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G. T. Beauregard 3,199 167 Browse Search
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Morris Island (South Carolina, United States) 520 4 Browse Search
Savannah (Georgia, United States) 480 26 Browse Search
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Augustin Creek (Wisconsin, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
Total323, Old Pocotaligo. Charles S. Stringfellow, A. A. G. Movement of fleet. Savannah.—To remain two days after our troops have evacuated the city to protect the evacuation. Then to be ready to proceed by sea, by the way of Augustin Creek. Lieutenant McAdams to take two boats from the Savannah to remove the torpedoes at Turner's Rocks. Isondiga.—After the evacuation of our troops, will proceed up the river, if there are no enemy's batteries to prevent it, and join Flag-officer Hunter. Otherwise to try the passage to sea by Augustin Creek. Fire Fly.—Proceed up the river to join Flag-officer Hunter. Georgia.—The General commanding will give notice of the time of dismantling Forts Jackson and Lee, when the guns will be spiked and shots jammed in the guns. The crew will leave the ship for Screven's Ferry, at the same time scuttling the ships effectually. Guns on the Lower End of Hutchinson's Island.—Spike the guns and jam shots in them. Break the carria
Harrison's Landing (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
iddell's Shop: Prisoner captured this A. M. reports that he belongs to Hancock's corps (2d), and that it crossed day before yesterday and last night from Harrison's Landing. Could we not have more reinforcements here? G. T. Beauregard. Telegram. Petersburg, June 15th, 1864. To Lieut.-Col. Otey, A. A. G.: The following j M. Genl. Beauregard: General Lee reports Grant has abandoned his depot on the York, and moved to James River, he supposes about McClellan's old base, at Harrison's Landing. Lee is on a line from Malvern Hill to White Oak Swamp. He has sent Hoke's division to Drury's Bluff, with a view to reinforce you, in case Petersburg is g despatch: Swift Creek, Va., June 15th, 1864:7 A. M. Genl. Braxton Bragg, Richmond, Va.: Return of Butler's forces sent to Grant, arrival of latter at Harrison's Landing, renders my position more critical than ever, if not reinforced immediately; for enemy could force my lines at Bermuda Hundreds Neck, capture Battery Dantzl
Twymans Mill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
1864:1.30 P. M. Brig.-Genl. Wise, Petersburg: I cannot furnish you at present with reinforcements. Defend the place to the last, and, if compelled, retire, fighting, in the direction of Swift Creek Bridge. G. T. Beauregard. Telegram. Gaines's Mill, via Mechanicsville road, June 9th, 1864:2.30 P. M. To Genl. G. T. Beauregard: Your telegrams of 9.30 and 10.15 A. M. to-day to General Bragg received. No troops have left General Grant's army to my knowledge, and none could have crossed Prisoners just taken represent themselves as belonging to 2d, 9th, and 18th Corps. They state that 5th and 6th Corps are behind coming on. Those from 2d and 18th came here by transports, and arrived first. Others marched night and day from Gaines's Mill, and arrived yesterday evening. The 9th crossed at Turkey Bend, where they have a pontoon-bridge. They say Grant commanded on the field yesterday. All are positive that they passed him on the road seven miles from here. G. T. Beauregard.
New Orleans (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
ust be restored. Braxton Bragg. Richmond, Va., January 2d, 1882. Genl. G. T. Beauregard, New Orleans, La.: My dear General,—* * * Your impression is undoubtedly correct that you sent me, on the cceed. Most truly, your old friend and servant, Samuel B. Paul. Genl. G. T. Beauregard. New Orleans, March 20th, 1874. Dear General,—Agreeably to your request I take pleasure in giving you myours, Wade Hampton. General Beauregard's endorsement of the foregoing letter. New Orleans, May 2d, 1866. The above statement of General Wade Hampton, relative to the orders issued terminated. Yours truly, J. E. Johnston. General Beauregard's endorsement. New Orleans, April 10th, 1868. I fully concur in the above recollections of General Johnston, relativ Appendix to chapter L. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 21st, 1882. Genl. G. T. Beauregard, New Orleans, La.: My dear Sir,—Your very kind and highly appreciated letter of the 9th ult., enclosing a<
Winnsboro (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
trate on one of his corps and destroy it. At present the 15th Corps is on the Winnsboroa road; the 17th on the railroad; and the other two, I suppose, across the Broaom South and North Carolina are unfavorable. General Beauregard reports from Winnsboroa that four corps of the enemy are advancing on that place, tearing up the CharChisolm, A. D. C. White Oak, Feb. 20th, 1865. Lieut.-Genl. Hampton, Winnsboroa, S. C.: Stevenson moves this morning via Landsford, Belair, and Pleasant Beauregard: No movement reported on Monticello road. Enemy did not occupy Winnsboroa till to-day. Wheeler reports force this evening two miles west Youngville. sive acts were to be committed. The Confederates were ordered to be moved to Winnsboroa. When General Beauregard was advised of what had been done he left the city and also went off towards Winnsboroa, feeling quite unwell at the time. General Hampton then instructed the Mayor of Columbia, Dr. T. J. Goodwyn, to send out a flag
