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Dalton, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
If you are satisfied the trip to the sea-coast can be made, holding the line of the Tennessee river firmly, you may make it, destroying all the railroads south of Dalton or Chattanooga, as you think best. On the next day, at one P. M., he renewed his permission, and gave Sherman instructions for his conduct on the road. On refledemonstrated their ability at all times to endanger the national communications. They had captured, though they could not hold, Big Shanty, Ackworth, Tilton, and Dalton, and destroyed thirty miles of railroad; and although Atlanta was not regained, Hood was actually at this moment threatening the invasion of Tennessee, while Forrhere there are transports ready to take them to Savannah. In case you go south, I would not propose holding anything south of Chattanooga, certainly not south of Dalton. Destroy in such case all military stores at Atlanta. On the 21st, he said to Halleck: The stores intended for Sherman might now be started for Hilton Head.
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
sfer of A. J. Smith and Mower's commands from Missouri to Tennessee: If Crook goes to Missouri, he rever they are needed. But the troops from Missouri were slow in coming, and on the 26th of Octobh an officer to see it enforced, should go to Missouri, to send from there all the troops not actualhe said: .. Now that Price is retreating from Missouri, it is believed that the whole force sent to hold him, until reinforcements reach him from Missouri, and recruits. We have now ample supplies atcope with Hood, until the reinforcements from Missouri and elsewhere should arrive. On the 1st of No reinforce him with ten thousand troops from Missouri, and when he reported to Grant the approach oforts to reach Tennessee from the interior of Missouri. But twelve of the new regiments were absorbensive, as soon as I can get the troops from Missouri. You may rest assured, I will do all in my p fragmentary command was still scattered from Missouri to East Tennessee. The very boldness of Ho[3 more...]
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
for Sherman's march Sherman falls back from Atlanta pursuit of Hood escape of Hood reinforcemed. With the long line of railroad in rear of Atlanta, Sherman cannot maintain his position. If hetroyed thirty miles of railroad; and although Atlanta was not regained, Hood was actually at this m Sherman can maintain his communications with Atlanta with his whole force. He can break such an eo move in that direction; but unless I let go Atlanta, my force will not be equal to his. The poliof cavalry, were stretched along from Rome to Atlanta. The railroad and telegraph lines had been rat. But this would involve the abandonment of Atlanta and a retrograde movement, which would be of great achievement for him to make me abandon Atlanta, by mere threats or manoeuvres. But by fareen the Etowa and the Chattahoochee, and that Atlanta itself is utterly destroyed. On the 7th, h before his army moved. As he rode towards Atlanta, the last railroad trains were going to the r[8 more...]
Fort Heiman (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
e of the Fourth corps reached Athens, and Stanley was ordered to concentrate at Pulaski, until Schofield, who was moving from Resaca, by way of Nashville, could arrive. Sherman now repeated his former order: You must unite all your men into one army, and abandon all minor points, if you expect to defeat Hood. He will not attack posts, but march around them. But Thomas's way of making war was different from Sherman's. In the meantime, Forrest had moved north from Corinth, and reached Fort Heiman, on the Tennessee, seventy miles from the Ohio; here, he captured a gunboat and two transports with supplies. On the 2nd of November, he appeared before Johnsonville, the western terminus of a short railroad connecting Nashville with the Tennessee. This point was one of Thomas's bases of supplies, and the approach of Forrest created great consternation among the quartermasters. Gunboats and transports were fired to prevent their falling into the hands of the enemy, and stores to the v
Pittsburg Landing (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ns. By either route, Nashville is about one hundred and fifty miles from the Memphis and Charleston road, along which the points of importance are Chattanooga, Stevenson, Huntsville, Decatur, Tuscumbia, and Corinth; the last-named place being at the junction with the road leading into Mississippi and Alabama, by way of Meridian and Selma. The Tennessee river runs west from Chattanooga, and south of the railroad, nearly to Corinth; but at Eastport it turns to the north, and passing by Pittsburg landing, Johnsonville, Fort Henry, and Paducah, empties at last into the Ohio. Between Nashville and the Memphis and Charleston road the only two important streams are the Duck and the Elk, both of which flow into the Tennessee. The Harpeth, north of the Duck, received a military importance during the campaign. This whole region, lying west of the Alleghanies, forms part of the Valley of the Mississippi. The country is undulating or level, and one of the most fertile districts in Americ
