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Browsing named entities in Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register. You can also browse the collection for Menotomy (Massachusetts, United States) or search for Menotomy (Massachusetts, United States) in all documents.

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ted by their former names. on the west by Watertown, Belmont, and Arlington; on the north by Somerville, and by Miller's River, which separat Cambridge, on its northern border, the territory now embraced in Arlington and the principal part of Lexington; and, as the measurements of ed April 30, 1856, and the line between Cambridge and Belmont and Arlington, was straightened Feb. 25, 1862. The northwesterly part of the32, and was afterwards styled the Second Parish, or more generally Menotomy. The line of division was Menotomy River from Charlestown till itotomy River, was incorporated, Feb. 27, 1807, under the name of West Cambridge, Mass. Spec. Laws, IV. 88. which name was changed to ArlingtonArlington, April 20, 1867. Ibid., XII. 244. The inhabitants of the territory left on the south side of Charles River petitioned to be made a sepa the first Monday in January, 1874. By the incorporation of West Cambridge and Brighton, which was the result of an amicable agreement bet
he highway to the Fresh Pond, and the highway to the Great Swamp; northwesterly from Wyeth Street, it had the latter name exclusively. An old range-way on the easterly side of the Botanic Garden, now made wider and called Raymond Street, was the other highway to the Great Swamp. The highway to the Common indicated that portion of North Avenue which led from Harvard Square to the point where the Old Charlestown Path crossed the Common. The other portion of North Avenue was the highway to Menotomy. The highway to Charlestown, or the Charlestown path, as before stated, was the present Kirkland Street. In the impaled land, the principal highway was the highway to the Oyster Bank, or the highway into the neck, extending through Arrow Street, Main Street, and Pleasant Street, to a point near Cottage Street, and thence diagonally across the present streets towards Washington Square. From Pleasant Street a path diverged westerly, and followed the border of the upland, next to the marsh, a
Mass. Col. Rec., i. 129. The real want of accommodation for cattle and for an additional population may be estimated from the facts that, at this time there were probably less than one hundred families here, containing from five hundred to six hundred persons; and, supposing them to have sold one half of their cattle to their successors, their herd may have consisted of about three hundred. Including the land then offered by others and accepted by them, their territory embraced Cambridge, Arlington, Brookline, Brighton, and Newton. After making all needful allowance for improvements in agriculture, one might suppose here was sufficient room for somewhat more than a hundred families, with their flocks and herds. Another reason is mentioned by Winthrop, namely, the strong bent of their spirits to remove. The particular pressure which occasioned this strong bent he does not describe. But Hubbard, writing before 1682, when many were living who heard the discussion, intimates what t
further ordered, That the Town Book shall be at William Spencer's house. With a change of government came a change of customs. Some of the common planting fields became private property. Thus the Old Field, containing about sixty-three acres, was divided between Edward Goffe, Samuel Shepard, and Joseph Cooke. Small-lot-Hill, in like manner, passed into fewer hands. Farms were granted to such as desired them, both on the south side of the River, and in the territory now embraced in Arlington and Lexington. Much the larger portion of the inhabitants continued to reside in the town, and West end, very few venturing beyond the line of Sparks, Wyeth, and Garden Streets; but provision was made for the suitable care of their cattle, on the commons, by keepers specially appointed. Rules were adopted to promote the comfort and convenience of the inhabitants, and to protect them against annoyance by undesirable associates. A few extracts from the Records may help to exhibit their c
after the 12th day of this present month, cut out or take away directly or indirectly any wood or timber on this side the path which goeth from the mill Cooke's Mill, afterwards known as Rolfe's Mill, or Cutter's Mill, near the Town House in Arlington. to Watertowne, every such person shall forfeit for every such load, if it be timber, five shillings per load, and if wood, two shillings per load. Provided, that there is liberty granted, until the 20th day of this present month, for the fetcd above five miles. It is added that the wood from the swamp costs four shillings per load in Cambridge; the cost of cutting and hauling being twenty pence. Fence-viewers were first elected March 12, 1648-9, for the Neck, Pine-swamp fields, Menotomy fields, and West field; a Sealer of Weights and Measures, Jan. 14, 1649-50; and a Gauger, to size cask, Nov. 10, 1651. Feb. 11, 1649-50. The request of Richard ffrances for remitting the present town rate, in regard of God's visitation by sic
