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Lake City (Florida, United States) (search for this): entry ontario-lake-operations-on
Ontario, Lake, operations on Commodore Isaac Chauncey was in command of a little squadron of armed schooners, hastily prepared, on Lake Ontario late in 1812. The vessels were the Oneida (his flag-ship), Conquest, Growler, Pert, Scourge, Governor Tompkins, and Hamilton. He sailed from Sackett's Harbor (Nov. 8) to intercept the British squadron, under Commodore Earl, returning to Kingston from Fort George, on the Niagara River, whither they had conveyed troops and prisoners. Chauncey took his station near the False Ducks, a group of islands nearly due west from Sackett's Harbor. On the afternoon of Nov. 9 he fell in with Earl's flag-ship, the Royal George. He chased her into the Bay of Quinte, where he lost sight of her in the darkness of night. On the following morning (Nov. 10) he captured and burned a small armed schooner, and soon afterwards espied the Royal George making her way towards Kingston. Chauncey gave chase with most of his squadron (which had been joined by t
street (Maryland, United States) (search for this): entry ontario-lake-operations-on
efore it was ready for sea. On the 31st Chauncey was carried, in a convalescent state, on board the Superior (his flag-ship), and the squadron sailed on a cruise. It blockaded the harbor of Kingston, and Chauncey vainly tried to draw out Sir James Yeo for combat. At the close of September Chauncey was informed that the St. Lawrence, pierced for 112 guns, which had been built at Kingston, was ready for sea, when the commodore prudently raised the blockade and returned to Sackett's Harbor. The St. Lawrence sailed in October with more than 1,000 men, accompanied by other vessels of war; and with this big ship Sir James was really lord of the lake. The Americans determined to match the St. Lawrence, and at Sackett's Harbor the keels of two first-class frigates were laid. One of them was partly finished when peace was proclaimed, early in 1815. Chauncey expected that Yeo would attack his squadron in the harbor, but he did not; and when the lake was closed by ice the war had ended on
Ontario, Lake, operations on Commodore Isaac Chauncey was in command of a little squadron of armed schooners, hastily prepared, on Lake Ontario late in 1812. The vessels were the Oneida (his flag-ship), Conquest, Growler, Pert, Scourge, Governor Tompkins, and Hamilton. He sailed from Sackett's Harbor (Nov. 8) to intercept the British squadron, under Commodore Earl, returning to Kingston from Fort George, on the Niagara River, whither they had conveyed troops and prisoners. Chauncey took his station near the False Ducks, a group of islands nearly due west from Sackett's Harbor. On the afternoon of Nov. 9 he fell in with Earl's flag-ship, the Royal George. He chased her into the Bay of Quinte, where he lost sight of her in the darkness of night. On the following morning (Nov. 10) he captured and burned a small armed schooner, and soon afterwards espied the Royal George making her way towards Kingston. Chauncey gave chase with most of his squadron (which had been joined by
Niagara River (New York, United States) (search for this): entry ontario-lake-operations-on
and Hamilton. He sailed from Sackett's Harbor (Nov. 8) to intercept the British squadron, under Commodore Earl, returning to Kingston from Fort George, on the Niagara River, whither they had conveyed troops and prisoners. Chauncey took his station near the False Ducks, a group of islands nearly due west from Sackett's Harbor. d. These two vessels carried nineteen guns between them. All the next day the squadrons manoeuvred for advantage, and towards evening Chauncey ran into the Niagara River. All that night the lake was swept by squalls. On the morning of the 9th Chauncey went out to attack Sir James, and the day was spent in fruitless manoeuvreson their way to the American camp on the Niagara. They captured (June 12, 1813) two vessels laden with hospital stores at Eighteen-mile Creek, eastward of the Niagara River. They made a descent upon the village of Charlotte, situated at the mouth of the Genesee River, on the 15th, and carried off a large quantity of stores. On t
Charlotte (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry ontario-lake-operations-on
wever, sufficiently blockade Kingston Harbor to prevent marine scouts from slipping out and hovering near Wilkinson's flotilla on the St. Lawrence. A British squadron on the lake hovered along its southern shores in the summer of 1813 and seriously interfered with supplies on their way to the American camp on the Niagara. They captured (June 12, 1813) two vessels laden with hospital stores at Eighteen-mile Creek, eastward of the Niagara River. They made a descent upon the village of Charlotte, situated at the mouth of the Genesee River, on the 15th, and carried off a large quantity of stores. On the 18th they appeared off Sodus Bay, and the next evening an armed party, 100 strong, landed at Sodus Point for the purpose of destroying American stores known to have been deposited there. These had been removed to a place of concealment a little back of the village. The invaders threatened to destroy the village if the hiding-place of the stores was not revealed. The women and ch
York, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): entry ontario-lake-operations-on
r was Sailingmaster Arundel, commander of the Pert, who was badly injured by the bursting of a cannon. He would not leave the deck, and was knocked overboard and drowned. After the capture of Fort George Chauncey crossed the lake, looked into York, and then ran for Kingston without meeting a foe. He retired to Sackett's Harbor, where he urged forward the completion of a new corvette, the General Pike, 26 guns. She was launched June 12, 1813, and placed in command of Capt. Arthur Sinclair. ion, and took her into the harbor. Sir James L. Yeo was in command of the British squadron on the lake. He made a cruise westward, and on July 7 appeared with his squadron off Niagara. Chauncey and Scott had just returned from the expedition to York. Chauncey immediately went out and tried to get the weather-gage of Sir James. He had thirteen vessels, but only three of them had been originally built for war purposes. His squadron consisted of the Pike, Madison, Oneida, Hamilton, Scourge, O
Niagara County (New York, United States) (search for this): entry ontario-lake-operations-on
), the Hamilton (Lieutenant McPherson), and Julia (Sailing-master Trant) chased the Simcoe over a reef of rocks (Nov. 11), and riddled her so that she sank before she reached Kingston. Soon afterwards the Hamilton captured a large schooner from Niagara. This prize was sent past Kingston with the Growler (Sailing-master Mix), with a hope of drawing out the Royal George; but Chauncey had so bruised her that she was compelled to haul on shore to keep from sinking. A number of her crew had been Lady Murray (June 16), laden with provisions shot, and fixed ammunition, and took her into the harbor. Sir James L. Yeo was in command of the British squadron on the lake. He made a cruise westward, and on July 7 appeared with his squadron off Niagara. Chauncey and Scott had just returned from the expedition to York. Chauncey immediately went out and tried to get the weather-gage of Sir James. He had thirteen vessels, but only three of them had been originally built for war purposes. His
Sackett's Harbor (New York, United States) (search for this): entry ontario-lake-operations-on
vernor Tompkins, and Hamilton. He sailed from Sackett's Harbor (Nov. 8) to intercept the British squadron, un Kingston without meeting a foe. He retired to Sackett's Harbor, where he urged forward the completion of a nea fast-sailing schooner was laid by Eckford at Sackett's Harbor, and named the Sylph, and a small vessel was kest of the fleet, were captured. Returning to Sackett's Harbor, Chauncey prepared for another cruise with eigatter fled to Kingston, and Chauncey went into Sackett's Harbor. On the 18th he sailed for the Niagara for trn Bay for Kingston. Chauncey was returning to Sackett's Harbor, whither all his transports bearing troops hadick, and in July his squadron was blockaded at Sackett's Harbor, and it was the last of that month before it wprudently raised the blockade and returned to Sackett's Harbor. The St. Lawrence sailed in October with more s determined to match the St. Lawrence, and at Sackett's Harbor the keels of two first-class frigates were lai
Ontario, Lake, operations on Commodore Isaac Chauncey was in command of a little squadron of armed schooners, hastily prepared, on Lake Ontario late in 1812. The vessels were the Oneida (his flag-ship), Conquest, Growler, Pert, Scourge, Governor Tompkins, and Hamilton. He sailed from Sackett's Harbor (Nov. 8) to intercept the British squadron, under Commodore Earl, returning to Kingston from Fort George, on the Niagara River, whither they had conveyed troops and prisoners. Chauncey took his station near the False Ducks, a group of islands nearly due west from Sackett's Harbor. On the afternoon of Nov. 9 he fell in with Earl's flag-ship, the Royal George. He chased her into the Bay of Quinte, where he lost sight of her in the darkness of night. On the following morning (Nov. 10) he captured and burned a small armed schooner, and soon afterwards espied the Royal George making her way towards Kingston. Chauncey gave chase with most of his squadron (which had been joined by t
Burlington Bay (Vermont, United States) (search for this): entry ontario-lake-operations-on
oke of battle floated away it was found that the Wolfe (Sir James's flag-ship) was too much injured to continue the conflict any longer. She pushed away dead before the wind, gallantly protected by the Royal George. A general chase towards Burlington Bay immediately ensued. Chauncey could doubtless have captured the whole British fleet, but a gale was threatening, and there being no good harbors on the coast, if he should be driven ashore certain capture by land troops would be the consequence. So he called off his ships and returned to the Niagara, where he lay two days while a gale was skurrying over the lake. The weather remaining thick after the gales, Sir James left Burlington Bay for Kingston. Chauncey was returning to Sackett's Harbor, whither all his transports bearing troops had gone, and at sunset, Oct. 5, when near the Ducks, the Pike captured three British Transports—the Confiance, Hamilton (the Growler and Julia with new names), and Mary. the Sylph captured the cut
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