Browsing named entities in James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen. You can also browse the collection for De Lord or search for De Lord in all documents.

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James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen, Harriet Beecher Stowe. (search)
pale form to her bosom, and sat down and began rocking her, as if she had been a babe. Honey, darlina, ye a'n't right,--dar's a dreadful mistake somewhat. Why, de Lord a'nat like what ye tink.-He loves ye, honey! why, jes' feel how I loves ye,--poor ole black Candace,ana I a'n't better'n Him as made me! Who was it wore de crown oa thorns, lamb?-who was it sweat great drops oa blood?-who was it said, Father forgive dema? Say, honey, wasn't it de Lord dat made ye? Dar, dar, now ye'r cryina! --cry away, and ease yer poor little heart. He died for Mass'r Jim,--loved him and died for him,--jes' give up his sweet, precious body and soul for him on de crossows all about mothers' hearts. He-won't break yours. It was jes' cause He know'd we'd come into straits like dis yer, dat He went through all dese tings,--Him, de Lord o Glory! Is dis Him you was a-talkina about? Him you can't love? Look at Him, an' see if you can't! Look an' see what He is!--don't ask no questions, an' don't