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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). Search the whole document.

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Austin (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 52
n, A. A. General McLaws's Division. [We regret that the following letter from a gallant soldier has been crowded out of several numbers. We publish these conflicting views without note or comment, and without taking sides with either.] Austin, Texas, January 2, 1884. Rev. J. William Jones, Secretary of Southern Historical Society.: Sir,—In the last number of the Southern Historical Society papers I find a Cursory Sketch of General Bragg and his Campaigns, from the pen of Major Sykes, soever you may term it, had sacrificed that boon for which the Southern people were contending, and had rendered nugatory and of no avail all their heroic exertions and sacrifices. It is sometimes best to let the dead past bury its dead; but in a case of this sort I think it due the memory of such a man that some one or more of General Polk's military family should tell us what he or they know on this subject. James N. Goggin, A. A. General, McLaws's Division. Austin, Texas, January 2, 1884
Rossville (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 52
rtion of the Federal army had retreated. We had moved but a short distance before we came upon and captured quite a number of the enemy hiding in the brush on the mountain side. These prisoners, as well as the citizens we met, gave us to understand that the Federal army was thoroughly demoralized by its defeat on the 20th; the latter all agreeing in the assertion that if we had Come along the day before we could have captured all of 'em. The enemy were reported to be making a stand at Rossville, but when we reached that point we found it evacuated. Pushing on towards Chattanooga, with Armstrong's brigade of cavalry in advance, at 10:45 reached Watkin's Hill, two miles from Chattanooga. Advanced line of skirmishers to feel the enemy. After skirmishing some fifteen or twenty minutes, using our artillery, the enemy retired. On the 23d and 24th nothing was done; same may be said of 25th, 26th and 27th. The above facts are given only in connection with, and by way of accounti
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 52
y in regard to the events of the 21st, if the statements and assertions of those who participated actively in the inaction of that day are worthy of credence. It is earnestly to be hoped that, in time, we may get at the bottom facts, but, as yet, notwithstanding the numerous publications on the subject by your Society, as well as through other mediums, both North and South, we still seem to be as far from a satisfactory solution of certain questions as ever. That the Army of the Confederate States, when the battle closed on Sunday, the 20th, had won one of the greatest victories of the war, no one, be he Federal or Confederate, who participated in the fight, will for a moment deny. This fact was patent to all who were on the field the next morning. There is no question that when General Rosencranz determined to give General Bragg battle, he did so in confidence of a great success, or, to use General Thomas's own language, that he would use the rebels up. This assurance was s
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 52
succeeding day? General Bragg was in consultation with General Longstreet at early dawn of the morning of the 21st at the latter's bivouac. General Longstreet urged a movement across the river in the rear of Rosecrans, to the pushing on to Nashville, and, after drawing Rosecrans out of Chattanooga, seek an opportunity to crush him; but go on to Nashville and Louisville. This General Bragg agreed to do, and it was understood that he gave his orders with such a purpose in view. On partNashville and Louisville. This General Bragg agreed to do, and it was understood that he gave his orders with such a purpose in view. On parting from General Bragg General Longstreet directed his command to move at once. When the order was delivered to General Kershaw, who, as senior Brigadier, was in command of his own and Humphries' brigade of McLaws's division (the two Georgia brigades and General McLaws not having yet reached the field), the men were preparing to eat breakfast, and though they had laid down supperless, it was not ten minutes before they were on the move. Riding forward to report the fact to General Longstreet,
Missionary Ridge, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 52
fled in every direction. All day Monday, 21st, you could hear the query among the soldiers [the privates], Why don't we follow our victory? In view of the foregoing facts it is hard to understand Major Sykes when he says: On the morning of the 21st September, the enemy having the night previous commenced his retreat to Chattanooga, Bragg moved rapidly forward, preceded by General Forrest and his troopers, who were sorely pressing and harrassing the retreating foe; that night reached Missionary Ridge and commenced fortifying. As I have said, the above is hard to understand, taken in connection with the movements on the 21st, 22d and 23d of so important a portion of Bragg's command as Longstreet's corps. In reference to the disobedience of orders by General Polk in not advancing on the morning of the 20th, I have said nothing, because I am wholly ignorant in regard thereto, and prefer saying nothing that cannot be substantiated by direct and positive proof. It is a difficult mat
