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on, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad reaches Las Vegas......July 4, 1879 Apache Indians under Chief Victorio kill the herds and capture the horses of Captain Hooker's command at Ojo Calient, Socorro county, and open an Indian war which lasted several months, resulting in the death of many settlers and the destruction of much property......Sept. 3, 1879 Massacre by Apaches at McEver's ranch, rear Hillsboro, followed in a few weeks by other massacres and destruction of property at and near Mason's and Lloyd's ranches, west of Mesilla......Sept. 11, 1879 The New Mexican Christian advocate (M. E. Church), No. 1, Vol. I,, English and Spanish monthly, 32-column quarto, issued at Santa Fe by Rev. Thomas Harwood, A. M.......May, 1880 New Mexico Historical Society, organized 1859-60 is reorganized......1880 Bureau of immigration established by act of legislature......1880 All-rail connection established across the continent, Via New Mexico and Arizona, being the date of the r
and imprisonment of a local judicial officer on what the people considered a false charge provokes a revolution, Aug. 1, 1837, which is central at Santa Cruz, but which is soon quelled by Gen. Manuel Armijo......1837 New Placer gold-mines discovered......1839 Expedition under General McLeod sets out from Austin, Texas, June 18, 1841, to ascertain the feeling of the New Mexican people with respect to a union with Texas. When near San Miguel the force is met by Damacio Salazar and his Mexican troops seized and imprisoned at San Miguel, from whence they are marched under guard to the city of Mexico......Oct. 17, 1841 President Santa Ana, by decree, closes the frontier custom-house at Taos, Aug. 7, 1843, but repeals the act......March 31, 1844 Gen. Stephen W. Kearney, in command of a body of United States troops known as the Army of the West, enters Santa Fe and takes formal possession......Aug. 18, 1846 General Kearney establishes a government for the Territory of New Me
ess to close on Sunday......1876 Ute Indians removed from New Mexico to the Colorado reservation......April–July, 1878 Gen. Lew. Wallace, governor of New Mexico......Oct. 1, 1878 First railroad track laid within New Mexico, the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe, crossing Raton Pass......Nov. 30, 1878 Locomotive on the new Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad reaches Las Vegas......July 4, 1879 Apache Indians under Chief Victorio kill the herds and capture the horses of Captain HooTopeka, and Santa Fe Railroad reaches Las Vegas......July 4, 1879 Apache Indians under Chief Victorio kill the herds and capture the horses of Captain Hooker's command at Ojo Calient, Socorro county, and open an Indian war which lasted several months, resulting in the death of many settlers and the destruction of much property......Sept. 3, 1879 Massacre by Apaches at McEver's ranch, rear Hillsboro, followed in a few weeks by other massacres and destruction of property at and near Mason's and Lloyd's ranches, west of Mesilla......Sept. 11, 1879 The New Mexican Christian advocate (M. E. Church), No. 1, Vol. I,, English and Spanish monthly
organized at Santa Fe......Aug. 21, 1901 [The records of the Civil War and the late war with Spain show that, in proportion to her population, New Mexico has furnished more troops to uphold the national flag than any other State or Territory in the Union.] According to a bulletin issued by the census bureau, of the entire population of 195,310, 104,228 are males, and 91,083 females. There are 13,625 foreign-born persons, constituting 7 per cent. of the population. There are 15,103 colored people, including 1,610 negroes, 341 Chinese, 8 Japanese, 13,144 Indians......Aug. 29, 1901 Executive proclamation designating Thursday, Sept. 19, as a day of fasting and prayer, and earnestly recommending that every church and house of worship on this day hold a memorial service to commemorate the life and services to his country of one of the most distinguished and exemplary Americans since the birth of the republic, which was generally observed. Issued......Sept. 14, 1901 New York
Pecos River (New Mexico, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-new-mexico
uly, 1540 Augustin Rodriguez, a Franciscan friar of San Bartolome, Mexico, with two associates and an escort of twelve soldiers, ascends the Rio Grande, and 8 miles from the site of Albuquerque the party separate, the soldiers returning to Mexico, the three friars remaining......August, 1581 Don Antonio Espejo, with a relief party, ascends the Rio Grande, and, finding the missionaries located among the Pueblo Indians in 1581 had been killed, he returns to San Bartolome by way of the Pecos River......1582-83 Don Juan de Oñate, a wealthy citizen of Zacatecas, under authority from Don Luis de Valasco, viceroy of New Spain, settles with a colony of 130 families, ten friars, and a number of soldiers in the valley of the Chama River, just above its junction with the Rio Grande......1598 Santa Fe founded under the title La Ciudad Real de la Santa Fe de San Francisco......1605 Religious persecution of the Indians by the Spanish, who whip, imprison, and hang forty natives who wo
Paraje (New Mexico, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-new-mexico
