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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865. Search the whole document.

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pril 22d. he Disapproves operations against Plymouth and Newbern. Predicts Burnside's attack upon Petersburg, and Advises concentration of forces, letter of General Bragg. alarm of the authorities in Richmond. General Butler beaten off on the 6th and 7th of May. recall of troops. General Hoke's junction with General Ransom. General Beauregard reaches Drury's Bluff. his plan to destroy Butler's and Grant's forces. he Submits it to General Bragg. the latter approves, but will not conseer, that the order should be revoked, and thus were Petersburg and Richmond barely saved by the opportune presence and gallant conduct of Hagood's command. It was upon that occasion that General Butler's forces were baffled and beaten off, on the 6th and 7th of May, in their attempt to seize the Richmond Railroad above Petersburg. Much praise is also due to the prompt action of General Bushrod Johnson and his Tennesseeans, 1168 in number, whom General Hagood found at the junction when he arri
April 26th, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 10
ture and more important concentration. General Bragg, therefore, answered evasively, as follows: 1. Richmond, Va., April 25th, 1864. General Beauregard: Reports of yesterday represent Burnside landing in force at Yorktown. Evans's whole brigade was ordered to Wilmington. Has it arrived? Which brigade can best be spared from South Carolina—Colquitt's or Wise's? The Navy Department has taken action to relieve the grounded gunboat. Braxton Bragg, General. 2. Richmond, April 26th, 1864. To General G. T. Beauregard: The movement under Major-General Hoke, if prompt and successful, will enable us to concentrate a formidable force to meet Burnside. If not made, or unsuccessful, a large portion of your force must be held in North Carolina, to guard the railroad. Knowing his energy and activity, the President has promoted him (General Hoke), to avoid any difficulty about commands. Urge him to action. Braxton Bragg, General. Still more, however, than the two foreg
he Disapproves operations against Plymouth and Newbern. Predicts Burnside's attack upon Petersburg, and Advises concentration of forces, letter of General Bragg. alarm of the authorities in Richmond. General Butler beaten off on the 6th and 7th of May. recall of troops. General Hoke's junction with General Ransom. General Beauregard reaches Drury's Bluff. his plan to destroy Butler's and Grant's forces. he Submits it to General Bragg. the latter approves, but will not consent without te order should be revoked, and thus were Petersburg and Richmond barely saved by the opportune presence and gallant conduct of Hagood's command. It was upon that occasion that General Butler's forces were baffled and beaten off, on the 6th and 7th of May, in their attempt to seize the Richmond Railroad above Petersburg. Much praise is also due to the prompt action of General Bushrod Johnson and his Tennesseeans, 1168 in number, whom General Hagood found at the junction when he arrived in perso
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