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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 15 1 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
ted by act approved......July 15, 1870 Act reducing the United States army to a peace footing......July 15, 1870 Second session adjourns......July 15, 1870 First through car from the Pacific reaches New York......July 24, 1870 Adm. David C. Farragut, born 1801, dies at Portsmouth, N. H.......Aug. 14, 1870 National Labor Congress meets in Cincinnati......Aug. 15, 1870 President proclaims neutrality in the Franco-Prussian War......Aug. 22, 1870 National Commercial Convention obertson, without consulting said Senators......March 28, 1881 Investigation of alleged star-route frauds leads to resignation of second assistant Postmaster-Gen. Thomas A. Brady......April 20, 1881 Vinnie Ream-Hoxie's bronze statue of Admiral Farragut unveiled at Washington, D. C.......April 25, 1881 Senators Conkling and Platt of New York resign......May 16, 1881 Special session of Senate adjourns sine die......May 20, 1881 Arctic steamer Jeannette, crushed in the ice in lat. 77
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Alabama (search)
elegates from six seceded States meet at Montgomery ... Feb. 4, 1861 Adopt a provisional constitution ... Feb. 8, 1861 Jefferson Davis inaugurated President of the Confederacy at Montgomery ... Feb. 18, 1861 Seat of Confederate government removed from Montgomery to Richmond, Va ................... ....... July, 1861 There were liberated by the emancipation proclamation 435,132 slaves in Alabama ..................... Jan. 1, 1863 Confederate fleet defeated in Mobile Bay by Admiral Farragut ...... Aug. 5, 1864 [State furnishes to the Confederate service sixty-five regiments of infantry, twelve regiments of cavalry, and twenty-two batteries of artillery. Brewer's History of Alabama.] Mobile evacuated by Confederate forces ... April 12, 1865 State convention meets and annuls ordinance of secession ...... Sept. 25, 1865 New constitution adopted..Nov. 5: 1865 [This constitution was not ratified until November, 1875.] State admitted to a representation in Con
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Louisiana, (search)
ck by a Confederate ram......Oct. 12, 1861 State casts its electoral vote for Jefferson Davis as president of the Confederate States......Feb. 19, 1862 Admiral Farragut passes forts Jackson and Philip with his fleet, morning......April 24, 1862 Surrender of New Orleans to Admiral Farragut......April 25, 1862 Capture ofAdmiral Farragut......April 25, 1862 Capture of forts Jackson and Philip by the Federals......April 28, 1862 Confederate capital transferred to Opelousas......April, 1862 Maj.-Gen. Benjamin F. Butler takes possession of New Orleans......May 1, 1862 Baton Rouge occupied by Federals......May 27, 1862 William B. Mumford, for taking down the United States flag from the United States mint after the surrender of the city to Admiral Farragut, hanged at New Orleans by order of General Butler......June 7, 1862 Federal troops in Baton Rouge, besieged by Confederates, Aug. 5, evacuate by order from General Butler......Aug. 16, 1862 Brig.-Gen. Geo. F. Shepley military governor of Louisiana......A
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Waddell, James Iredell 1824-1886 (search)
Waddell, James Iredell 1824-1886 Naval officer; born in Pittsboro, N. C., in 1824; graduated at the United States Naval Academy; resigned from the navy in 1861, and entered the Confederate service in the following year; commanded the ram Louisiana at New Orleans till the engagement with Farragut's fleet, when he destroyed that vessel by blowing her up; later was ordered to England, where in 1864 he took command of the Shenandoah, with which he cruised in the Pacific Ocean, destroying vessels till Aug. 2, 1865, when he learned that Lee had surrendered more than three months before. Returning to England he surrendered his vessel to the United States consul at Liverpool, and he and his crew were liberated. the Shenandoah, under Captain Waddell, was the only vessel that ever carried the Confederate flag around the world. He died in Annapolis, Md., March 15, 1886.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wilkinson, John 1821- (search)
Wilkinson, John 1821- Naval officer; born in Norfolk, Va., Nov. 6, 1821; joined the navy in 1837; served on the Portsmouth in 1845-46; promoted master in June, 1850, and lieutenant in the following November. He resigned from the National service in 1861 and joined the Confederate navy as a lieutenant; was executive officer of the ram Louisiana, which was captured by Farragut in the spring of 1862, when New Orleans fell; was exchanged in the following August and appointed an agent to buy and load a vessel with war materials in England. He purchased the Giraffe, with which he ran the blockade at Wilmington, N. C. In 1864 he commanded the Chickamauga, with which he destroyed numerous merchant vessels, and in the following year commanded the blockade runner Chameleon, in which he sailed to Liverpool, where she was seized by the United States governemnt after the war. Wilkinson published The narrative of a blockade runner.