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George Bancroft (search for this): chapter 12
ar, the, Emerson 123 Ames, Fisher, 88 Among my books, Lowell 170 Andrew Rykman's Prayer, Whittier 161 Annabel Lee, Poe 192 Anthologies, American, 269 Arsenal at Springfield, the, Longfellow 156 Assignation, the, Poe 193 Astoria, Irving 91 Atala, Chateaubriand 96 Atlantic monthly, 161, 167, 170, 250, 257 Autobiography, Franklin 58-59 Autocrat of the Breakfast table, the, Holmes 164, 167 Bacchus, Emerson 129 Ballad of the French Fleet, a, Longfellow 155 Bancroft, George, 89,176, 177-78 Barefoot boy, the, Whittier 158 Bartol, C. A., 115 Battle Hymn of the Republic, Howe 224, 225 Battle of the Kegs, the, Hopkinson 69 Bay Psalm book, 85 Beecher, H. W., 216-17 Belfry of Bruges, the, Longfellow 156 Bells, the, Poe 5-6,192 Biglow papers, the, Lowell 170, 172, 173 Black Cat, the, Poe 194 Blaine, J. G., quoted, 163 Blithedale romance, the, Hawthorne 145-46, 150-51 Boston news-letter, 60 Boy's town, a, Howells 250 Bracebridge Hall
William Dean Howells (search for this): chapter 12
aine, J. G., quoted, 163 Blithedale romance, the, Hawthorne 145-46, 150-51 Boston news-letter, 60 Boy's town, a, Howells 250 Bracebridge Hall, Irving 91 Bradford, William, 28 Bradstreet, Anne, 36-37 Bridge, the, Longfellow 156 Brigscendentalism, 143; life and writings, 144-52; typically American, 265 Hayne, Paul, 225 Hazard of New Fortunes, a, Howells 251 Hearn, Lafcadio, 248 Hecker, Father, 141 Henry, Patrick, 72, 209 Herons of Elmwood, the, Longfellow 156 Hiosier schoolmaster, the, Eggleston 247 House of the seven Gables, the, Hawthorne 145, 150 Hovey, Richard, 257 Howells, W. D., 93, 234-35, 250-51, 265 Hubbard, William, 39 Huckleberry Finn, Clemens 238 Humorists, American, 239 HutchiWister, Owen, 243 Woodberry, George, 257 Woodworth. Samuel, 107 Woolman, John, 69 Wonder-book, the, Hawthorne 145, 147 Wreck of the Hesprus, the, Longfellow 155 Wister, Owen, 243 Yale University, 62 Years of my youth, Howells 250
W. E. Channing (search for this): chapter 12
139 Cask of Amontillado, the, Poe 193 Cavell, Edith, quoted, 266 Cawein, Madison, 257 Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, the, Clemens 237 Century magazine, 256 Changeling, the, Lowell, 172 Channing, Edward, 13 Channing, W. E., 112, 113, 119, 142 Chateaubriand, Vicomte de, 96-97 Children's hour, the, Longfellow 157 Chita, Hearn 248 Chinese Ghosts, Hearn 248 Choate, Rufus, 215 Church, Captain, 39 Circuit rider, the, Eggleston 247 City in the sea, ls 251 My literary passions, Howells 250 My lost youth, Longfellow 156 My Mark Twain, Howells 251 My Psalm, Whittier 160 My study windows, Lowell 170 Mysterious Stranger, the, Clemens 238 National Gazette, 71 National literature, Channing 112 National Ode, Taylor 255 Nature, Emerson 123, 128, 131 Nature-writing, 262 Netherlands, history of the United, Motley 181 New England, a digression from English society, 14; at the beginning of 18th century, 43-44; characteristic
Andrew Rykman (search for this): chapter 12