Florence, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
from 7,000 to 10,000, are now in the neighborhood of Tuscumbia and Florence, and the water being low, are able to cross at will. Forrest seemday, the heads of his columns were reported in the neighborhood of Florence, fifty miles westward, and north of the Tennessee. Sherman telegrur road, except so far as it facilitates an army operating towards Florence. Again, on the same day, he said: I repeat, should the enemy crosned nothing. He simply concentrated two divisions of cavalry near Florence, and directed them to prevent a crossing, until the Fourth corps, succeeded yesterday afternoon in crossing . . above . . and below Florence, in spite of Croxton's efforts to prevent them. The problem of Ho7. He states, in his report dated Jan. 24, 1865: On my arrival at Florence [Nov. 17], I was placed in command of the entire cavalry then with still bold, his tactics were certainly tamer. He lingered around Florence when every hour's delay was of incalculable advantage to his adver
New Jersey (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
He was accordingly ordered to report to Dix, and the force in New York was temporarily increased by five thousand men. The election took place on the 8th of November, and resulted in the success of Lincoln, who received a majority of more than four hundred thousand votes. No election of course was held in the ten Southern states in the possession of the enemy, and the vote of Tennessee was not counted, although given for Lincoln; but of the remaining twenty-five states, all but three,—New Jersey, Delaware, and Kentucky,—cast their votes for the Union. Fourteen states had authorized their soldiers in the field to vote. Those of New York sent their ballots home sealed, to be cast by their friends; the votes of the soldiers from Minnesota and of most of those from Vermont were not received by the canvassers in time to be counted; but the soldiers from the eleven remaining states gave a majority for Lincoln, of eighty-five thousand four hundred and sixty-one; Beyond all questio
Pulaski, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
e by him of a gunboat and five transports. General Thomas has near Athens and Pulaski, Stanley's corps, about 15,000 strong, and Schofield's corps, 10,000, en routeMurfreesboroa, Tullahoma, and Decherd; on the western line—Franklin, Columbia, Pulaski, and Athens. By either route, Nashville is about one hundred and fifty miles of the Fourth corps reached Athens, and Stanley was ordered to concentrate at Pulaski, until Schofield, who was moving from Resaca, by way of Nashville, could arrivd Thomas at once directed the entire corps to move to Johnsonville, instead of Pulaski. Schofield reached Johnsonville on the night of the 5th of November, but founong force to protect the place, and with the remainder of his corps proceed to Pulaski, as originally ordered. More than a week was lost by this diversion, and the Hood took no advantage of the opportunity, and Stanley remained unmolested at Pulaski until the 14th of November, when Schofield arrived and was placed in command o
Allatoona (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
orth at this time. See page 153. But while the general-in-chief was thus diligently arranging for Sherman's arrival at the Atlantic, Sherman himself had been drawn back by Hood nearly to the Tennessee. After the repulse of the rebels from Allatoona, he reached that place in person on the 9th of October, still in doubt as to the intentions of the enemy. On the 10th, Hood appeared at Rome, and Sherman ordered his whole army to march to Kingston in pursuit; he arrived there himself on the 1d Hood himself demanded the surrender of the post. No prisoners will be taken, he said, if the place is carried by assault. But the commander replied: If you want it, come and take it; an invitation which Hood, admonished by his losses before Allatoona, was not inclined to accept. The demand was a mere piece of bluster, and he continued his march north, doing all the damage possible to the railway. Sherman at first had intended to move into the Chattooga Valley, in the rebel rear, but fea
Decatur (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
Thomas he said, on the same day: You could safely invite Beauregard across the Tennessee, and prevent his ever returning. I still believe, however, that the public clamor will force him to turn and follow me, in which event you should cross at Decatur and move directly towards Selma, as far as you can transport supplies. Thomas replied on the 12th: I have no fears that Beauregard can do me any harm now, and if he attempts to follow you, I will follow him as far as possible. If he does not nes run from Nashville to the great railway which connects Chattanooga with the Mississippi—the Memphis and Charleston road. One of these lines runs south-east, and strikes the Chattanooga road at Stevenson; the other extends south-westerly, to Decatur. Nashville is thus at the apex of a triangle, and was by far the most important strategic point west of the Alleghanies and north of the Tennessee. On the road to Stevenson, the principal positions are Murfreesboroa, Tullahoma, and Decherd; on
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