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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Allan Pinkerton, The spy in the rebellion; being a true history of the spy system of the United States Army during the late rebellion, revealing many secrets of the war hitherto not made public, compiled from official reports prepared for President Lincoln , General McClellan and the Provost-Marshal-General .. Search the whole document.

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Mission Valley (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 40
plunderers, had informed him that morning, just as he was leaving Yorktown, that preparations had been made to rob their stage at a point between Clinton and Mission Valley; and that he very much desired some organization among the passengers for defense, as he himself had upwards of thirty thousand dollars, to be paid out at Indas also taking down to Indianola for the protection of his freighters on the Rio Grand, preparatory to any attack that might be made. About six miles from Mission Valley the stage route traversed a low piece of bottom-lands covered with timber, and a considerable growth of underbrush. A corduroy road had been built through thh to climb when the danger was gone by, and be carried with sound bodies and whole pockets to the supper which had been some time in waiting when they reached Mission Valley. Dinner the next day was taken at Victoria, from which city William and Keating expected to be able to go by railroad to Port Lavaca, only twenty-eight mi
Germany, Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 40
d so materially from the ordinary Texan towns lay in the fact that it was almost exclusively settled by Germans ; and it was a welcome sight to the detectives to be able to enter a place where, from suburb to center, up and down long, finely-shaded avenues, it was plain to be seen that the most had been made of everything From the pleasantest cottage of the extreme suburb, and past the more pretentious residences,every home being provided with an exterior bake-oven, the same as in Germany, Pennsylvania, or portions of Wisconsin and Minnesota, to the shops, stores, hotels and public buildings, every yard, in many instances, fenced with stone gleaned and cleaned from the soil, and, for that matter, every spot upon which the eye rested showed that thrift and not whisky-drinking ruled that place; and that fact alone entitles the little German city to respectable elevation from the obscurity which has heretofore surrounded it. As nothing at this point could be learned regarding Taylo
Austin (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 40
hief of the detective force of that city; General Canby, commanding the Department of Texas, at Austin; Col. Hunt, Chief Quartermaster of the Department of Texas, and other army officers, requesting it would be necessary to secure Governor Pease's warrant, which obliged a long, tedious trip to Austin, the capital of the State; nearly the whole distance having to be done by stage, which at that te to make it drag more heavily; but he thought that if once on the other side, they might get to Austin the same day. William was anxious to push ahead, and looking about town discovered a rather vente colored clown paid even beyond his contract price, the stage was enabled to go lumbering on to Austin, where it arrived at a late hour of the same day. V. Rain, drizzle and mist; mist, drizzlehim aboard a boat before he could recover from the surprise. Not a half hour before they left Austin, he fortunately met Judge Davis of Corpus Christi, who was there attending some political conven
Opelousas (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 40
was an entirely superfluous request; for on either side, behind, and extending a solid phalanx beyond, the gentlemen had already joined and were describing the particular liquor that in their minds would do honor to the occasion in the most lively and familiar manner possible, and interspersing their demands upon the leisurely bar-keeper with such remarks as Gen'lemen had narrow 'scape; Gen'lemen made a right smart run of it; Gen'lemen not down from Norlens (New Orleans), reckon come down Opelousas route, and other similar comments; but invariably prefacing each and every remark with the stereotyped word Gen'lemen, which men were, without exception, assumed to be in that country at that time, at least in conversation; as any neglect to preface a remark with the word laid one liable to become immediately engaged in a discussion regarding the propriety of the use of the term, behind navy revolvers, rifles, double-barreled shot-guns, or any other available pointed or forcible means of a
Hughes (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 40
ere the Cibolo scooted and ripped up its banks with less ardor than across the regular route to Victoria; but on reaching Southerland Springs, seven miles distant, it was found that it would be necesseen some time in waiting when they reached Mission Valley. Dinner the next day was taken at Victoria, from which city William and Keating expected to be able to go by railroad to Port Lavaca, onlyf friendship; thus terminating satisfactorily to all parties what the chivalrous inhabitants of Victoria informed my detectives was called a stag duel, the most common and effective method known for sis and other codes of taking human life will permit. As the next sensation to a stag duel in Victoria was the arrival of the train from Lavaca, in the shape of the hand-car manned by four burly neghe diamond-pinned aristocrat of a New York Central train; and then, as the train started out of Victoria the passengers and the admiring lookers — on were greeted with the following song, tuned to the