nies, literature in the 17th century, 25-42; journalism, 60-62; education, 62-63; science, 63-64; bibliography of the literature, 269-270 American colonists, predominantly English, 12-25; motives for emigration, 16; moulded by pioneer life, 17-23; in 1760, 59-60 American idea, 206-207 American life since the Civil War, 234 et seq. American literature, the term, 6 American Mercury, 61 American scholar, the, Emerson 123 Ames, Fisher, 88 Among my books, Lowell 170 Andrew Rykman's Prayer, Whittier 161 Annabel Lee, Poe 192 Anthologies, American, 269 Arsenal at Springfield, the, Longfellow 156 Assignation, the, Poe 193 Astoria, Irving 91 Atala, Chateaubriand 96 Atlantic monthly, 161, 167, 170, 250, 257 Autobiography, Franklin 58-59 Autocrat of the Breakfast table, the, Holmes 164, 167 Bacchus, Emerson 129 Ballad of the French Fleet, a, Longfellow 155 Bancroft, George, 89,176, 177-78 Barefoot boy, the, Whittier 158 Bartol, C. A., 1
Joshua Whitcomb (search for this): chapter 12
2 Hiyperion, Longfellow 152 Indian Wars, Hubbard 89 Indians, in literature, 37-40; Thoreau's notes on, 136 Innocents abroad, Clemens 237, 239 Irving, Washington, 89, 90-95 Israfel, Poe 189, 192 Jackson, Andrew, 5 Jackson, Helen Hunt, 248 James, Henry, 250, 251-55 Jay, John,65 Jefferson, Thomas, 79-85, 265 Jesuits in North America, the, Parkman 185 Jewett, Sarah Orne, 249, 250 John of Barneveld, life and death of, Motley 181 Johnson, Edward, Captain, 38 Joshua Whitcomb, Thompson 248 Journal, Emerson 122, 125, 127, 235 Journal, Thoreau 134, 135 Journal, Woolman 69 Journal and correspondence, Longfellow 216 Journalism, in the colonies, 60-62; in 20th century, 263-64 Kemble, Fanny, 245-46 Kennedy, J. P., 245 King, Grace, 247 King, Starr, 262 King Philip's War, 39-40 King's College (Columbia), 62 Knickerbocker group of writers, 89; works by, 270 Languishing commonwealth, Walley 41 Lanier, Sidney, 255-56 La Salle,
J. C. Verplanck (search for this): chapter 12
Transcendentalism, 111 et seq., 218; bibliography, 270-71 Tritemius, Whittier 161 True Relation, Smith 8-10, 25-26 True Reportory of the Wrack of Sir Thomas Gates, Kt. Vpon and from the Islands of the Bermudas, Strachey 26 Tuckerman, F. G., quoted, 117 Twain, Mark, see Clemens, S. L. Twicetold tales, Hawthorne 148 Tyler, Professor, 64 Ulalume, Poe 192 Uncle Tom's cabin, Stowe 98, 208, 219, 220-23 Union of the colonies, Franklin 59 Unitarianism, 112-13 Verplanck, J. C., 107 Very, Jones, 141 Virginia, a continuation of English society, 14; in 1724, 44 Virginia House of Burgesses, address of the, Jefferson 80 Virginians, the, Thackeray 45 Vision of Sir Launfal, the, Lowell 170, 172 Walden, Thoreau 131, 134, 135 Walley, Thomas, 41 Warner, C. D., 93 Washington, George, 64-65, 66, 77-78 Waterfowl, to a, Bryant 103, 106 Webster, Daniel, eulogy for Adams and Jefferson, 86-87; civic note in oratory of, 208; criticism of Clay, 210
Oliver Cromwell (search for this): chapter 12
, 243 Columbus, life of, Irving 91 Commemoration Ode, Lowell 170, 172 Common sense, Paine 75 Conquest of Granada, Irving 91 Conquest of Mexico, Prescott 179 Conquest of Peru, Prescott 179 Conspiracy of Pontiac, the, Parkman 184 Cooke, Rose Terry, 249 Cooper, J. F., 95-101, 265 Cotton, John, 18, 32 Courtship of miles Standish, Longfellow 155 Craddock, C. E., see Murfre. Mary N. Mary N. Cranch, C. P., 141 Crisis, the, Paine 75 Cristus, Longfellow 155-56 Cromwell, Oliver, 10 Brothers, S. M., 262-63 Crowded Street, the, Bryant 106 Curtis, G. W., 93, 141, 181 Dana, C. A., 141 Day is done, the, Longfellow 156 Day of doom, the, Wigglesworth 35-36 Deerslayer, the, Cooper 99 Democratic review, 199 Dial, 136, 140 Drake, J. R., 107 Drama, American, in the 20th century, 259-60 Dred, Stowe 223 Drum Taps, Whitman 201 Dwight, Timothy, 69 Edict of the King of Prussia against England, Franklin 58 Edinburgh review, the, 88 Edwards
