by Frontenac in 1673 at the foot of Lake Ontario, at the present Kingston.
After the repulse of the English at Ticonderoga (July 8, 1758), Col. John Bradstreet urged Abercrombie to send an expedition against this fort.
He detached 3,000 men for the purpose, and gave Colonel Bradstreet command of the expedition.
He went by the way of Oswego, and crossed the lake in bateaux, having with him 300 bateau-men.
His troops were chiefly provincials, and were furnished with eight pieces of cannon and two mortars.
They landed within a mile of the fort on the evening of Aug. 25, constructed batteries, and opened them upon the fort at short range two days afterwards Finding the works untenable, the garrison surrendered (Aug. 27) without much resistance.
The Indians having previously deserted, there were only 110 prisoners. The spoils were sixty cannon, sixteen mortars, a large quantity of small arms, provisions and military stores, and nine armed ve
Oswego (New York, United States) (search for this): entry frontenac-fort
Frontenac, Fort
A fortification built by Frontenac in 1673 at the foot of Lake Ontario, at the present Kingston.
After the repulse of the English at Ticonderoga (July 8, 1758), Col. John Bradstreet urged Abercrombie to send an expedition against this fort.
He detached 3,000 men for the purpose, and gave Colonel Bradstreet command of the expedition.
He went by the way of Oswego, and crossed the lake in bateaux, having with him 300 bateau-men.
His troops were chiefly provincials, and were furnished with eight pieces of cannon and two mortars.
They landed within a mile of the fort on the evening of Aug. 25, constructed batteries, and opened them upon the fort at short range two days afterwards Finding the works untenable, the garrison surrendered (Aug. 27) without much resistance.
The Indians having previously deserted, there were only 110 prisoners. The spoils were sixty cannon, sixteen mortars, a large quantity of small arms, provisions and military stores, and nine armed ve
Fort Stanwix (New York, United States) (search for this): entry frontenac-fort
Ticonderoga (New York, United States) (search for this): entry frontenac-fort
Frontenac, Fort
A fortification built by Frontenac in 1673 at the foot of Lake Ontario, at the present Kingston.
After the repulse of the English at Ticonderoga (July 8, 1758), Col. John Bradstreet urged Abercrombie to send an expedition against this fort.
He detached 3,000 men for the purpose, and gave Colonel Bradstreet command of the expedition.
He went by the way of Oswego, and crossed the lake in bateaux, having with him 300 bateau-men.
His troops were chiefly provincials, and were furnished with eight pieces of cannon and two mortars.
They landed within a mile of the fort on the evening of Aug. 25, constructed batteries, and opened them upon the fort at short range two days afterwards Finding the works untenable, the garrison surrendered (Aug. 27) without much resistance.
The Indians having previously deserted, there were only 110 prisoners. The spoils were sixty cannon, sixteen mortars, a large quantity of small arms, provisions and military stores, and nine armed v
James Abercrombie (search for this): entry frontenac-fort
Frontenac, Fort
A fortification built by Frontenac in 1673 at the foot of Lake Ontario, at the present Kingston.
After the repulse of the English at Ticonderoga (July 8, 1758), Col. John Bradstreet urged Abercrombie to send an expedition against this fort.
He detached 3,000 men for the purpose, and gave Colonel Bradstreet command of the expedition.
He went by the way of Oswego, and crossed the lake in bateaux, having with him 300 bateau-men.
His troops were chiefly provincials, and were furnished with eight pieces of cannon and two mortars.
They landed within a mile of the fort on the evening of Aug. 25, constructed batteries, and opened them upon the fort at short range two days afterwards Finding the works untenable, the garrison surrendered (Aug. 27) without much resistance.
The Indians having previously deserted, there were only 110 prisoners. The spoils were sixty cannon, sixteen mortars, a large quantity of small arms, provisions and military stores, and nine armed v
John Bradstreet (search for this): entry frontenac-fort
Louis De Buade Count Frontenac (search for this): entry frontenac-fort
Frontenac, Fort
A fortification built by Frontenac in 1673 at the foot of Lake Ontario, at the present Kingston.
After the repulse of the English at Ticonderoga (July 8, 1758), Col. John Bradstreet urged Abercrombie to send an expedition against this fort.
He detached 3,000 men for the purpose, and gave Colonel Bradstreet command of the expedition.
He went by the way of Oswego, and crossed the lake in bateaux, having with him 300 bateau-men.
His troops were chiefly provincials, and were furnished with eight pieces of cannon and two mortars.
They landed within a mile of the fort on the evening of Aug. 25, constructed batteries, and opened them upon the fort at short range two days afterwards Finding the works untenable, the garrison surrendered (Aug. 27) without much resistance.
The Indians having previously deserted, there were only 110 prisoners. The spoils were sixty cannon, sixteen mortars, a large quantity of small arms, provisions and military stores, and nine armed v
1673 AD (search for this): entry frontenac-fort
Frontenac, Fort
A fortification built by Frontenac in 1673 at the foot of Lake Ontario, at the present Kingston.
After the repulse of the English at Ticonderoga (July 8, 1758), Col. John Bradstreet urged Abercrombie to send an expedition against this fort.
He detached 3,000 men for the purpose, and gave Colonel Bradstreet command of the expedition.
He went by the way of Oswego, and crossed the lake in bateaux, having with him 300 bateau-men.
His troops were chiefly provincials, and were furnished with eight pieces of cannon and two mortars.
They landed within a mile of the fort on the evening of Aug. 25, constructed batteries, and opened them upon the fort at short range two days afterwards Finding the works untenable, the garrison surrendered (Aug. 27) without much resistance.
The Indians having previously deserted, there were only 110 prisoners. The spoils were sixty cannon, sixteen mortars, a large quantity of small arms, provisions and military stores, and nine armed ve
August 25th (search for this): entry frontenac-fort