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Syria (Syria) (search for this): chapter 8
the other day, while visiting a person whose highest merit, so far as I know, is to save his pennies, I was astounded by hearing him allude to some of most approved worth among us, thus: You know we consider those men insane. What this meant, I could not at first well guess, so completely was my scale of character turned topsyturvy. But revolving the subject afterward, I perceived that we was the multiple of Festus, and those men of Paul. All the circumstances seemed the same as in that Syrian hall; for the persons in question were they who cared more for doing good than for fortune and success,—more for the one risen from the dead than for fleshly life,—more for the Being in whom we live and move than for King Agrippa. Among this band of candidates for the mad-house, I found the young poet who valued insight of nature's beauty, and the power of chanting to his fellow-men a heavenly music, above the prospect of fortune, political power, or a standing in fashionable society. A
Providence, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
s course, the still, small voice. She says the guide of her life has shown itself rather as a restraining, than an impelling principle. I like her life; too, as far as I see it; it is dignified and true. Cambridge, July, 1842.—A letter at Providence would have been like manna in the wilderness. I came into the very midst of the fuss, The Dorr rebellion. and, tedious as it was at the time, I am glad to have seen it. I shall in future be able to believe real, what I have read with a dim entral sadness into glowing joy, she writes. And again: I have no belief in beautiful lives; we are born to be mutilated; and the blood must flow till in every vein its place is supplied by the Divine ichor. And she reiterates: The method of Providence with me is evidently that of cross-biassing, as Herbert hath it. In a word, to her own conscience and to intimate friends she avowed, without reserve, that there was in her much rude matter that needed to be spiritualized. Comment would but w
Hallowell (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
o much, Loved I not honor more. October 10th, 1840.—I felt singular pleasure in seeing you quote Hood's lines on Melancholy. I thought nobody knew and loved his serious poems except myself, and two or three others, to whom I imparted them. This was some years before their reprint in this country, it should be noticed. Do you like, also, the ode to Autumn, and— Sigh on, sad heart, for love's eclipse? It was a beautiful time when I first read these poems. I was staying in Hallowell, Maine, and could find no books that I liked, except Hood's poems. You know how the town is built, like a terraced garden on the river's bank; I used to go every afternoon to the granite quarry which crowns these terraces, and read till the sunset came casting its last glory on the opposite bank. They were such afternoons as those in September and October, clear, soft, and radiant. Nature held nothing back. 'T is many years since, and I have never again seen the Kennebec, but remember it as
Jamaica Plain (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
VI. Jamaica Plain. W. H. Channing Quando Lo raggio della grazia, onde s'accende Verace amore, e che poi cresce amando, Multiplicato in te tanto risplende, Che ti conduce su per quella scala, ledge. Elizabeth Barrett. I. First impressions. It was while Margaret was residing at Jamaica Plain, in the summer of 1839, that we first really met as friends, though for several years previon regard to this enterprise, is clearly enough shown by passages from her correspondence. Jamaica Plain, 22d March, 1840. * * * I have a great deal written, but, as I read it over, scarce a word sshing morning, when I entered the parlor of her pleasant house, standing upon a slope beyond Jamaica Plain to the south. She was absent at the moment, and there was opportunity to look from the windy experience, alas! of how many such hours. I am reminded to-day of the autumn hours at Jamaica Plain, where, after arranging everything for others that they wanted of me, I found myself, at las
Lake Pontchartrain (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
has not refused him sympathy. I was surprised by the refinement of his observations on the animals, his pets. He has carried his intercourse with them to a degree of perfection we rarely attain with our human friends. There is no misunderstanding between him and his dogs and birds; and how rich has been the acquaintance in suggestion! Then the flowers! I liked to hear him, for he recorded all their pretty ways,—not like a botanist, but a lover. His interview with the Magnolia of Lake Pontchartrain was most romantic. And what he said of the Yuca seems to me so pretty, that I will write it down, though somewhat more concisely than he told it:— I had kept these plants of the Yuca Filamentosa six or seven years, though they had never bloomed. I knew nothing of them, and had no notion of what feelings they would excite. Last June I found in bud the one which had the most favorable exposure. A week or two after, another, which was more in the shade, put out flower-buds, and
