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Richmond county (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.10
ear me that Johnston would have had to encounter Sherman's united force. The events proved that my judgment was correct, for this astute Confederate commander, realizing his relative weakness, waited a little till the two wings had separated one from the other. As we shall shortly see, he struck Slocum first, because he was handiest, after Slocum had deviated northward and was passing through Averysboro. Going on, March 8th, I made my headquarters for the night at Laurel Hill, Richmond County, N. C. It was this day that we crossed the line between South and North Carolina. The Fifteenth Corps was near me, and the Seventeenth a little in advance. Slocum's command, the left wing, was not many miles to the north, and well up abreast. That evening Sherman requested me if possible while pursuing the enemy to so slow up my march as to let the left wing seize Fayetteville. The reason given was that Slocum's division would have the advantage which arose from the primary occupation
Bentonville (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.10
rear guard. Slocum, deviating from our direct march toward Goldsboro, went by the way of Kyle's Landing, aiming for Bentonville, while his wagon train followed the Goldsboro route. Kilpatrick's cavalry was clearing the way on Slocum's left and f Now, it is plain from all accounts that Johnston in good earnest was gathering in all the troops he could at or near Bentonville. A dispatch mentioned Stephen D. Lee, Stevenson, Stewart, Cheatham, Hampton, and IIardee as near at hand. Johnstons, as near as I can estimate, from 20,000 to 25,000 men. March 18th Slocum's wing was continuing its advance toward Bentonville. My wing the same day upon the next road to the south was doing the same thing, but from the character of the countryre and more from each other till Logan turned northward and encamped near Alexander Benton's, about 11 miles south of Bentonville, while Blair was back near Troublefield's store. I was then with Logan's head of column and General Sherman was with
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.10
e events proved that my judgment was correct, for this astute Confederate commander, realizing his relative weakness, waited a little till the two wings had separated one from the other. As we shall shortly see, he struck Slocum first, because he was handiest, after Slocum had deviated northward and was passing through Averysboro. Going on, March 8th, I made my headquarters for the night at Laurel Hill, Richmond County, N. C. It was this day that we crossed the line between South and North Carolina. The Fifteenth Corps was near me, and the Seventeenth a little in advance. Slocum's command, the left wing, was not many miles to the north, and well up abreast. That evening Sherman requested me if possible while pursuing the enemy to so slow up my march as to let the left wing seize Fayetteville. The reason given was that Slocum's division would have the advantage which arose from the primary occupation of a town. Increase of supplies as well as honor thus usually came to the fir
Hampton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.10
f in the rear was captured; he, however, escaped and came into bivouac and was described by Sherman as having been stripped of everything valuable, and being clothed in an old unpresentable dress. The account of Duncan's interviews with Butler, Hampton, and Hardee was very entertaining, and is still, as he vividly recalls it. Hardee, Duncan declares, treated him with kindness, but was very anxious to find how he had happened to seize the bridge and pass the pickets with so small a force of ho caused him to retreat without further battle. Now, it is plain from all accounts that Johnston in good earnest was gathering in all the troops he could at or near Bentonville. A dispatch mentioned Stephen D. Lee, Stevenson, Stewart, Cheatham, Hampton, and IIardee as near at hand. Johnston's instructions, which he received from Richmond, February 23d, at his residence in Lincolnton, N. C., were: To concentrate all available forces and drive Sherman back. This was done, Johnston alleges, w
Clinton, N. Y. (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.10
vessels was occupied by the refugees, whom I have before described. Besides these, a column of whites and negroes, with all their indescribable belongings, were organized in a military way and sent down the river road. From the numerous men going out of the service, I furnished them abundant guards and wagons sufficient to carry the small children, the sick, and the extra food. It was a singular spectacle that drew out of camp on Wednesday, March 15, 1865, and set out for Wilmington via Clinton. There were 4,500, mostly negroes, from my wing alone. Feeling pretty sure that Joe Johnston, our new adversary, who was somewhere in our path, would soon make a stand or an attack, the entire command, under Sherman's instructions, stripped for battle; that is to say, the wagon trains, except those absolutely essential, were thrown back, kept well together and placed under special escort, covered, of course, by the rear guard. Slocum, deviating from our direct march toward Goldsboro,
Goldsboro (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.10
a Clinton. There were 4,500, mostly negroes, from my wing alone. Feeling pretty sure that Joe Johnston, our new adversary, who was somewhere in our path, would soon make a stand or an attack, the entire command, under Sherman's instructions, stripped for battle; that is to say, the wagon trains, except those absolutely essential, were thrown back, kept well together and placed under special escort, covered, of course, by the rear guard. Slocum, deviating from our direct march toward Goldsboro, went by the way of Kyle's Landing, aiming for Bentonville, while his wagon train followed the Goldsboro route. Kilpatrick's cavalry was clearing the way on Slocum's left and front. Slocum found, March 6th, a large Confederate force across the way near Averysboro. It proved to be Hardee, not Johnston, in immediate command. Kilpatrick came upon the enemy behind intrenchments and moved to the right, while Slocum deployed two divisions of the Twentieth Corps in front of the enemy's line.
