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Dieppe (France) (search for this): entry ribault-jean
Ribault, Jean 1520- Navigator; born in Dieppe, France, in 1520; first appeared in history as commander of Coligni's expedition to America in 1562. Returning for supplies, he was detained by civil war until the spring of 1565, when Coligni sent him with five ships to Florida, where he succeeded Laudonniere as commander-inchief. He had just arrived, when five Spanish vessels appeared, under Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles, whose name and object were demanded. I am Menendez, he said, and declared he was sent to destroy all Protestants he could find. Ribault had been advised of the expedition of Menendez before his departure from France. Just as he was departing from Dieppe he was handed a letter from Coligni, in which the admiral had written a postscript, saying, While closing this letter I have received certain advice that Don Pedro Menendez is about to depart from Spain to the coast of Florida. You will take care not to suffer him to encroach upon us, any more than he would that
United States (United States) (search for this): entry ribault-jean
Ribault, Jean 1520- Navigator; born in Dieppe, France, in 1520; first appeared in history as commander of Coligni's expedition to America in 1562. Returning for supplies, he was detained by civil war until the spring of 1565, when Coligni sent him with five ships to Florida, where he succeeded Laudonniere as commander-inchief. He had just arrived, when five Spanish vessels appeared, under Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles, whose name and object were demanded. I am Menendez, he said, and declared he was sent to destroy all Protestants he could find. Ribault had been advised of the expedition of Menendez before his departure from France. Just as he was departing from Dieppe he was handed a letter from Coligni, in which the admiral had written a postscript, saying, While closing this letter I have received certain advice that Don Pedro Menendez is about to depart from Spain to the coast of Florida. You will take care not to suffer him to encroach upon us, any more than he would tha
Carolina City (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry ribault-jean
antly cut, and they went to sea, followed by the Spanish squadron, which, failing to overtake the fugitives, returned to the shore farther south. Ribault returned to the St. John, when, contrary to the advice of Laudonniere, he determined to try to drive the Spaniards away from the coast. When he reached the open sea he was struck by a fierce tempest that wrecked his vessels not far from Cape Canaveral, on the central coast of Florida. With his command, Ribault started by land for Fort Carolina (built on the St. John by the Frenchmen), ignorant of the fact that its garrison had been destroyed. Ribault divided his force of 500 men, about 200 of them taking the advance in the march, the remainder, with Ribault, following soon afterwards. The latter were betrayed by a sailor, and fell into the hands of Menendez. The captives pleaded for mercy. Menendez asked, Are you Catholics or Lutherans? They answered, We are all of the reformed religion. He told them he was ordered to e
France (France) (search for this): entry ribault-jean
in 1562. Returning for supplies, he was detained by civil war until the spring of 1565, when Coligni sent him with five ships to Florida, where he succeeded Laudonniere as commander-inchief. He had just arrived, when five Spanish vessels appeared, under Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles, whose name and object were demanded. I am Menendez, he said, and declared he was sent to destroy all Protestants he could find. Ribault had been advised of the expedition of Menendez before his departure from France. Just as he was departing from Dieppe he was handed a letter from Coligni, in which the admiral had written a postscript, saying, While closing this letter I have received certain advice that Don Pedro Menendez is about to depart from Spain to the coast of Florida. You will take care not to suffer him to encroach upon us, any more than he would that we should encroach upon him. The cables of the French fleet were instantly cut, and they went to sea, followed by the Spanish squadron, which
Florida (Florida, United States) (search for this): entry ribault-jean
Coligni's expedition to America in 1562. Returning for supplies, he was detained by civil war until the spring of 1565, when Coligni sent him with five ships to Florida, where he succeeded Laudonniere as commander-inchief. He had just arrived, when five Spanish vessels appeared, under Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles, whose name andl had written a postscript, saying, While closing this letter I have received certain advice that Don Pedro Menendez is about to depart from Spain to the coast of Florida. You will take care not to suffer him to encroach upon us, any more than he would that we should encroach upon him. The cables of the French fleet were instantlaway from the coast. When he reached the open sea he was struck by a fierce tempest that wrecked his vessels not far from Cape Canaveral, on the central coast of Florida. With his command, Ribault started by land for Fort Carolina (built on the St. John by the Frenchmen), ignorant of the fact that its garrison had been destroyed.