New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 8
Transcendentalism. the summer of 1839 saw the full dawn of the Transcendental movement in New England. The rise of this enthusiasm was as mysterious as that of any form of revival; and only they must be full of something, and here is a way to breathe it out quite freely. It is for dear New England that I want this review. For myself, if I had wished to write a few pages now and then, ther of acquaintance with any of the great fathers of English lore marks this state of things. New England is now old enough,—some there have leisure enough,—to look at all this; and the consequence iures, who in varying pantomime replaced one another on the theatre of her fancy. Frost-bound New England melted into a dream. land of romance beneath the spice-breeze of her Eastern narrative. Stch, during the winter of 1840-41, was beginning to appear simultaneously at several points in New England. In Boston and its vicinity several friends, for whose characters Margaret felt the highest
Rhode Island (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
rouse each generous impulse, to invigorate thought by truth incarnate in beauty, and with unfelt ministry to weave bright threads in her web of fate. Thus more and more Margaret became an object of respectful interest, in whose honor, magnanimity and strength I learned implicitly to trust. Separation, however, hindered our growing acquaintance, as we both left Cambridge, and, with the exception of a few chance meetings in Boston and a ramble or two in the glens and on the beaches of Rhode Island, held no further intercourse till the summer of 1839, when, as has been already said, the friendship, long before rooted, grew up and leafed and bloomed. Ii. A clue. I have no hope of conveying to readers my sense of the beauty of our relation, as it lies in the past with brightness falling on it from Margaret's risen spirit. It would be like printing a chapter of autobiography, to describe what is so grateful in memory, its influence upon one's self. And much of her inner life,
Nazareth, Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
d. Why shouldst thou judge of the consciousness of others by thine own? May not thine own soul have been made morbid, by retiring too much within? If Jesus of Nazareth had not fasted and prayed so much alone, the devil could never have tempted him; if he had observed the public mind more patiently and carefully, he would have wuty, into which mankind is capable of being developed; and one of the highest, in some respects the very highest, of these kingly types, was the life of Jesus of Nazareth. Few believe more in his history than myself, and it is very dear to me. I believe, in my own way, in the long preparation of ages for his coming, and the trung only to Thee! But let me set no limits from the past, to my own soul, or to any soul. Ages may not produce one worthy to loose the shoes of the Prophet of Nazareth; yet there will surely be another manifestation of that Word which was in the beginning. And all future manifestations will come, like Christianity, not to des
Groton (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
such an aversion to my environment. and prayed so earnestly day by day,—O, Eternal; purge from my inmost heart this hot haste about ephemeral trifles, and keep back thy servant from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me. What a change from the almost vestal quiet of Aunt Mary's life, to all this open-windowed, openeyed screaming of poltroon, nefarious plan, entire depravity, &c. &c. July, 1842. Boston.—I have been entertaining the girls here with my old experiences at Groton. They have been very fresh in my mind this week. Had I but been as wise in such matters then as now, how easy and fair I might have made the whole! Too late, too late to live, but not too late to think! And as that maxim of the wise Oriental teaches, the Acts of this life shall be the Fate of the next. I would have my friends tender of me, not because I am frail, but because I am capable of strength;—patient, because they see in me a principle that must, at last, harmonize all the ex<
China (China) (search for this): chapter 8
er converse, and, in the rich and varied intonations of her voice, I recognized a being to whom every shade of sentiment was familiar, She knew, if not by experience then by no questionable intuition, how to interpret the inner life of every man and woman; and, by interpreting, she could soothe and strengthen. To her, psychology was an open book. When she came to Brook Farm, it was my delight to wait on one so worthy of all service,—to arrange her late breakfast in some remnants of ancient China, and to save her, if it might be, some little fatigue or annoyance, during each day. After a while she seemed to lose sight of my more prominent and disagreeable peculiarities, and treated me with affectionate regard. Being a confirmed Socialist, I often had occasion to discuss with Margaret the problems involved in the Combined Order of life; and though unmoved by her scepticism, I could not but admire the sagacity, foresight, comprehensiveness, and catholic sympathy with which she sur
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