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Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 66
the account of the Baltimore riot (p. 277) fair, in view of the well-established facts that the troops fired first on the citizens, in response to their jeers and the throwing of several stones from the crowd, and that the attempt to make this Massachusetts regiment the representatives of the patriots who were fired on by British soldiers at Lexington in 1775, exactly reverses and falsifies the truth of history. These Massachusetts soldiers were the invaders, and the unarmed citizens of Baltimore (nine of whom were killed and a number wounded, while only two soldiers were killed and several wounded) were the patriotic defenders of their homes; the soldiers were the representatives of despotic power, and the citizens of patriots struggling for independence. 7. The statement (p. 278) that a majority of the people of West Virginia were attached to the Union is utterly untrue, in view of the fact that only 20,000 votes were cast against secession in the whole limits of old Virginia.
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 66
s which must follow the destruction of the Union, assuring them that there could be no conflict unless they themselves should choose to begin it, and (same page, 276,) then proceeds to give the account of the bombardment of Sumter, without one single hint of the circumstances under which the Confederates opened fire. The author ignores the efforts of Virginia to keep the peace by calling the Peace Conference—the Crittenden compromise which was a Southern peace measure — the sending by South Carolina of peace commissioners, who were promised by Mr. Buchanan that the status in Charleston harbor should not be disturbed, but who refused to order Major Anderson back, when, in violation of the compact, he removed by night from Moultrie to Sumter—the fact that the Star of the West was attempting to violate again the plain terms of the compact by reinforcing and provisioning Sumter—the fact that one of the very first acts of the Confederacy was to send commissioners to Washington to treat
Charleston Harbor (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 66
t unless they themselves should choose to begin it, and (same page, 276,) then proceeds to give the account of the bombardment of Sumter, without one single hint of the circumstances under which the Confederates opened fire. The author ignores the efforts of Virginia to keep the peace by calling the Peace Conference—the Crittenden compromise which was a Southern peace measure — the sending by South Carolina of peace commissioners, who were promised by Mr. Buchanan that the status in Charleston harbor should not be disturbed, but who refused to order Major Anderson back, when, in violation of the compact, he removed by night from Moultrie to Sumter—the fact that the Star of the West was attempting to violate again the plain terms of the compact by reinforcing and provisioning Sumter—the fact that one of the very first acts of the Confederacy was to send commissioners to Washington to treat with the Federal authorities for a peaceful and amicable adjustment upon the principles of eq
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 66
he account of the Baltimore riot (p. 277) fair, in view of the well-established facts that the troops fired first on the citizens, in response to their jeers and the throwing of several stones from the crowd, and that the attempt to make this Massachusetts regiment the representatives of the patriots who were fired on by British soldiers at Lexington in 1775, exactly reverses and falsifies the truth of history. These Massachusetts soldiers were the invaders, and the unarmed citizens of BaltimMassachusetts soldiers were the invaders, and the unarmed citizens of Baltimore (nine of whom were killed and a number wounded, while only two soldiers were killed and several wounded) were the patriotic defenders of their homes; the soldiers were the representatives of despotic power, and the citizens of patriots struggling for independence. 7. The statement (p. 278) that a majority of the people of West Virginia were attached to the Union is utterly untrue, in view of the fact that only 20,000 votes were cast against secession in the whole limits of old Virginia.
