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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), President Davis in reply to General Sherman. (search)
is not only an able and unanswerable reply to Sherman, but contains other matter which should have I preferred not to fill it. That history General Sherman may slanderously assail by his statementsthering of ex-soldiers of the Union army, General Sherman took occasion in the fall of 1884, to makIt is hardly necessary for me to say that General Sherman did not write to me, and we have not sett so far as I was concerned, and anything that Sherman, on his own responsibility, might have afterwd as the coinage of political demagogues. If Sherman was approached by conspirators they knew thei speak of such action as a conspiracy, as Senator Sherman did in the debate on the Hawley resolutioonspiracy was consummated. That statement of Sherman, the veteran Colonel J. D. Stevenson promptlyly quick to deny his language. The letter of Sherman, dated September 6, 1883, was written to Coloehoods deliberately spoken and written by General Sherman—the Blair Post slander of myself, the def[30 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Another account. (search)
e covert plea that it is based upon evidence which regard for a United States Senator does not permit him to present, will, to honorable minds, suggest the idea of irresponsible slander. It is thus devolved upon me to say that the allegation of my ever having written such a letter as is described is unqualifiedly false, and the assertion that I had any purpose or wish to destroy the liberty and equal rights of any State, either North or South, is a reckless, shameless falsehood, especially because it was generally known that for many years before, as well as during the war between the States, I was an earnest advocate of the strict construction State rights theory of Mr. Jefferson. What motive other than personal malignity can be conceived for so gross a libel? If General Sherman has access to any letters purporting to have been written by me which will sustain his accusations, let him produce them or wear the brand of a base slanderer. Yours, respectfully, Jefferson Davis.