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Finland (Finland) (search for this): chapter 36
rence and Naples, as well as in Rome. Still more striking and more glorious has been the growth of Prussia. A hundred years ago Prussia was just emerging into notice as a small but well-governed and hard-fighting country, with a territory no larger than Michigan, and a population considerably less than Ohio. In a hundred years this small but well-governed and hard-fighting Prussia has become the first military power on earth. Russia, during these hundred years, has carried her arms into Finland, Crim Tartary, the Caucasus and the Mohammedan Khanates, extending the White empire on the Caspian and the Euxine, and along the Oxus and Jaxartes into Central Asia. Vaster still have been the marches and the conquests of Great Britain, her command of the ocean giving her facilities which are not possessed by any other power. Within a hundred years, or thereabouts, she has grown from a kingdom of ten millions of people into an empire of two hundred and twenty millions, with a territory c
Canada (Canada) (search for this): chapter 36
forfeited her throne in Germany. Spain, a hundred years ago the first colonial empire in the world, has lost her colonies and conquests, and has sunk into a third-rate power. France, which, little more than a hundred years ago, possessed Canada, Louisiana, the Mississippi valley, the island of Mauritius, and a stronghold in Hindoostan, has lost all these possessions and exchanged her vineyards and cornfields on the Rhine for the snows of Savoy and the sands of Algiers. Piedmont and Prussia,pulation second only to that of China. America is treading in the footsteps of her parent, taking up her own, as a loadstone takes up its own. The greater draws, annexes, and absorbs the less. Some months ago, Lord Dufferin, Governor-General of Canada, annexed the whole region, known and unknown, stretching from the recognised frontier of British America towards the North Pole; and, some months hence, either President Grant or his successor at the White House, will annex the great provinces of
Russia (Russia) (search for this): chapter 36
small but well-governed and hard-fighting Prussia has become the first military power on earth. Russia, during these hundred years, has carried her arms into Finland, Crim Tartary, the Caucasus and th a territory covering nearly one-third of the earth. Hardly less striking than the progress of Russia and England has been that of the United States. Starting with a population no larger than that illion souls. But what a change has taken place! China has been standing still, while England, Russia, and America have been conquering, planting, and annexing lands. Look at the group of powers wh:-- Great Britain 8,000,000 square miles224,000,000 souls. China3,000,000420,000,000 souls. Russia 7,000,00074,000,000 souls. Unites States3,000,00040,000,000 souls. The British Empire has a larger territory than Russia, a population second only to that of China. America is treading in the footsteps of her parent, taking up her own, as a loadstone takes up its own. The greater draws, a
Florence, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
sts, and has sunk into a third-rate power. France, which, little more than a hundred years ago, possessed Canada, Louisiana, the Mississippi valley, the island of Mauritius, and a stronghold in Hindoostan, has lost all these possessions and exchanged her vineyards and cornfields on the Rhine for the snows of Savoy and the sands of Algiers. Piedmont and Prussia, on the other hand, have sprung into the foremost rank of nations. Piedmont has become Italy, with a capital in Milan and Venice, Florence and Naples, as well as in Rome. Still more striking and more glorious has been the growth of Prussia. A hundred years ago Prussia was just emerging into notice as a small but well-governed and hard-fighting country, with a territory no larger than Michigan, and a population considerably less than Ohio. In a hundred years this small but well-governed and hard-fighting Prussia has become the first military power on earth. Russia, during these hundred years, has carried her arms into Finla
Sonora (California, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
o that of China. America is treading in the footsteps of her parent, taking up her own, as a loadstone takes up its own. The greater draws, annexes, and absorbs the less. Some months ago, Lord Dufferin, Governor-General of Canada, annexed the whole region, known and unknown, stretching from the recognised frontier of British America towards the North Pole; and, some months hence, either President Grant or his successor at the White House, will annex the great provinces of Lower California, Sonora, and Chihuahua, with parts of Cinaloa, Cohahuila, and Nueva Leon, to the United States. The present boundaries of the Republic will be enlarged by land enough to form six or seven new States, each State as big as New York. The surface of the earth is passing into Anglo-Saxon hands. Yet, glorious and inspiring as this story of White Conquest is, the warning on the wall is brief and stern. The end is not yet come. The peril of the fight is not yet past, and the White successors of th
