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Browsing named entities in Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1. You can also browse the collection for Dresden (Saxony, Germany) or search for Dresden (Saxony, Germany) in all documents.

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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 12: Paris.—Society and the courts.—March to May, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
rved that there was a savage cut — up of Chevalier in a January number of Frazer. Yes, said Mr. Wilks, I wrote it. Singular accident that I should pass from one man to the very person who had flayed him, as it were, through the public press! April 1. This evening went to the Theatre Porte St. Martin to see Mademoiselle Georges, 1787-1867. She began to perform in Paris, in 1802 in Clytemnestra. She was attached, at one time, to the Imperial Theatre at St. Petersburg. She played at Dresden and Erfurt before Napoleon and Alexander. From 1821 to 1847 she performed chiefly in Paris at the Odeon and Porte St. Martin theatres. She retired in 1849, but reappeared in 1855. Among her personal admirers were princes and the Emperor Napoleon. famous for her liaison with the emperor, as everybody here calls Napoleon. She is now quite advanced, and is very large and heavy, almost gross; still she must have been attractive in days gone by. Her playing was good, and drew a full house; b