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one hundred and fifty scalps, and the Chickasaws nearly fifty. The Creeks did not scalp any, because the enemy was their own people. A white man, by the name of Eli Smith, was taken who had gone over to tire Yankees. He was tried by a court-martial and shot. He was a deserter from a Texas regiment. Other deserters were taken and dealt with in tire same manner. Col. Cooper behaved with the greatest coolness and bravery.--Fort Smith (Ark.) Times, December 15. Major Lyons' Rocket Battalion, one hundred and fifty men, from Albany, left New York this afternoon for Washington. Their side arms will be sabres and carbines, and their battery is to be corstructed on a new plan, so as to throw rockets as well as balls and shells. This arm is expected to be useful in burning towns or fighting cavalry. The battalion consists of two companies, that from Niagara commanded by Capt. Alfred Ransom, and that from Wyoming and Morris counties by Captain J. A. Lee--N. Y. World, December 10.
lonel Drew, has disbanded, a part have joined the Nationals, a portion have returned home, and a part remain with Colonel Cooper. Opothleyholo is encamped about the Big Bend of Arkansas, with a force variously estimated at from two to four thousand men, well armed, and all naked to the waist, and painted. Colonel Cooper is encamped within five miles of the Nationals, with a small force, consisting of Colonel Simms' Texas regiment, Colonel McIntosh's Creek regiment, and the Chocktaw and Chickasaw regiment.--Fort Smith (Ark.) News, Dec. 12. Five vessels of the stone fleet, and the ships George Green and Bullion, of Gen. Butler's expedition, sailed to-day from Boston, Mass. An expedition, under Commander Rodgers, U. S. N., left Port Royal harbor, S. C., and explored Ossabaw Sound, Ga. It passed up the Vernon River, Ga., and was fired on by a fort on the eastern end of Green Island, without damage. Returning to the Sound, the expedition sailed up the Great Ogeechee River, a
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
t this country for his own. It was the Prince Jerome Bonaparte, a cousin of the Emperor Napoleon the Third, who, with his wife, had arrived in New York in the preceding July, in his private steam yacht. He went to Washington, where he was entertained by the President, and visited the Houses of Congress and the army on Arlington Heights and vicinity. He passed through the lines and visited the Confederate forces under Beauregard, at Manassas. Returning to New York, he started on a tour to Niagara, Canada, and the Western prairies, with the princess. At the middle of September, he went from New York to Boston and Halifax in his yacht, and so homeward. It was only a few days before Prince Jerome's departure from New York that the Prince de Joinville arrived there, with members of his family. He came to place his son, the Duke of Penthievre (then sixteen years of age), in the Naval School at Newport. He brought with him his two nephews above named, who offered their services to t
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 16: career of the Anglo-Confederate pirates.--closing of the Port of Mobile — political affairs. (search)
and considered by the Executive Government of the United States, and will be met by liberal terms on substantial and collateral points; and the bearer or bearers thereof shall have safe conduct both ways. This was precisely what the Conspirators and their emissaries wanted. They knew Mr. Lincoln would not consider any other proposition than an unconditional surrender, which they were firmly resolved never to accept voluntarily; At about the time of Mr. Greeley's unofficial mission to Niagara, two other citizens were on a secret peace mission. at Richmond, whither they went clandestinely, without the President's permission, but with his knowledge. The men engaged in the errand were Colonel J. F. Jaques, of the Seventy-third Illinois, and J. R. Gilmore, a civilian, of New York. They were allowed to pass through the Union lines, and at Richmond they obtained an interview, first with Benjamin, Secretary of State, and then with Jefferson Davis. They held a free talk with the lat
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 20: Peace conference at Hampton Roads.--the campaign against Richmond. (search)
nd to the National troops, 549. the Repossesion of the Confederate capital, 550. rejoicings at Washington, and among the loyal people, 551. At the opening of the spring of 1865, the Rebellion was so shorn of its inherent strength and props that it was ready to fall. The last effort to win peace by other means than by conquering it, had been tried in vain. That effort was a notable one, as the outline here given will show. We have seen how futile were the missions of Mr. Greeley to Niagara, and of Messrs. Jaques and Gillmore to Richmond, the previous summer, in the interest of peace. See page 446, and note 2, page 447. A few months later, Francis P. Blair, senior, a venerable politician of Maryland, who had given his support to the administration, and who was personally acquainted with the principal actors in the rebellion, then in Richmond, conceived the idea that he might bring about reconciliation and peace by means of his private influence. So he asked the President f
