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Samuel Yeats (search for this): chapter 197
Dayhuff, James Hutzell. Company F--Wounded--Privates J. W. Cunkelton, George W. Springer. Captured--Sergeant Michael Huffer, Corporal G. W. Barber (Paroled, Private Daniel Grey). Missing — John Donohue, Lewis Peters, Ezra T. Reese, Martin Brenanan, Reuben Myers, and John Carson. (The last named not in either engagement, as he went to the rear upon the appearance of danger.) Company G--Wounded--Privates J. Baker, J. Clabaugh, J. B. Fike, Charles Mason, D. McAllister, J. E. Shipway, Samuel Yeats. Missing — J. Cook, G. Crouse, M. Donovan, E. Fike, A. Kayser, W. Lugenbeel, H. Mugness, A. McLean, G. W. Nalls, S. Slagman, J. Stedding, and Captain C. B. McCoy. Company I--Wounded-- First Sergeant Jefferson Davis, supposed to be wounded and prisoner, John A. Pierce, Abraham Humble. Missing — Jacob E. Thomas, Edward Herman, George W. Hileman, John Nagle, and Ephraim Speck. Company K--Wounded--Privates John Cassner, Andrew Mobley, D. A. Barney. Missing — Jacob Barney, Charles Ph
nd composed as follows: Third regiment (Md.) Potomac Home Brigade, Colonel Charles Gilpin; Eleventh (Md.) infantry, Colonel Landstreet; seven companies of the One Hundred and Forty-ninth, and three companies of the Hundred and Fifty-ninth Ohio Nation Three companies of Colonel Gilpin's regiment were posted to defend Crum's ford, midway the stone bridge and railroad; Landstreet and Gilpin were held in reserve at the railroad. The battery was divided-Ricketts and Tyler each received three gunsrched with his reserves to Brown's assistance; but on receipt of notice of my intention, without waiting for Gilpin and Landstreet, he galloped to the bridge, and took the command in person. After the disengagement of Ricketts' line, when the head oding along the base of the hill, holding the ford between the stone bridge and junction; and the Eleventh Maryland, Colonel Landstreet, completing my line. The enemy appeared directly in my front about nine o'clock A. M., and opened on us with artil
Joseph Maloney (search for this): chapter 197
d leg. Martin Glass Private H Slightly wounded and missing. Wm. S. Bamford Private H Slightly wounded. James Cunningham Private H Wounded in hip. John Cuddy Private H Wounded slightly. Charles J. Brown Captain K Wounded slightly, in arm. William Harris Private K Shot in the leg, leg amputated. Frederick Lutz Private K Wounded through the left breast, mortally. John H. Welch Private K Wounded on shoulder and side. James Fisher Private K Shot through the neck. Joseph Maloney Private K Captured. John Craft Private K Captured. I certify that the above is a correct list of casualties of the First Maryland Regiment Potomac Home Brigade, at the Battle of Monocacy, July 9th, 1864. Charles J. Brown, Captain Commanding Detachment First Maryland Regiment, Potomac Home Brigade. Saml. B. Lawrence, Lieutenant-Colonel and A. A. G. Report of Captain Charles J. Brown. headquarters Fort Worthington, July 20, 1864. Captain R. H. Offley, Assistant Adjutant
W. S. Truax (search for this): chapter 197
right, retreat was open by the Washington pike; if my left, the retirement could be by the pike to Baltimore. I made up my mind to fight, and accordingly telegraphed General Halleck: I shall withdraw immediately from Frederick City, and put myself in position to cover road to Washington, if necessary. This was done by marching in the night to the railroad bridge, where Brigadier-General Ricketts was in waiting. I had then the following regiments of his division: First brigade, Colonel W. S. Truax commanding, seventeen hundred and fifty strong: One Hundred and Sixth New York, Captain Payne commanding; One Hundred and Fifty-first New York. Colonel Emerson; Fourteenth New Jersey, Lieutenant-Colonel Hall; Tenth Vermont, Colonel Henry; Eighty-seventh Pennsylvania, Lieutenant-Colonel Stahl. Second brigade, sixteen hundred men, Colonel MaClannan commanding; One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Pennsylvania,----; Ninth New York, Colonel Seward; One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Ohio, Lieutenan
C. B. McCoy. Company I--Wounded-- First Sergeant Jefferson Davis, supposed to be wounded and prisoner, John A. Pierce, Abraham Humble. Missing — Jacob E. Thomas, Edward Herman, George W. Hileman, John Nagle, and Ephraim Speck. Company K--Wounded--Privates John Cassner, Andrew Mobley, D. A. Barney. Missing — Jacob Barney, Charles Phelas, Jacob Renger, George Whalen, Corporal David Graham, Private Lewis Becan. detachment First Regt. P. H. B., Md. Vols. Company B--Wounded--Privates Adam Best, G. A. Zahn, G. W. Pool. Missing--Sergeants G. E. Ramsberg, D. J. Zarlon, Corporal J. A. Wagner, Privates R. C. Balsell, James D. Keller, R. M. Mitchell, Thomas Smith, U. H. Yingling, Andrew Teakle. Company G--Captured--Corporal Henry Nafe, Privates Rufus P. Burner, G. G. Brane, Garded Luttman. Missing — James Irvin, G. W. Gatlen, George W. Goodwin, Ephraim Stonesifer, Hezekiah Shelling, Henry Taylor, James Young. Company C--Missing--Sergeant J. R. Poffenberger, Privates Martin<