1860 Miguel A. Otero having thrice served as delegate to Congress, also as attorney-general and United States district attorney for the Territory, appointed secretary of New Mexico by President Lincoln......1861 Maj. Isaac Lynde, U. S. A., in command at Fort Fillmore, surrenders the fort and his entire command of 700 to Lieut.-Col. John R. Baylor, Confederate......July 27, 1861 Confederates under Gen. H. F. Sibley defeat the Federals under Colonel Canby at Valverde, 10 miles below Fort Craig......Feb. 21, 1862 Battle at Apache Cañon, near Santa Fe; Colonel Slough defeats the Confederates under Colonel Scurry......March 28, 1862 Santa Fe, in possession of the Confederates since March 11, 1862, is recovered by the Federals......April 21, 1862 Territory of Arizona formed from part of New Mexico......Feb. 24, 1863 Governor Connelly dies; W. F. M. Arny acting governor......1865 Portion of New Mexico above 37° attached to Colorado......1867 By act of Congress peon
Silver City, Owyhee County, Idaho (Idaho, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-new-mexico
....1696 Albuquerque founded during the administration of Duke of Albuquerque......1701-10 Lieutenant-Colonel Carrisco discovers the Santa Rita mines near Silver City......1800 Baptiste Lalande, a Frenchman from Kaskaskia, reaches Santa Fe with a stock of merchandise, which he disposes of at a very large profit......1804 ct teachers' normal institutes passed by the legislature......Feb. 9, 1893 New Mexico Normal University at Las Vegas and New Mexico Normal Training School at Silver City established......Feb. 11, 1893 New Mexico Military Institute established at Roswell, N. M.......Feb. 23, 1893 Bulletin No. 36, United States Department ofared a fraud by the United States court of private land claims and Reavis sentenced to pay a fine of $10,000 and serve two years in prison......June 25, 1895 Silver City suffers disastrous flood......July 23, 1895 San Juan county apple crop estimated at 4,000,000 lbs......Sept. 1, 1895 The national irrigation congress opens i
Natchitoches (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-new-mexico
Zebulon M. Pike, of the United States army, builds a fort on the Rio del Norte on Spanish soil, supposing it to be the Red River and American possessions, during the month of Feb. 1807. With his party he is taken to Santa Fe by a Spanish escort, where they arrive March 3. From there he is sent to Chihuahua under escort, arriving April 2, and has an audience with the commanding general Don Nemecio Salcedo. After some detention he is sent forward, reaching San Antonio, Tex., June 7, and Natchitoches......July 1, 1807 Captains Glenn, Becknell, and Stephen Cooper visit Santa Fe with small parties and a limited quantity of goods for trade......1821-22 First public school law in New Mexico; action of the provincial deputation: Resolved, that the said ayuntamientos be officially notified to complete the formation of primary public schools as soon as possible according to the circumstances of each community ......April 27, 1822 Francisco Xavier Chaves, appointed political chief,
Socorro, N. Mex. (New Mexico, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-new-mexico
s......Nov. 30, 1878 Locomotive on the new Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad reaches Las Vegas......July 4, 1879 Apache Indians under Chief Victorio kill the herds and capture the horses of Captain Hooker's command at Ojo Calient, Socorro county, and open an Indian war which lasted several months, resulting in the death of many settlers and the destruction of much property......Sept. 3, 1879 Massacre by Apaches at McEver's ranch, rear Hillsboro, followed in a few weeks by other maabolishing the office of attorney-general and substituting that of solicitor-general......Feb. 15, 1889 Acts of the legislature passed creating a State university at Albuquerque, an agricultural college at Las Cruces, and a school of mines at Socorro......1889 Insane asylum at Las Vegas created by act of legislature......1889 Territorial board of health provided for by act of legislature......1889 Constitutional convention meets at Santa Fe Sept. 3, adopts a constitution for the pro
Loretto, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-new-mexico
rst Bartlett pear and Ben Davis apple trees across the Great American Plains and thus became the father of modern horticulture in New Mexico......1851 First legislative Assembly convenes at Santa Fe, and declares it the capital of the territory......June 2, 1851 Santa Fe incorporated as a city......1851 Gov. James S. Calhoun dies while on his way to the States, and John Greiner becomes acting governor......June 30, 1852 Academy of Our Lady of Light, in charge of the sisters of Loretto, organized at Santa Fe......1852 Christopher or Kit Carson appointed Indian agent in New Mexico......1853 Beall & Whipple's railroad survey, 35th-parallel route......1853 Thirty-second parallel survey for railroad by Capt. John Pope (east half) and Lieut. J. G. Park (west half)......1854 Territory acquired from Mexico under the Gadsden purchase is incorporated with the Territory of New Mexico......Aug. 4, 1854 Overland mail-coach line to Pacific coast, via Mesilla, N. M., est
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