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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 30: addresses before colleges and lyceums.—active interest in reforms.—friendships.—personal life.—1845-1850. (search)
istory, and the latter John Milton, for his subject; the readings of Mrs. Kemble, in whose troubled career he was still interested; the controversy of his friend Macready with Forrest, in which his sympathy and counsels were freely given to the former; the fortunes of Dr. Lieber, whose appointment as professor at Harvard College hnest desire that he would come again. They lamented with him the death of Story, adding their tributes to the memory of the jurist to whom some of them—Morpeth, Macready, and Falconer— had been introduced by him. They followed his career as a reformer in the public addresses which he sent them, and observed with satisfaction the arles R. Vaughan, living at All Souls, Oxford, and R. J. Mackintosh, He married a daughter of Nathan Appleton. son of Sir James, and now Governor of Antigua. Macready, grateful for Sumner's good offices, wrote with great friendliness and confidence, both from England and during his visits to the United States; and with praisew
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 35: Massachusetts and the compromise.—Sumner chosen senator.—1850-1851. (search)
y from their sympathy with your personal fortunes, but from their admiration of the objects and methods which have marked your course. The Earl of Carlisle wrote: I have read with great interest about you; and I hardly can invest my ingenuous, eager, young, slim friend of 1839 (was it?) and 1851 with such august and weighty and venerable associations as throng around the curule chair of the Senate. Do not ever get dry and big and pompous like some whom you will find your neighbors there. Macready, writing June 5, 1851, recognized in him the union of lofty sentiment with extensive acquirement and high refinement, both of mind and manners, such as had not yet been seen in the United States Senate. A foreign writer on American history has recognized, long after the event, the significance of Sumner's election as of that of a man whose name was an emphatic protest against the glittering principles and shifting policy of Webster's speech,— of one who owed his election entirely to his
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 36: first session in Congress.—welcome to Kossuth.—public lands in the West.—the Fugitive Slave Law.—1851-1852. (search)
as in the Senate, died in 1890. He found also solace and good cheer in the congenial fellowship of men and women, distinguished for antislavery activities or sympathies, who gathered almost daily in the home of Dr. Bailey of the National Era. Hardly a foreigner of distinction ever came to Washington while Sumner was in the Senate without seeking him. At this session Jacob Bright came, commended by Harriet Martineau; Arthur h. Clough, by John Kenyon; Dr. Charles Eddy, fellow of Oxford, by Macready; but it was not till the next session that he welcomed Thackeray. Among old English friends who visited Washington in 1852 were Lord and Lady Wharncliffe, John Stuart Wortley, the second Lord Wharncliffe. accompanied by their daughter, since Lady Henry Scott. Lord Wharncliffe, after his return home in the spring of 1852, wrote Sumner long and friendly letters; and though highly conservative, was sympathetic with his friend's antislavery position. J. J. Ampere, then a visitor in Washing
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 40: outrages in Kansas.—speech on Kansas.—the Brooks assault.—1855-1856. (search)
ember 1; Daily News, September 1; London Morning Star, June 24 (article written by Henry Richard); Sumner's Works, vol. IV. p. 326. George Cornewall Lewis called it the beginning of civil war. Henry Reeve also heard him say that it was the first blow of a civil war. Macaulay wrote to the Duchess of Argyll: In any country but America, I should think civil war must be impending. The Duchess of Argyll to Sumner, Sept. 8, 1863. Many letters of sympathy came to him from foreign friends. Macready wrote with affection, describing the universal sympathy in his country, and the indignation which had been called forth by the outrage inflicted by a cowardly and brutal ruffian. Cobden, testifying to the same opinions felt by all on that side of the Atlantic, expressed his dismay at the approval which the dastardly and brutal attack received from the Southern press, of which he said there was nothing so bad in Austria or Italy. Henry Richard, while confessing similar emotions, saw in the
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 41: search for health.—journey to Europe.—continued disability.—1857-1858. (search)
xhibition, the highlands of Scotland, a little of England, including Gladstone and John Bright. The latter I never saw before. I was glad to find him with so many signs of health, though from my own case I can feel how important repose must be to him for some time longer. I leave England profoundly impressed by its civilization, and at the same time painfully regretting three things,—primogeniture, the flunkeyism of servants, and the tolls,—all three showing themselves everywhere. To Macready:— I am unhappy that I have not seen you; and not until the last few days did I renounce the idea of reaching Sherborne. But I have not been able to go in that direction. I have sympathized in your sorrows, which I know must be grievous, requiring all of your fortitude and Christian hope, with the solace of remaining children to be borne. Good-bye. God bless you! During his absence Sumner kept a journal, the only time he ever kept one, except during a part of his former journey<