Arsenal Hill (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.10
delay any longer. Smith sent forward at once a troop of mounted men. They joined the returning scouts, then followed up the Confederate cavalry as they ran back; when the Confederate rear guard was crossing the river our men soon had possession of the hill where the Fayetteville arsenal was situated. Just as the last Confederate horseman was clearing the bridge over the Cape Fear, Potts's brigade, the leading one of Smith's division, arrived on the field. Potts first took position on Arsenal Hill, and then quickly deployed his skirmishers along the river bank under instructions to make every endeavor to save the bridge. But the preparation for its destruction was too complete. The Confederates placed their cannon in a good position on the farther shore, and shelled out skirmishers, regardless of the houses of Fayetteville, while the long bridge was bursting into brilliant flame. As our columns came in from the south roads, Slocum's leading corps, the Fourteenth, entered the t
Lincolnton (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.10
and touching the Averysboro road on that same day, where I was waiting to turn back upon Hardee's left, was what caused him to retreat without further battle. Now, it is plain from all accounts that Johnston in good earnest was gathering in all the troops he could at or near Bentonville. A dispatch mentioned Stephen D. Lee, Stevenson, Stewart, Cheatham, Hampton, and IIardee as near at hand. Johnston's instructions, which he received from Richmond, February 23d, at his residence in Lincolnton, N. C., were: To concentrate all available forces and drive Sherman back. This was done, Johnston alleges, with a full consciousness on my part, however, that we could have no other object in continuing the war than to obtain fair terms of peace; for the Southern cause must have appeared hopeless then to all intelligent and dispassionate Southern men. With these instructions and this natural feeling, Johnston gathered from all quarters, as near as I can estimate, from 20,000 to 25,000 me
Averasboro (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.10
rated one from the other. As we shall shortly see, he struck Slocum first, because he was handiest, after Slocum had deviated northward and was passing through Averysboro. Going on, March 8th, I made my headquarters for the night at Laurel Hill, Richmond County, N. C. It was this day that we crossed the line between South and Goldsboro route. Kilpatrick's cavalry was clearing the way on Slocum's left and front. Slocum found, March 6th, a large Confederate force across the way near Averysboro. It proved to be Hardee, not Johnston, in immediate command. Kilpatrick came upon the enemy behind intrenchments and moved to the right, while Slocum deployedcum to bury and 68 wounded. We lost 12 officers and 65 men killed and 477 men wounded. It is evident that my movement across the Black River and touching the Averysboro road on that same day, where I was waiting to turn back upon Hardee's left, was what caused him to retreat without further battle. Now, it is plain from all ac
Cheraw (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.10
Chapter 44: skirmishing at Cheraw and Fayetteville and the Battle of Averysboro Cheraw was pretty thoroughly defended with intrenchments and outworks; on my coming up with Mower's command ahead,Cheraw was pretty thoroughly defended with intrenchments and outworks; on my coming up with Mower's command ahead, I found him leading his division in his own indomitable style. The Confederate cavalry met us at Thompson's Creek, but being cavalry only, they quickly gave way to Mower's coming, but set the bridgeolumbia, a depot and several storehouses were already in flames when our men entered the city of Cheraw. Quite a largq amount of war material came into our hands by capture. By the newspapers which sensible disposition of them was made. There were two sources of chagrin which annoyed me at Cheraw: one was that a detachment which I sent to Florence had not been sufficiently vigorous in its rewhich was about 500 feet broad, and as my bridge was already laid, the crossing of my command at Cheraw was soon completed. We now hastened on toward Fayetteville. Sherman, having news of accessions
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