Browsing named entities in Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe. You can also browse the collection for De Lord or search for De Lord in all documents.

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prophet:-- Oh, go down, Moses, Way down into Egypt's land! Tell King Pharaoh To let my people go! Stand away dere, Stand away dere, And let my people go! As we were leaving, an aged woman came and lifted up her hands in blessing. Bressed be de Lord dat brought me to see dis first happy day of my life! Bressed be de Lord! In all England is there no Amen? We have been shocked and saddened by the question asked in an association of Congregational ministers in England, the very blood relade Lord! In all England is there no Amen? We have been shocked and saddened by the question asked in an association of Congregational ministers in England, the very blood relations of the liberty-loving Puritans,--Why does not the North let the South go? What! give up the point of emancipation for these four million slaves? Turn our backs on them, and leave them to their fate? What! leave our white brothers to run a career of oppression and robbery, that, as sure as there is a God that ruleth in the armies of heaven, will bring down a day of wrath and doom? Remember that wishing success to this slaveryestablishing effort is only wishing to the sons and daughte