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Browsing named entities in Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2. You can also browse the collection for Dresden (Saxony, Germany) or search for Dresden (Saxony, Germany) in all documents.

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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 21: Germany.—October, 1839, to March, 1840.—Age, 28-29. (search)
eived by Prince Metternich in his salon. Thence, after brief pauses at Prague, Dresden, and Leipsic, He went from Dresden to Leipsic by railway, probably his onlyDresden to Leipsic by railway, probably his only travelling by railway n the Continent. he visited Berlin, where he remained five weeks. Here he saw much of society, and conversed with the celebrated savans,Humbolt towers, and the palace of the Bohemian kings. Then another night and day to Dresden, where I thought of Italy as I looked upon the beautiful paintings; then to Lend in 1848 became the Superintendent of the Astor Library. has just arrived at Dresden. I have not seen him; but he speaks of Hyperion as one of the best books thatth which perhaps you are acquainted. Cogswell has come abroad again; he is at Dresden now. His mission was two-fold; to establish a grandson of Astor at one of the f Germany,—Vienna and Prince Metternich, who praised my country very much (!); Dresden, Berlin, and most of the interesting people there, among whom was a kinsman of