John Somerville (search for this): chapter 197
e. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Edward H. Lieb. Captain Fifth U. S. Cavalry. Samuel B. Lawrence, Lieutenant-Colonel and A. A. G. Casualties in the First separate brigade, Eighth Army corps, commanded by Brigadier-General E. B. Tyler. Third Regt., Potomac Home brigade, Md. Vols. Company A--Missing--Privates James Tennant, George C. Wilcher, Peter Conroy, Zachariah Loman, Lloyd S. Buckingham, John T. Gasnell, Patrick Daily, Edward Cromer, John Somerville, Thomas H. Russell, and Corporal William Uphold. Company B--Wounded — Abraham Powell. Missing--Corporals Lewis Hampton, Josiah K. Cooper; Privates William Bishop, Frederick Devilliss,John Foreback, Frederick Hessner, B. M. Powell, and David Simmons. Company C--Wounded--Corporal Jas. Holstead; Private James W. Rice. Missing--Private James H. D. Biderman. Company D--Missing--Privates Henry Series, Alfred Sisler, and J. J. Johnson. Company E--Killed--Corporal J. D. Barker. M
Charles Gilpin (search for this): chapter 197
d regiment (Md.) Potomac Home Brigade, Colonel Charles Gilpin; Eleventh (Md.) infantry, Colonel Landd one of Johnson's guns. A little before dark Gilpin charged, and drove the rebels, who, under covead the advantage; his men were veterans, while Gilpin's. with the exception of Clendenin's squadron, the stone bridge and railroad; Landstreet and Gilpin were held in reserve at the railroad. The bwell served throughout the day; and of Colonel Charles Gilpin, who, commanded during the fight at Frme Brigade, Maryland Volunteers, under Colonel Charles Gilpin, then at Monocacy Junction. The prompnd men was brave, gallant and creditable. Colonel Gilpin and Lieutenant-Colonel Clendenin conducted National Guard holding the extreme right; Colonel Gilpin's Third regiment Potomac Home Brigade, Marered me to move to the front and report to Colonel Gilpin of the Third Potomac Home Brigade. I reporthington. On Wednesday, July thirteen, Colonel Gilpin being ordered elsewhere, I was placed in c[12 more...]
D. J. Zarlon (search for this): chapter 197
d to be wounded and prisoner, John A. Pierce, Abraham Humble. Missing — Jacob E. Thomas, Edward Herman, George W. Hileman, John Nagle, and Ephraim Speck. Company K--Wounded--Privates John Cassner, Andrew Mobley, D. A. Barney. Missing — Jacob Barney, Charles Phelas, Jacob Renger, George Whalen, Corporal David Graham, Private Lewis Becan. detachment First Regt. P. H. B., Md. Vols. Company B--Wounded--Privates Adam Best, G. A. Zahn, G. W. Pool. Missing--Sergeants G. E. Ramsberg, D. J. Zarlon, Corporal J. A. Wagner, Privates R. C. Balsell, James D. Keller, R. M. Mitchell, Thomas Smith, U. H. Yingling, Andrew Teakle. Company G--Captured--Corporal Henry Nafe, Privates Rufus P. Burner, G. G. Brane, Garded Luttman. Missing — James Irvin, G. W. Gatlen, George W. Goodwin, Ephraim Stonesifer, Hezekiah Shelling, Henry Taylor, James Young. Company C--Missing--Sergeant J. R. Poffenberger, Privates Martin Glass, Henry R. Haines, George W. Palmer. Company K--Wounded — James Fis
Charles W. McGinnis (search for this): chapter 197
hundred and seventeen enlisted men. Active duty in the field and sudden and frequent changes of position, have made it impossible for me to get accurate returns. This report is as nearly correct as I can get under the circumstances. I have the honor to be, Colonel, respectfully, your obedient servant, A. L. Brown, Colonel One Hundred and Forty-Ninth Ohio National Guard. List of Commissioned Officers Missing from One Hundred and Forty-ninth Regiment Ohio National Guard. Captain Charles W. McGinnis, Company C. First Lieutenant George H. Bowers, Company G. Second Lieutenant St. Clair Pittzer, Company G. List of Commissioned Officers Wounded and Missing One Hundred and Forty-fourth Ohio National Guard. Captain John McKee, Company I, wounded. Lieutenant George Weddell, Company I, prisoner. Samuel B. Lawrence, Lieutenant-Colonel and A. A. G. Casualties in the Third Regiment Potomac Home Brigade, Maryland Volunteers, at the Battle of Monocacy Junction, Baltimore an
n. Company D--Missing--Privates Henry Series, Alfred Sisler, and J. J. Johnson. Company E--Killed--Corporal J. D. Barker. Missing--Privates George J. Siess, Christian Dayhuff, James Hutzell. Company F--Wounded--Privates J. W. Cunkelton, George W. Springer. Captured--Sergeant Michael Huffer, Corporal G. W. Barber (Paroled, Private Daniel Grey). Missing — John Donohue, Lewis Peters, Ezra T. Reese, Martin Brenanan, Reuben Myers, and John Carson. (The last named not in either engagement,r, G. G. Brane, Garded Luttman. Missing — James Irvin, G. W. Gatlen, George W. Goodwin, Ephraim Stonesifer, Hezekiah Shelling, Henry Taylor, James Young. Company C--Missing--Sergeant J. R. Poffenberger, Privates Martin Glass, Henry R. Haines, George W. Palmer. Company K--Wounded — James Fisher, William Harris, Frederick Lutz, John H. Weldy. Missing — Thomas Brown, Thomas P. Collins, Nicholas Serverns, Gotleib Siedel, G. Hamilton Smith. 149TH regiment Ohio National guard. The medica
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