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia., Chapter 8: our northern frontier defences.—Brief description of the fortifications on the frontier, and an analysis of our northern campaigns. (search)
mall fortresses at convenient places to deposite provisions in, by which means the country will be eased of an immense expense in the carriage, and it will also be a means of securing a retreat if we should be put to the rout again. But this advice of Washington was unheeded, and the campaign of 1756 was based upon the same erroneous principles as the preceding one. The first division, of three thousand men, was to operate against Fort Du Quesne; the second, of six thousand men, against Niagara; the third, of ten thousand men, against Crown Point; and a fourth, of two thousand men, was to ascend the Kennebec river, destroy the settlements on the Chaudiere, and, by alarming the country about Quebec, produce a diversion in favor of the third division, which was regarded as the main army, and was directed along the principal line of operations. The entire French forces at this time consisted of only three thousand regulars and a body of Canadian militia. Nevertheless, the English,
G. S. Hillard, Life and Campaigns of George B. McClellan, Major-General , U. S. Army, Appendix. Oration at West Point. (search)
tous and unjustifiable rebellion, which could not be so long maintained but for the skill and energy of those our former comrades! But we have reason to rejoice that upon this day, so sacred and so eventful for us, one grand old mortal monument of the past still lifts high his head amongst us, and graces by his presence the consecration of this tomb of his children. We may well be proud that we have been commanded by the hero who purchased victory with his blood near the great waters of Niagara, who repeated and eclipsed the achievements of Cortez,--who, although a consummate and confident commander, ever preferred, when duty and honor would permit, the olive-branch of peace to the blood-stained laurels of war, and who stands, at the close of a long, glorious, and eventful life, a living column of granite against which have beaten in vain alike the blandishments and the storms of treason. His name will ever be one of our proudest boasts and most moving inspirations. In long-dist
etter a season of Gloom the National Finances during the War National Debt currency depreciation Peace overtures at Niagara and at Richmond Davis inflexible Chicago Democratic Convention--Peace utterances the platform McClellan and Pendletoffer they may be disposed to make should be received, and either accepted or rejected. I beg you to invite those now at Niagara to exhibit their credentials and submit their ultimatum. H. G. The President hereupon saw fit — alike to the surprise and the regret of his correspondent — to depute him to proceed to Niagara, and there communicate with the persons in question. He most reluctantly consented to go, but under a misapprehension which insured the failure of the effort in any evened in a final note from the President, transmitted by his Private Secretary, Maj. Hay, with the message that sent him to Niagara; but its purport was misapprehended in view of his explicit, repeated refusals to do more in the premises than be the me
in attack on Newbern, 78; invests Fort Macon, 79; at Vicksburg, 314; carries Rebel works at Petersburg, 734. Parker, Joel, chosen Gov. of New Jersey, 254. Parsons, Gen. M., killed at Pleasant Hill, 544. Patton, Col. G. S., at Wytheville and Lewisburg, Va., 408; 404. Paul, Brig--Gen., wounded at Gettysburg, 388. Payne, Col., 2d La., wounded at Port Hudson, 333. Pea Ridge, battle of, 27 to 32; losses at, 31. Peace negotiations in Hampton roads, 675. Peace overtures at Niagara and Richmond, 664-6. Peck, Gen. John J., repels Longstreet at Suffolk, Va., 367. Pegram, Gen., routed by Gillmore near Somerset, Ky., 427; wounded at the Wilderness, 568; killed at Dabney's Mill, Va., 726. Pelouze, Major, severely wounded, 177. Pemberton, Gen. John C., defeated at Champion Hills, 307; his defense and surrender of Vicksburg, 310-16. Pender, Brig.-Gen., at second Bull Run, 189; wounded mortally at Gettysburg, 380; 387; 389. Pennsylvania Reserves, at Gaies's
Feb. 8, 1865 1 Deep Bottom, Va. 4 By Prison Guards 3 Present, also, at Totopotomoy; High Bridge; Farmville; Appomattox. notes.--Organized at Lockport in August, 1862, as the One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Infantry, the men coming from Niagara, Orleans, and Genesee counties. It was changed to heavy artillery in December, 1862, and two additional companies were added in January, 1864. The regiment performed garrison duty until May, 1864, when it was sent with the other heavy artiller's Run; Farmville Appomattox. notes.--One of the four regiments forming the Corcoran Legion, a brigade composed, mostly, of Irish soldiers. The One Hundred and Sixty-fourth was recruited in New York, Brooklyn, Buffalo, and in the counties of Niagara and St. Lawrence. It was organized in New York City, and mustered into service on November 19, 1862. The Legion was ordered to the Peninsula soon after, where it was placed in the Seventh Corps. On the 29th of January, 1863, the brigade start
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