Cape Canaveral (Florida, United States) (search for this): entry ribault-jean
any more than he would that we should encroach upon him. The cables of the French fleet were instantly cut, and they went to sea, followed by the Spanish squadron, which, failing to overtake the fugitives, returned to the shore farther south. Ribault returned to the St. John, when, contrary to the advice of Laudonniere, he determined to try to drive the Spaniards away from the coast. When he reached the open sea he was struck by a fierce tempest that wrecked his vessels not far from Cape Canaveral, on the central coast of Florida. With his command, Ribault started by land for Fort Carolina (built on the St. John by the Frenchmen), ignorant of the fact that its garrison had been destroyed. Ribault divided his force of 500 men, about 200 of them taking the advance in the march, the remainder, with Ribault, following soon afterwards. The latter were betrayed by a sailor, and fell into the hands of Menendez. The captives pleaded for mercy. Menendez asked, Are you Catholics or L
Menendez Aviles (search for this): entry ribault-jean
Ribault, Jean 1520- Navigator; born in Dieppe, France, in 1520; first appeared in history as commander of Coligni's expedition to America in 1562. Returning for supplies, he was detained by civil war until the spring of 1565, when Coligni sent him with five ships to Florida, where he succeeded Laudonniere as commander-inchief. He had just arrived, when five Spanish vessels appeared, under Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles, whose name and object were demanded. I am Menendez, he said, and declared he was sent to destroy all Protestants he could find. Ribault had been advised of the expedition of Menendez before his departure from France. Just as he was departing from Dieppe he was handed a letter from Coligni, in which the admiral had written a postscript, saying, While closing this letter I have received certain advice that Don Pedro Menendez is about to depart from Spain to the coast of Florida. You will take care not to suffer him to encroach upon us, any more than he would that
Don Pedro Menendez (search for this): entry ribault-jean
pt, saying, While closing this letter I have received certain advice that Don Pedro Menendez is about to depart from Spain to the coast of Florida. You will take car afterwards. The latter were betrayed by a sailor, and fell into the hands of Menendez. The captives pleaded for mercy. Menendez asked, Are you Catholics or LuthMenendez asked, Are you Catholics or Lutherans? They answered, We are all of the reformed religion. He told them he was ordered to exterminate all of that faith. They offered him 50,000 ducats if he wou my mercy, he said. A small stream divided the Frenchmen from the Spaniards. Menendez ordered the former to be brought over in companies of ten. Out of sight of threached the spot where their companions had been betrayed a few hours before. Menendez hurried back, and by the same treacherous method disarmed Ribault and his friet of his companions were murdered, Sept. 23, 1565. They were put to the sword, Menendez wrote, judging this to be expedient for the service of God our Lord and of you
Ribault, Jean 1520- Navigator; born in Dieppe, France, in 1520; first appeared in history as cnt to destroy all Protestants he could find. Ribault had been advised of the expedition of Menendeives, returned to the shore farther south. Ribault returned to the St. John, when, contrary to te fact that its garrison had been destroyed. Ribault divided his force of 500 men, about 200 of ththe advance in the march, the remainder, with Ribault, following soon afterwards. The latter were y. Very soon after this treacherous massacre Ribault, with the rest of his followers, reached the , and by the same treacherous method disarmed Ribault and his friends. Ribault was shown the pile Ribault was shown the pile of unburied corpses of his men. A ransom of 100,000 ducats was offered for the lives of Ribault andRibault and his friends. As before, they were betrayed, and Ribault and all but six or eight of his companionRibault and all but six or eight of his companions were murdered, Sept. 23, 1565. They were put to the sword, Menendez wrote, judging this to be exp[1 more...]
Gaspard De Coligni (search for this): entry ribault-jean
Ribault, Jean 1520- Navigator; born in Dieppe, France, in 1520; first appeared in history as commander of Coligni's expedition to America in 1562. Returning for supplies, he was detained by civil war until the spring of 1565, when Coligni sent him with five ships to Florida, where he succeeded Laudonniere as commander-inchiefColigni sent him with five ships to Florida, where he succeeded Laudonniere as commander-inchief. He had just arrived, when five Spanish vessels appeared, under Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles, whose name and object were demanded. I am Menendez, he said, and declared he was sent to destroy all Protestants he could find. Ribault had been advised of the expedition of Menendez before his departure from France. Just as he was departing from Dieppe he was handed a letter from Coligni, in which the admiral had written a postscript, saying, While closing this letter I have received certain advice that Don Pedro Menendez is about to depart from Spain to the coast of Florida. You will take care not to suffer him to encroach upon us, any more than he would tha
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