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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Acuera, (search)
cuera, A Creek Indian cacique, the territory of whose people in Florida was early invaded by De Soto. The cruelties of Narvaez and De Soto in Florida aroused among the native tribes feelings of tDe Soto in Florida aroused among the native tribes feelings of the bitterest hatred. Narvaez caused a captive cacique, or chief, to be mutilated after the first engagement with the hostile Indians. His nose was cut off, and he was otherwise disfigured; and the dren. Narvaez supposed this would strike terror, and make conquest easy; but he was mistaken. De Soto had blood-hounds, iron neck-collars, handcuffs, chains, and instruments of torture, wherewith tiate Acuera, whose territory he had invaded, for he was powerful, and commanded many warriors. De Soto invited the dusky sovereign to a friendly interview. when he received from Acuera this haughtyr me and my people, we prefer death to the loss of liberty and the subjugation of our country. De Soto could never pacify Acuera. and during the twenty days that he remained in the cacique's domini
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), America, discoverers of. (search)
coast of South Carolina. Meanwhile the Spaniards had been pushing discoveries westward from Hispaniola, or Santo Domingo. Ojeda also discovered Central America. In 1513 Vasco Nuñez de Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean from a mountain summit on the Isthmus of Darien. Francisco Fernandez de Cordova discovered Mexico in 1517. Pamphila de Narvaez and Ferdinand de Soto traversed the country bordering on the Gulf of Mexico, the former in 1528, and the latter in 1539-41. In the latter year De Soto discovered and crossed the Mississippi, and penetrated the country beyond. This was the last attempt of the Spaniards to make discoveries in North America before the English appeared upon the same field. It is claimed for Giovanni da Verrazano, a Florentine navigator, that he sailed from France with four ships, in 1524, on a voyage of discovery, and that he traversed the shores of America from Florida to Nova Scotia. He is supposed to have entered Delaware Bay and the harbors of New Yo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Arkansas, (search)
Arkansas, One of the Southwestern States; discovered by De Soto in 1541, who crossed the Mississippi near the site of Helena. It was next visited by father Marquette (q. v.) in 1673. It was originally a part of Louisiana, purchased from the French in 1803, and so remained until 1812, when it formed a part of Missouri Territory. It was erected into a Territory in 1819, with its present name, and remained under a territorial government until 1836, when a convention at Little Rock, its present capital, formed a State constitution. Its first territorial legislature met at Arkansas Post in 1820. On June 15, 1836, Arkansas was admitted into the Union as a State. In 1861 the people of Arkansas were attached to the Union, but, unfortunately, the governor and most of the leading politicians of the State were disloyal, and no effort was spared by them to obtain the passage of an ordinance of secession. For this purpose a State convention of delegates assembled at the capital (Litt
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cancer, Luis 1549- (search)
Cancer, Luis 1549- Missionary; born in Saragossa, Spain; became a member of the Dominican Order. With two companions and Magdalena, a converted Indian woman, whom he had brought from Havana as an interpreter, landed in Florida in 1549. By presents and an explanation of his purpose through his interpreter he gained the friendship of the Indians. After a few days he visited another part of the coast, leaving his companions behind. When he returned, a canoe containing a survivor of De Soto's expedition approached and warned Father Cancer that his companions had been killed. He declined to believe this and rowed alone to the shore. Magdalena, his interpreter, told him that his two companions were in the tent of the chief, whereupon he followed her and was almost immediately surrounded by the Indians and put to death.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Capital, National (search)
, under the magnificent dome, and are of peculiar historic value, as they perpetuate correct likenesses of the men whom Americans delight to honor. These paintings represent the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, the Surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga, the Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, and the Resignation of Washington's commission at Annapolis. To these have since been added others, of the same general size-namely, the Landing of Columbus, by John Vanderlyn; the Burial of De Soto, by George Powell; the Baptism of Pocahontas, by J. G. Chapman; the Embarkation of the Pilgrims, by Robert W. Weir; President Lincoln signing the emancipation proclamation, by Frank B. Carpenter, etc. The old Hall of Representatives is now used for a national Hall of Statuary, to which each State has been asked to contribute statues of two of its most distinguished citizens. The Capitol has already become the permanent depository of a large collection of grand paintings and statuary illust