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 52
on to Nashville, and, after drawing Rosecrans out of Chattanooga, seek an opportunity to crush him; but go on to Nashville and Louisville. This General Bragg agreed to do, and it was understood that he gave his orders with such a purpose in view. On parting from General Bragg General Longstreet directed his command to move at once. When the order was delivered to General Kershaw, who, as senior Brigadier, was in command of his own and Humphries' brigade of McLaws's division (the two Georgia brigades and General McLaws not having yet reached the field), the men were preparing to eat breakfast, and though they had laid down supperless, it was not ten minutes before they were on the move. Riding forward to report the fact to General Longstreet, I had proceeded but a short distance before I met that officer, who directed me to halt the command, and remarked: General Bragg has changed his mind for some reason or other. I know not what. At 10:45 we were ordered to be ready to mo
Columbus (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 52
eneral McLaws's Division. [We regret that the following letter from a gallant soldier has been crowded out of several numbers. We publish these conflicting views without note or comment, and without taking sides with either.] Austin, Texas, January 2, 1884. Rev. J. William Jones, Secretary of Southern Historical Society.: Sir,—In the last number of the Southern Historical Society papers I find a Cursory Sketch of General Bragg and his Campaigns, from the pen of Major Sykes, of Columbus, Miss. His Battle of Chickamauga is certainly calculated to mislead the future historian, especially in regard to the events of the 21st, if the statements and assertions of those who participated actively in the inaction of that day are worthy of credence. It is earnestly to be hoped that, in time, we may get at the bottom facts, but, as yet, notwithstanding the numerous publications on the subject by your Society, as well as through other mediums, both North and South, we still seem to
Louisville (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 52
be easily used up The question then arises why the fruits of so grand a victory were not gathered in on that night or on the succeeding day? General Bragg was in consultation with General Longstreet at early dawn of the morning of the 21st at the latter's bivouac. General Longstreet urged a movement across the river in the rear of Rosecrans, to the pushing on to Nashville, and, after drawing Rosecrans out of Chattanooga, seek an opportunity to crush him; but go on to Nashville and Louisville. This General Bragg agreed to do, and it was understood that he gave his orders with such a purpose in view. On parting from General Bragg General Longstreet directed his command to move at once. When the order was delivered to General Kershaw, who, as senior Brigadier, was in command of his own and Humphries' brigade of McLaws's division (the two Georgia brigades and General McLaws not having yet reached the field), the men were preparing to eat breakfast, and though they had laid
Watkins Hill (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 52
ntain side. These prisoners, as well as the citizens we met, gave us to understand that the Federal army was thoroughly demoralized by its defeat on the 20th; the latter all agreeing in the assertion that if we had Come along the day before we could have captured all of 'em. The enemy were reported to be making a stand at Rossville, but when we reached that point we found it evacuated. Pushing on towards Chattanooga, with Armstrong's brigade of cavalry in advance, at 10:45 reached Watkin's Hill, two miles from Chattanooga. Advanced line of skirmishers to feel the enemy. After skirmishing some fifteen or twenty minutes, using our artillery, the enemy retired. On the 23d and 24th nothing was done; same may be said of 25th, 26th and 27th. The above facts are given only in connection with, and by way of accounting for, the movements of one division alone of the army that fought at Chickamauga. In regard to the operations of that other division of Longstreet's corps, which di
Alexanders Mill (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 52
able that if General P. furnished the Commander of the Fourteenth Corps a copy of Cruft's communication it may have inspired the proposition of General Thomas to General Palmer on the 19th. It may also have had something to do with General T.'s bull-dog tenacity on the 20th. General Thomas writes as follows: headquarters Fourteenth army corps, near McDaniel's House, September 19th, 9 A. M., 1863. Major-General Palmer. The rebels are reported in quite a heavy force between you and Alexander's Mill. If you advance as soon as possible on them in front while I attack them in flank I think we can use them up. Respectfully, your obedient servant, Geo. H. Thomas, Major-General Commanding. To this General Palmer promptly responded: headquarters Second division, Twenty-First army corps, Gordon's Mill, September 19th, 1863-10 A. M. General,—Your note of 9 A. M. received. Colonel Grose is gone on reconnoissance on our flank. As soon as he returns will advance as you prop
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