Proctor's Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
l advance with all forces. Can you not aid in the movement at once? G. T. Beauregard. Telegram. on field, May 16th, 1864. Genl. Braxton Bragg, Richmond, Va.: It is 5.45 P. M. The enemy have been driven from our right to south side of Proctor's Creek and east of railroad; also from our immediate vicinity on turnpike. I am organizing combined general attack on line of Proctor's Creek, and hope good results. The movement has commenced, though late. We shall occupy the works on hill westProctor's Creek, and hope good results. The movement has commenced, though late. We shall occupy the works on hill west of railroad. Nothing positive as to the position of Whiting, save the knowledge that he was at Port Walthall Station at ten o'clock this morning. G. T. Beauregard. Port Walthall junction, near Petersburg, Va., May 16th, 1864. I have been some time in advance of Walthall Junction, having drawn enemy, after sharp skirmish. He appears to be retiring to his line of fortification. I hear nothing of you. I cannot assault his left on Appomattox. I am advancing my left, and have crossed Bake
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, Va., Sept. 17th, 1862. Special Orders, No.enl. Samuel Cooper, Adjt. and Insp.-Genl., Richmond, Va.: General,—In view of the probable inefGenl. Saml. Cooper, Adjt. and Insp.-Genl., Richmond, Va.: Major-General Anderson reports yesterd. Genl. Braxton Bragg, Commander-in-chief, Richmond, Va.: Am ready to obey any order for the gooand Cape Fear. They include Virginia south of James and Appomattox rivers, and all of North Caroli 7th, 1864. Genl. S. Cooper, A. and I. G., Richmond, Va.: General Pickett reports three thousandburg, May 11th, 1864. Genl. Braxton Bragg, Richmond, Va.: Major-General Pickett reported himselfluff, May 15th, 1864. Genl. Braxton Bragg, Richmond, Va.: I have already sent General Whiting hiin our front to-day. Pickets on lower part James River report one steamer, towing up canal-boats a. 9th, 1865. To President Jefferson Davis, Richmond, Va.: I will leave as soon as practicable f[114 more...]
Yorktown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
nl. Braxton Bragg, Commander-in-chief, Richmond, Va.: If enemy reduces his forces in front of Charleston, Wise's brigade can also be recalled after Hagood's. Could I not strike Burnside in rear from Petersburg, if he advances on Richmond from Yorktown? G. T. Beauregard. Telegram. Weldon, N. C., April 25th, 1864. Officer Comdg., Goldsboroa, N. C.: Colonel Harris will arrive in Goldsboroa to-morrow night or the night after. Please order him to proceed to Petersburg, Va., instead of Kinsisolm. The telegram addressed to him at Goldsboroa is annulled. G. T. Beauregard. Telegram. Weldon, N. C., May 5th, 1864. Genl. Braxton Bragg, Richmond, Va.: General Pickett reports: Enemy have reconstructed Grove Wharf, eight miles from Yorktown—evidently, he thinks, to make a depot there for army supplies, or to embark troops for south side of James River. Ought not, then, Clingman's and Dearing's brigades be kept to guard Petersburg and vicinity? G. T. Beauregard. Telegram. Weldo
Coffee county, Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
neral's Office, Richmond, Jan. 6th, 1865. Extract—Special orders, no. 4: * * * XVI. The Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida will hereafter include, besides the States of South Carolina and Florida, that portion of Georgia embraced in the following lines: commencing at Augusta and running along the Georgia Railroad to Warrenton, thence via Sparta and Milledgeville, following the line of the railroad to the Ocmulgee River, but not including Macon; down the Ocmulgee to Coffee County, following the western boundary of that county to the Alapaha River, and down that river and the Suwanee to the Gulf. By command of the Secretary of War, Jno. Withers, Assist. Adjt.-Genl. To Genl. G. T. Beauregard, Comdg., etc. Telegram. Richmond, Va., Jan. 7th., 1865. To Genl. Beauregard: Hardee needs aid. If Hood has not complied with your suggestion, please give the matter prompt attention. Jeffn. Davis. Macon, Ga., Jan. 7th, 1865:11 A. M. To Genl. S. Co
Meridian (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
Richmond, Va., Nov. 7th, 1864: via Meridian. Genl. J. B. Hood: No troops can have beeof yesterday and day before. Will leave, via Meridian, for Selma to-day, the Montgomery road being me; General Hardee probably can. I will be at Meridian to-morrow morning, at Selma tomorrow evening,ing pontoon-train. Urge Clanton's brigade to Meridian to report to General Gardner. D. H. Maury, rent, Col., and A. A. G. Telegram. Meridian, Dec. 5th, 1864. Genl. G. T. Beauregard: fear he will not be assigned to duty. Meridian, Jan. 14th, 1865. By telegraph from Richmond,d. Jeffn. Davis. by telegraph from Meridian, Jan. 15th, 1865. To President Davis, Richmont.-Genl. Private and confidential. Meridian, Jan. 15th, 1865. General,—I send you herys cooked rations, which should be renewed at Meridian and Montgomery, and four days at Macon. The , Col., and A. A. G. Telegram. Meridian, Miss., Jan. 30th, 1865. Genl. G. T. Beauregard:[1 more...]
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