Clinton, La. (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 40
o drive right along up to a spot where he knows he is to see his passengers butchered! and that, continued the Governor, earnestly, is just what I want to talk to you about, as I feel sure that I can trust you. The Governor then explained to him that a certain member of the Ku Klux, whom he was sorry to say was too intimate with those roadside plunderers, had informed him that morning, just as he was leaving Yorktown, that preparations had been made to rob their stage at a point between Clinton and Mission Valley; and that he very much desired some organization among the passengers for defense, as he himself had upwards of thirty thousand dollars, to be paid out at Indianola, for goods, and to his freighters for wages. On the receipt of this alarming intelligence, my son took the responsibility of informing the rest of the passengers what might possibly be expected; and, as Governor Owens had six fine carbines, which he was also taking down to Indianola for the protection of h
Wisconsin (Wisconsin, United States) (search for this): chapter 40
y Texan towns lay in the fact that it was almost exclusively settled by Germans ; and it was a welcome sight to the detectives to be able to enter a place where, from suburb to center, up and down long, finely-shaded avenues, it was plain to be seen that the most had been made of everything From the pleasantest cottage of the extreme suburb, and past the more pretentious residences,every home being provided with an exterior bake-oven, the same as in Germany, Pennsylvania, or portions of Wisconsin and Minnesota, to the shops, stores, hotels and public buildings, every yard, in many instances, fenced with stone gleaned and cleaned from the soil, and, for that matter, every spot upon which the eye rested showed that thrift and not whisky-drinking ruled that place; and that fact alone entitles the little German city to respectable elevation from the obscurity which has heretofore surrounded it. As nothing at this point could be learned regarding Taylor, though leaving the town and i
Youngs Creek (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 40
further that night; but the detectives insisted that they had paid their money to be taken to a certain destination, and, as they had shown a disposition to more than earn their passage besides, no excuse for their detention should be offered. After a good deal of grumbling, fresh horses were got out, a new pole put in the stage, and the procession again took up its weary march over the then most horrible of roads, crossing the innumerable brooks and runs which now pushed torrents into York's Creek. All night long they slushed and splashed, and tramped and cursed; though the rain had ceased for a time, there was but little light from the sky, which seemed full of black heavy clouds ready to burst asunder, to again drench them and swell the torrents afresh. My son, Keating, and a man sent along from Blanco Creek, took turns, trudging along ahead of the lead-team, and, with lanterns, picked out the way. Often they would be misled where the ground was so bad as to almost defy a passa
Matagorda Bay (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 40
e of escape lay in strategy. He had the perfect freedom of the boat, and, when he desired, chatted with the captain and the crew, who were not apprised by my son of the character of his new companion, and everything was done to make him comfortable. At first he kept entirely to himself, but of a sudden his manner changed entirely, and he became particularly pleasant, especially to the captain of the boat; and as they were nearing the little barren Saluria Island, at the entrance to Matagorda Bay, William accidentally overheard the captain say to Taylor, The tide is high enough, and I will be able to run close to the island. This caused him to have no particular suspicion of Taylor, as the remark might equally apply to a hundred other subjects besides the one to which it did; but in a few moments after, he noticed the schooner, which had hugged the island pretty closely, now suddenly take a still closer tack, and rapidly neared the barren coast. Feeling alarmed lest the helmsm
America (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 40
ittle of him, could give but a very general description of the man, and here they had injudiciously given him over two months start, during which time he might have safely got to the other side of the world. Only one item of information had been developed by which a clue to his whereabouts could by any possibility be imagined. He had often spoken to Mr. Kuhn in the most glowing terms of life in both Texas and Mexico, as he had passed, so he had said, a portion of a year in that part of America, since the close of the war, and in connection with the subject, he had stated that he should have remained there had he been supplied with sufficient capital to have enabled him to begin business. This was all; and I dismissed the swindled merchant with little encouragement as to the result of a chase for a thief who had got so much the advantage , or, rather, intimated to him that though I had no doubts of being able to eventually catch him, it would be rather a poor investment for the
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