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Chickasaw Indians, (search)
he English and the inveterate foes of the French, who twice (1736 and 1740) invaded their country under Bienville and De Noailles. The Chickasaws said they came from west of the Mississippi, under the guardianship of a great dog, with a pole for a guide. At night they stuck the pole in the ground, and went the way it leaned every morning. Their dog was drowned in crossing the Mississippi, and after a while their pole, in the interior of Alabama, remained upright, and there they settled. De Soto passed a winter among them (1540-41), when they numbered 10,000 warriors. These were reduced to 450 when the French seated themselves in Louisiana. Wars with the new-comers and surrounding tribes occurred until the middle of the eighteenth century. They favored the English in the Revolution, when they had about 1,000 warriors. They joined the white people against the Creeks in 1795, and always remained the friends of the pale faces; and, in 1818, they had ceded all their lands north
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Choctaw Indians, (search)
Choctaw Indians, A tribe mostly Mobilians, and a peaceful agricultural people. Their domain comprised southern Mississippi and western Alabama. De Soto fought them in 1540. They became allies of the French in Louisiana, where they numbered about 2,500 warriors, and formed forty villages. In the Revolution they were mostly with the English, but were granted peaceable possession of their lands by the United States government. On Jan. 3, 1786, a treaty was made with the leaders of the nation, of the same purport and upon the same terms as that made with the Cherokees the previous year. As early as 1800, numbers of them went beyond the Mississippi, and in 1803 it was estimated that 500 families had emigrated. They served with the United States troops in the second war with England and in that with the Creeks, and in 1820 they ceded a part of their lands for a domain in what is now the Indian Territory. In 1830 they ceded the rest of their lands and joined their brethren w
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Credit Mobilier, (search)
e site of Savannah. They called themselves Muscogees, but, the domain abounding in creeks, it was called the Creek country by the Europeans. Evidently the kindred in origin and language of the Chickasaws and Choctaws, they claimed to have sprung from the earth, emigrated from the Northwest, and reached Florida, when they fell back to the more fertile regions of the Ocmulgee, Coosa, and Tallapoosa rivers. Some of them remained in Florida, and these became the Seminoles of a later period. De Soto penetrated their country as early as 1540, and twenty years later De Luna formed an alliance with the tribe of the Coosas. When the Carolinas and Louisiana began to be settled by the English, Spaniards, and French, they all courted the Creek nation. The English won the Lower Creeks, the French the Upper Creeks, while the Spaniards, through their presents, gained an influence over a portion of them. In 1710 some of these (the Cowetas) made war on the Carolinas, and were petted by the Span
he condemned the fugitive to the flames. When he was fastened to the stake, a Franciscan friar, laboring to convert him, promised him immediate admittance to the joys of heaven if he would embrace the Christian faith, and threatened him with eternal torment if he should continue in his unbelief. The cacique asked whether there were any Spaniards in that region of bliss, and being answered in the affirmative, replied, I will not go to a place where I may meet one of that accursed race. De Soto was made captain-general of Cuba in 1537, and from that island he sailed to make a conquest of Florida. From it Cordova also sailed, and Grijalva, when they went and discovered Mexico; and from it Velasquez sent Cortez to make a conquest of the empire of Montezuma. From the advent of the Spaniards in 1511 the natives began to suffer, and they were persecuted steadily till 1898. During its early history the island changed hands several times, the Dutch once owning it for a short time and
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), De Soto, Fernando, 1496- (search)
ting the two ocean When Pizarro went to Peru, De Soto a companied him, and was his chief lieutenantr in the precious metals than Mexico or Peru, De Soto offered to conquer it at his own expense. Peclose of May the fleet entered Cuban waters. De Soto occupied a whole year preparing for the exped natives kindly and winning their friendship, De Soto unwisely sent armed men to capture some of th fiercely hostile. With cavaliers clad in De Soto discovering the Mississippi River. steel andon neck-collars, and chains for the captives, De Soto began his march in June, 1539. He was accomptter enemy of the perfidious white people. De Soto crossed the beautiful country of the Cherokee log. When the Indian chief asked Moscoso for De Soto, that leader replied, He has ascended to heaved remnant of the expedition, The burial of De Soto. wandered another year in the region west outy of the dusky Mobilian girls. The news of De Soto's death cast a gloom over Havana, and poor Do[7 more...]