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Jacksonville (Florida, United States) 128 0 Browse Search
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Chancellorsville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
ongstreet. Colonel Perry commanded the regiment at Seven Pines and in the Seven Days battles around Richmond, and from the first the regiment and its commander were conspicuous for valor and efficiency. At Frayser's Farm he was severely wounded. General Longstreet mentions him among others as distinguished for gallantry and skill. He was commissioned brigadier-general on August 28, 1862, and upon his recovery was put in command of the newly organized Florida brigade, which he led at Chancellorsville. In the battle of Gettysburg Perry's brigade, with Wright's and Wilcox's, pressed close up to the Federal lines, and at one time broke through; but for lack of support had to be withdrawn from the advanced position. It is claimed by Perry's brigade that its losses at Gettysburg were heavier than those of any other brigade of the Confederate army. In the battle of the Wilderness General Perry was a second time severely wounded. After the close of the war he returned to the practice o
Romney (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
Cheat Mountain campaign, where the soldiers had little fighting but abundance of hardship. In December, 1861, Loring's command united with Stonewall Jackson at Winchester, and in January was engaged in the winter expedition to Bath, Hancock and Romney. Through General Loring's solicitations to the war department at Richmond his division, which had been left at Romney, was ordered back to Winchester. This interference on the part of the government at Richmond came near causing the resignationRomney, was ordered back to Winchester. This interference on the part of the government at Richmond came near causing the resignation of General Jackson. On the 5th of February, 1862, General Loring was commissioned major general and assigned to the command of the army of Southwest Virginia. Nothing of any great importance occurred in that region, the soldiers being for the most part occupied in picket duty and occasional skirmishes with the enemy. In December, 1862, Loring was sent to take command of the First corps of the army of Mississippi. He had charge for a while of Fort Pemberton, which was designed to defend Vick
Murfreesboro (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
bearing supplied the place of instruction and discipline. At Perryville he commanded a division of Hardee's corps, and was in charge of the extreme right. At Murfreesboro he commanded Walthall's brigade of Withers' division, Polk's corps. His participation in the magnificent right wheel of the army was inferior to that of none and alacrity, and bearing themselves in the face of the enemy as became reputations which each had heretofore bravely won. The latter was severely wounded near Murfreesboro, and was succeeded by Major Lash, whose coolness and gallantry were marked. Colonel Bullock came out of the Tennessee campaign with the temporary rank of brigvision of Gen. J. Patton Anderson. In the battle of Perryville General Brown was wounded and Colonel Miller led the brigade through the rest of the fight. At Murfreesboro this regiment was in the brigade of Gen. William Preston and the division of Gen. John C. Breckinridge. In the magnificent but disastrous charge of that divi
Savannah (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
l Smith was born at New York City, in 1819. He entered the United States military academy in 1838 and was graduated in 1842 as brevet second lieutenant, topographical engineers. He became full second lieutenant in 1843; served during the Mexican war as lieutenant of topographical engineers, and was brevetted first lieutenant May 30, 1848, for meritorious conduct while making surveys in the enemy's country. He was also employed by the government in making surveys for the improvement of Savannah river and for a ship canal across the Florida peninsula. In July, 1856, he was commissioned captain for fourteen years continuous service. During this time he had also been engaged in surveys in the department of Texas. From 1856 to 1861 he was chief engineer of the Fernandina & Cedar Keys railroad in Florida. Spending most of his mature life among the people of the South, Captain Smith, from his observation and experience of Southern affairs, became fully convinced of the justice of the
Pensacola (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
ward Aylesworth Perry was born in Richmond, Berkshire county, Mass., March 15, 1833. He entered Yale college, but before the completion of his course removed to Alabama, where he studied law. After admission to the bar, in 1857, he moved to Pensacola, Fla., where he began the practice of his chosen profession. He fully shared the sentiments of the people of his adopted State, and when the civil war commenced he raised a company, of which he was elected captain. His command became a part of teneral William S. Walker, of Florida, began his career as midshipman in the United States navy. He participated in the Mexican war as a staff officer with the rank of lieutenant. At the time of the threatened seizure of Fort Pickens, near Pensacola, Fla., he was still in the United States service commanding the United States ship-of-war Brooklyn. Soon after the secession of Florida he resigned his commission in the navy of the United States and entered the service of the Confederate States
Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
ody he marched his division eastward and joined General Johnston at Jackson. He and his troops were thus fortunately saved from being shut up and captured in Vicksburg. He was subsequently under the command of Johnston and then of Polk in north Mississippi. At the opening of the campaign of 1864 Polk hastened to Georgia to make a junction with the army under Joseph E. Johnston. During the Atlanta campaign General Loring commanded a division in Polk's corps and, after the death of Polk, the-general. He was at first assigned to the army of Northern Virginia as chief of engineers, but was soon after sent to the West. He performed important duties at New Orleans, and on June 26, 1862, was put in charge of the Third district of south Mississippi and east Louisiana. At the head of the engineer corps he planned and constructed the defenses of Vicksburg, where he resisted the naval attack of the summer of 1862; was in chief command in December, 1862, and repulsed the attack of Genera
Greensboro (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
al was assigned to his old division, which he commanded in the battle of Ezra Church, during the siege, and until wounded in the battle of Jonesboro, which compelled him to leave the field, resulting in his absence from the army until March, 1865. Then, much against the advice and approval of his physicians, he returned to the army in North Carolina and was assigned to command of Taliaferro's division, Rhett's and Elliott's brigades from Charleston, and was with it when surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. After the close of hostilities he returned to Tennessee and died at Memphis in 1873. Brigadier-General Robert Bullock was one of the influential men of Florida before the war. When his State seceded he gave his hearty support to her decision; organized a company in Marion county, and when the Seventh Florida was organized he was made lieutenant colonel. In 1862 this regiment served in East Tennessee in the brigade of Gen. W. G. M. Davis. The department was at that time commanded b
Vera Cruz, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
After that he went to school at Alexandria, Va., and Georgetown, D. C. He afterward studied law and was admitted in 1842 to practice. He then went back to Florida and before long was elected to the State legislature, of which he remained a member for three years. In the Seminole war of 1836-38 he was appointed senior captain of a regiment of mounted riflemen, and in the following year he was made major commanding. He served under General Scott in all the battles of the Mexican war, from Vera Cruz to the city of Mexico, and for gallant conduct was brevetted lieutenant colonel and then colonel. While entering the city of Mexico at the head of his regiment he lost his left arm. After the war the citizens of Apalachicola, Fla., presented him with a sword. In 1849, during the gold fever in California, Colonel Loring was ordered to take his regiment across the continent and take command of the department of Oregon. On this occasion he marched his command a distance of 2,500 miles, tak
Marianna (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
g Finley, having recruited a company of mounted volunteers, served in the army as captain. Returning home in 1838 he was admitted to the bar. In 1840 he removed to Mississippi county, Ark. The young lawyer, who seems to have been a born leader of men, at once rose to prominence and was elected to the State senate in 1841. The following year he resigned this position and going to Memphis, Tenn., began the practice of law. He was elected mayor of that city in 1845. In 1846 he removed to Marianna, Fla. Here he soon became prominent, and in 1850 was elected to the State senate. In 1852 he was a presidential elector on the Whig ticket, and in 1853 was appointed judge of the west circuit of Florida. When the war began he sided with the Confederate cause, and in 1861 he was made judge of the Confederate court. In March 1862 he resigned this post of honor and entered the army as a private; was soon promoted to a captaincy, and on April 14, 1862, was commissioned as colonel of the Sixth F
Jonesboro (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
n November 16, 1863, he was commissioned brigadier-general and assigned to command of the Florida infantry in the army of Tennessee, united in a brigade of Bate's division, Hardee's corps. He commanded this gallant brigade at Missionary Ridge, and rendered distinguished service with the rear guard under General Bates. In the May campaign of 1864 he took part until at the battle of Resaca he was severely wounded, causing his disability until after Johnston's army had reached Atlanta. At Jonesboro in an assault upon the enemy's lines he was again seriously wounded by a fragment of shell, which also killed his horse. He declined to be sent to the rear to take train until all his wounded men were embarked, and narrowly escaped capture through the faithfulness of a driver who took him in a commissary wagon after the last train had left. He was unfit for duty during the subsequent campaigns of General Hood. Soon after the army was ordered to North Carolina, his wound being partially
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