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 66
thy of their subjects,) and that of Lee is marred by inexcusable blunders in his name, and place of birth, in giving him the position of commander-in-chief of the Confederate armies in 1862, and in apologizing for his grave mistake in invading Pennsylvania, in 1863, on the ground that he yielded his own judgment and advice to a higher political power, whereas the facts are that this campaign was undertaken not only with General Lee's full appobation, but at his own suggestion, and that it would dered Kentuckians (p. 286) is false, and that if it were true it would be unfair to introduce it without also bringing out, as the book fails to do, the universal plundering done by Federal troops in the South, and the orders of General Lee in Pennsylvania. 10. The statements on pages 295-296 that Mr. Lincoln acted in good faith as to slavery (notwithstanding he said in his inaugural address that he had no right or disposition to interfere with it), and that the South had declared slavery to
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 66
20,000,000, with the rest of the world as their recruiting ground, that the North was the great manufacturing region, and that the Northwest was accustomed to furnish the cotton States with the bulk of their provisions, it seems amazing for any one to argue that the South was in any respect better prepared for war than the North, save in the morale of her soldiers and the patriotic devotion of her noble women. 5. We insist that it is untrue as stated (p. 277) that Missouri, Kentucky and Maryland refused to secede, in the light of General Lyon's operations in Missouri, the arrest and imprisonment of the secession members of the Maryland Legislature, and the pinning of Kentucky to the Union by Federal bayonets. 6. All of the ingenious twisting possible cannot make the account of the Baltimore riot (p. 277) fair, in view of the well-established facts that the troops fired first on the citizens, in response to their jeers and the throwing of several stones from the crowd, and that t
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 66
Is the, Eclectic history of the United States, written by Miss Thalheimer and published by Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co., Cincinnati, a fit book to be used in our schools? A Review by J. Watm. Jones. Paper no. I. We propose to confine ourselves for the present to that part of this so-called History which treats of the origin, expedition was persisted in, notwithstanding the Confederate commissioners assured Mr. Seward that it would be regarded as a declaration of war against the Confederate States—and that under all of the circumstances, therefore, the firing on Sumter was as purely an act of selfdefence as is to be found in all history. 4. On pageeat part of its cannon, rifles, and military stores were in Southern forts and arsenals, which were taken almost without exception by the authorities of the Confederate States—with the statement in paragraph 497, pages 279-280, that the South had begun the war with abundant supplies of money and material, [notice that the author h
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 66
ms amazing for any one to argue that the South was in any respect better prepared for war than the North, save in the morale of her soldiers and the patriotic devotion of her noble women. 5. We insist that it is untrue as stated (p. 277) that Missouri, Kentucky and Maryland refused to secede, in the light of General Lyon's operations in Missouri, the arrest and imprisonment of the secession members of the Maryland Legislature, and the pinning of Kentucky to the Union by Federal bayonets. 6Missouri, the arrest and imprisonment of the secession members of the Maryland Legislature, and the pinning of Kentucky to the Union by Federal bayonets. 6. All of the ingenious twisting possible cannot make the account of the Baltimore riot (p. 277) fair, in view of the well-established facts that the troops fired first on the citizens, in response to their jeers and the throwing of several stones from the crowd, and that the attempt to make this Massachusetts regiment the representatives of the patriots who were fired on by British soldiers at Lexington in 1775, exactly reverses and falsifies the truth of history. These Massachusetts soldiers
Kansas (Kansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 66
is entirely one sided and partisan-telling of outrages committed by the pro-slavery party, aided by Missourians, and saying not one word about the Emigrant Aid Societies of the North--the eloquent appeals of Mr. Beecher to send Sharp's Rifles to Kansas instead of Bibles-or the outrages committed by the Abolition party of Kansas. 2. The friends of the book think that it (p. 268) tells the truth when it says that John Brown had no support in his raid, and that therefore the rage of resentment Kansas. 2. The friends of the book think that it (p. 268) tells the truth when it says that John Brown had no support in his raid, and that therefore the rage of resentment through the South was uncalled for. We would advise them to read up on this question, and they will find that in the Senate of Massachusetts a motion to adjourn on the day of John Brown's execution in respect to his memory was lost by only three votes—that town bells were tolled, funeral sermons preached, and eulogies pronounced all over the North—that John Brown at once took his place in the pantheon of Abolition saints—and that the resentment of the South was justly aroused, not against this m<
George H. Thomas (search for this): chapter 66
raham Lincoln The South felt that it had lost its best friend; . . . . . and that his name is fitly coupled with that of Washington, and the martyred President will ever remain sacred in the memory of the American people. This is in the same spirit as the statement (p. 309) that Phil. Sheridan was the most able cavalry leader of the war—that Sherman's march to the sea (p. 310) was one of the most celebrated events of history—that, considering his surroundings and the place of his birth, Geo. H. Thomas's adherence to the Union (p. 303) is remarkable—that the characteristics of E. M. Stanton's administration (p. 327) were integrity, energy, determination, singleness of purpose, and the power to comprehend the magnitude of the rebellion and the labor and cost in blood and treasure involved in suppressing it—that Grant's generalship at Chattanooga is considered by military authorities the masterpiece of the war, and the horrible sacrifice of his men in the campaign of 1864 justifiable, a
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