Indian Wars (search for this): chapter 12
s, O. W., in 1826, 89; attitude toward Transcendentalism, 143; life and writings, 163-168; died (1894), 255 Home sweet home, Payne 107 Hooker, Thomas, 21-22, 30-31 Hoosier schoolmaster, the, Eggleston 247 House of the seven Gables, the, Hawthorne 145, 150 Hovey, Richard, 257 Howells, W. D., 93, 234-35, 250-51, 265 Hubbard, William, 39 Huckleberry Finn, Clemens 238 Humorists, American, 239 Hutchinson, Anne, 32 Hutchinson, Thomas, 12 Hiyperion, Longfellow 152 Indian Wars, Hubbard 89 Indians, in literature, 37-40; Thoreau's notes on, 136 Innocents abroad, Clemens 237, 239 Irving, Washington, 89, 90-95 Israfel, Poe 189, 192 Jackson, Andrew, 5 Jackson, Helen Hunt, 248 James, Henry, 250, 251-55 Jay, John,65 Jefferson, Thomas, 79-85, 265 Jesuits in North America, the, Parkman 185 Jewett, Sarah Orne, 249, 250 John of Barneveld, life and death of, Motley 181 Johnson, Edward, Captain, 38 Joshua Whitcomb, Thompson 248 Journal, Emer
Wendell Phillips (search for this): chapter 12
re, 115, 119, 141, 206 Parkman, Francis, 143-44, 176, 182-86 Passage to India, Whitman 204 Passionate Pilgrim, a, James 253 Pathfinder, the, Cooper 99 Pattee, F. L., 236 Paul Revere's Ride, Longfellow 155 Paulding, J. K., 107 Payne, J. H., 107 Pennsylvania, University of, 62 Pennsylvania Gazette, 62 Pennsylvania magazine, 74 Pequot War (1637), 38-39 Percy, George, 27, 38 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, 249 Philip II, history of the Reign of, Prescott 179 Phillips, Wendell, 208, 215-16 Picture of New York, Mitchill 90 Pilot, the, Cooper 98 Pioneers, O pioneers, Whitman 204 Pioneers, the, Cooper 97-98, 99 Pioneers of France, the, Parkman 185 Pirate, the, Scott 98 Plymouth plantation, history of, Bradford 28-29 Poe, E. A., literature of escape, 8; in 1826, 89; in New York, 108; life and writings, 187-96 Poet at the Breakfast table, the, Holmes 168 Poetry, Revolutionary verse, 69-72; of freedom, 223 et seq.; of the 20th century, 260-
Paul Hayne (search for this): chapter 12
, Daniel, 38 Greeley, Horace, 217-18 Greenslet, Ferris, 169 Hale, E. E., 224 Half-century of conflict, a, Parkman 185 Halleck, Fitz-Greene, 107 Hamilton, Alexander, 76-77 Hanging of the Crane, the, Longfellow 156 Harris, J. C., 246 Harte, Bret, 240-42 Harvard, John, 16 Harvard College, 62 Haunted Palace, the, Poe 192 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, in 1826, 89; opinion of Bryant, 105; opinion of Transcendentalism, 143; life and writings, 144-52; typically American, 265 Hayne, Paul, 225 Hazard of New Fortunes, a, Howells 251 Hearn, Lafcadio, 248 Hecker, Father, 141 Henry, Patrick, 72, 209 Herons of Elmwood, the, Longfellow 156 Hiawatha, Longfellow 155 Higginson, T. W., 142, 262 Holmes, O. W., in 1826, 89; attitude toward Transcendentalism, 143; life and writings, 163-168; died (1894), 255 Home sweet home, Payne 107 Hooker, Thomas, 21-22, 30-31 Hoosier schoolmaster, the, Eggleston 247 House of the seven Gables, the, Hawthorne 145, 150 Ho
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