. canals. School-houses. meeting-house. Andrew Craigie becomes owner of almost the whole territory now called East Cambridge. Canal (or Craigie's) Bridge. Lechmere Point Corporation. Court house and jail. incorporation of Brighton and West Cambridge. Embargo. War with England. address by the Town to President Jefferson, and his reply. further action of the Town. public rejoicing at the return of peace For more than a century and a half after the settlement of Cambridge, with sligaration from the parent trunk occurred almost simultaneously. The third parish was incorporated as the town of Brighton, Feb. 24, 1807, and became a part of the city of Boston, Jan. 1, 1874. The second parish was incorporated as the town of West Cambridge, by an Act passed Feb. 27, 1807, but not to take effect until June 1, 1807; its corporate name was changed to Arlington, April 30, 1867. By the incorporation of these two towns, Cambridge lost nearly three quarters of its territory, but prob
defrayed and borne as followeth: (that is to say) two sixth parts thereof by the town of Cambridge, one sixth part by the said Village, Newton was at first called Cambridge Village. and three sixth parts at the public charge of the county of Middlesex. Newton continued to pay its proportion of the expense until May 4, 1781, when it was exempted from further liability by the General Court. Mass. Rec., XLII. 98. In like manner, when Lexington was incorporated, March 20, 1712-13, and West Cambridge, Feb. 27, 1807, they were required to share with Cambridge the expense of maintaining the bridge, in proportion to the respective valuation of the several towns, which they continued to do until they were released from that obligation, March 24, 1860, by the General Court. Mass. Spec. Laws, XI. 56. In the meantime, various expedients were adopted by the Court to aid Cambridge in sustaining what was considered, and what actually was, a grievous burden. Thus, in June, 1694, it was reso
time, and the expenses were defrayed by the petitioners and their associates. Meantime, a determined opposition to any enclosure of the Common was manifested by many persons in East Cambridge, and by certain market-men and others residing in Arlington and elsewhere, among whom Col. Jeduthun Wellington was especially prominent, notwithstanding the weight of more than fourscore years. On their petition a town meeting was held, Oct. 8, 1830. The people assembled in the old Court House,— the ube far distant, when a division of the town, for the convenience of elections and other municipal purposes, will be deemed as necessary as it ever has been at any former period of its history, when the towns of Newton, Lexington, Brighton and West Cambridge were successively separated from the parent town of Cambridge. Your petitioners believe that the present is a favorable time for an amicable division of the town, and they therefore respectfully pray that the town of Cambridge may be divided
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 15: ecclesiastical History. (search)
h. Third meeting-house. extraordinary snow-storm. election of Rev. Nathaniel Appleton. Parsonage rebuilt. enlargement of meeting-house. Church organized at Menotomy. Fourth meeting-house. Rev. George Whitefield. Church organized on the south side of the river. the prolonged and valuable services of Dr. Appleton recognizeorporation as a religious precinct, Nov. 3, 1732, a new petition, slightly differing in form, was presented soon afterwards; which was granted Dec. 27, 1732, and Menotomy became a precinct, with substantially the same bounds which were assigned to it when it was incorporated as a town in 1807. This separation appears to have beeHist. Soc., VII. 33, 34. It was provided that this committee should consist of three in the body of the town, one upon the common, one in Charlestown End, two at Menotomy, and two on the south side of the River. The members first elected were Samuel Danforth, Esq., Andrew Bordman, Esq., John Bradish, Deacon Samuel Bowman, Benjami
.— Edward Hall, English schoolmaster; at present but three scholars. A school was also established at an' early date in Menotomy, now Arlington: Jan. 16, 1692-3. It was voted whether the town would give to Menotomie people a quarter of an acre of laArlington: Jan. 16, 1692-3. It was voted whether the town would give to Menotomie people a quarter of an acre of land, upon our common, near Jasson Russell's house, near the highway, for the accommodation of a school-house; and it was voted on the affirmative, so long as it was improved for that use, and no longer. The earliest trace which I have seen of a schotreets, and the other probably on the northeasterly corner of North Avenue and Russell Street. The Second Parish is now Arlington, and the Third is the Brighton District of Boston. Before the incorporation of the second and third parishes as separaidge. proportion is£ 40.0.0 The northwest Precinct, Now Brighton or Boston.18.18.11 The southwest Precinct, Now Arlington.15.14.6 == 74.13.5 and so for several years afterwards. Again, Aug. 4, 1777, in consideration of the diminished value
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