Michigan (Michigan, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
eyards and cornfields on the Rhine for the snows of Savoy and the sands of Algiers. Piedmont and Prussia, on the other hand, have sprung into the foremost rank of nations. Piedmont has become Italy, with a capital in Milan and Venice, Florence and Naples, as well as in Rome. Still more striking and more glorious has been the growth of Prussia. A hundred years ago Prussia was just emerging into notice as a small but well-governed and hard-fighting country, with a territory no larger than Michigan, and a population considerably less than Ohio. In a hundred years this small but well-governed and hard-fighting Prussia has become the first military power on earth. Russia, during these hundred years, has carried her arms into Finland, Crim Tartary, the Caucasus and the Mohammedan Khanates, extending the White empire on the Caspian and the Euxine, and along the Oxus and Jaxartes into Central Asia. Vaster still have been the marches and the conquests of Great Britain, her command of th
Ohio (United States) (search for this): chapter 36
ore they were reopened by the grave events in New Orleans. The two sides seem as bitter as they were a month before the fall of Richmond. Cincinnati, where I write these words, is a great city, chief market of a Free State, looking across the Ohio river into the streets and squares of Covington, her sister of Kentucky. These cities lie as close together as Brooklyn and New York, as Lambeth and Westminster. They are connected by a bridge and by a dozen ferries. Trains and street cars cross t night and day; the citizens buy and sell, dine and house, marry and live with each other, like neighbours and Christians; yet a plague like the Black Death has broken out between Covington and Cincinnati, and the fanatics on both sides of the Ohio river hate their neighbours with the dark and strained malignity which springs from no other source but fratricidal war. Not many minutes since, an aged and respected minister of the Gospel called on me to gloat over the prospect of a new war in the
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
America until these gentle and pious coloured people have obtained a fixed and lasting mastery in the Southern States. Yet there are signs that this bad state of feeling is becoming more and more confined to circles, coteries, and clubs. Massachusetts has invited deputations from Charleston, Atlanta, and New Orleans to Boston, and the Southern soldiers have been heartily received throughout the North. The women, more tenacious and conservative than men, have seized the occasion of this visit to hold out hands to their Southern sisters. A meeting has been called in Boston. A thousand ladies of Massachusetts, including nearly all the best and highest ornaments of the State, have agreed to purchase and present mementoes of this visit of the Southern chivalry to Boston, as a peace offering, to a thousand ladies in the South, whose fathers and husbands played a part in the war. Americans begin to cry- close ranks! The tale of a Hundred Years of White Progress is a marvellous
tice as a small but well-governed and hard-fighting country, with a territory no larger than Michigan, and a population considerably less than Ohio. In a hundred years this small but well-governed and hard-fighting Prussia has become the first military power on earth. Russia, during these hundred years, has carried her arms into Finland, Crim Tartary, the Caucasus and the Mohammedan Khanates, extending the White empire on the Caspian and the Euxine, and along the Oxus and Jaxartes into Central Asia. Vaster still have been the marches and the conquests of Great Britain, her command of the ocean giving her facilities which are not possessed by any other power. Within a hundred years, or thereabouts, she has grown from a kingdom of ten millions of people into an empire of two hundred and twenty millions, with a territory covering nearly one-third of the earth. Hardly less striking than the progress of Russia and England has been that of the United States. Starting with a population
Cluses (France) (search for this): chapter 36
ding power in Europe, has been rent asunder and has forfeited her throne in Germany. Spain, a hundred years ago the first colonial empire in the world, has lost her colonies and conquests, and has sunk into a third-rate power. France, which, little more than a hundred years ago, possessed Canada, Louisiana, the Mississippi valley, the island of Mauritius, and a stronghold in Hindoostan, has lost all these possessions and exchanged her vineyards and cornfields on the Rhine for the snows of Savoy and the sands of Algiers. Piedmont and Prussia, on the other hand, have sprung into the foremost rank of nations. Piedmont has become Italy, with a capital in Milan and Venice, Florence and Naples, as well as in Rome. Still more striking and more glorious has been the growth of Prussia. A hundred years ago Prussia was just emerging into notice as a small but well-governed and hard-fighting country, with a territory no larger than Michigan, and a population considerably less than Ohio. I
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