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watch is running down. Wadsworth's stem-winding watch. In Wadsworth's stem-winding watch, by the arrangement of the bar carrying the gears, the main-spring can be wound by turning the pendant, whether the case is open or closed. To set the hands, the bar is first pressed inward to establish the necessary connection between them and the pendant, and disconnect the pendant and main-spring, and then, by turning, regulate the hands. See also patents to Smith and Folsom, 1873; Rice and Gerry, 1868; Jacob, 1869; Himmer, 1869. Stench-traps. Stench-trap. A depression in a drain in which water collects, to prevent the reflex passage of air. The figure shows various forms for sinks and pipes. See also water-closet. Sten′cil. A thin plate out of which patterns or letters have been cut. The plate being laid on the object, the pattern is made thereon by brushing on the color. In early times playing-cards were thus made. Chatto, in his History of playing-cards, Londo