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Burkeville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
Brown, Ass't Surg. S. M., 450. Brown, Lt. W. H., 394. Brown's Battery, 464. Bruce, Major, James, 84. Bruce, Ass't Surg. J. S. 440. Brunson, Lt. W. H., 369. Buchanan, Maj. F. G., 286. Buffington, Lt. J. H., 304. Buckner, Capt. A. W., 161. Buckner, Capt., James, 231. Buist, Surg. J. S., 16, 46 Bullock, Capt. G. B., 204. Bullon, Lt. C. W., 432. Bumpass, Lt. B. B., 73. Burch, Capt. J. J,, 109. Burch, Lt. J., 234. Burgess, Lt. J. F., 146. Burk, Lt. F. M., 146. Burkeville, Va., XXV. Burns, Lt. H. M., 314. Burns, Maj., Ro., 160. Burns, Lt. W. P 304. Burnshaw, Chaplain Joel C., 95 Burroughs, Capt. W. H., 485, 486. Burson, Lt. E., 145. Burt, Lt. J. G., 170. Burt, Capt. S. H., 11, 12. Burton, Capt. J. Q., 146. Burton, Surg J. R., 146. Burwell, Surg., Blair, 71. Burwell, Lt. G W.,449. Burwell, Capt. John B., 238. Busbie, Lt. P. G., 94. Bush, Lt J. A., 296. Busie, Lt. A. J., 382. Butler, Col. A. S., 367. Butler, Chaplain G E., 161. Bu
Metz (France) (search for this): chapter 1.5
id, 70. Meade, U. S. A., Gen., x. Meade, Capt. W. T., 41. Mears, Lt. E. J., 284. Mebane, Lt. W. A., 196. Mebane, Lt. W. N., 275. Meadows, Capt. T. C., 314. Medical Department, 456. Med. Purveyor's Dept., 464. Meel, Lt. J. C., 61. Melton, Capt. B. F. K., 238. Mercer, Maj. G. P., 185, 186. Mercer, Lt., Thos. H., 13, 51. Merritt, U. S. A., Gen., XXVI. Merritt, Asst. Surg. G. A., 161. Merritt, Asst. Surg. T. F., 177. Merritt, Ensign W. J., 231. Metts, Capt. J. J., 253. Metz, Com. Seg't J. G., 177. Mizell, Capt. A., 253. Michard, Capt. J. T., 7. Michie, Asst. Surg. W. E., 404. Middlebrook, Capt. W. M., 109. Middleton, Capt. H. B., 121. Middleton, Maj. J. J., 41; Details with, 44. Middleton, Lt. R. M., 383. Miles, Lt. J. J., 161,63. Milhong, Lt. J. I., 95. Miller, Lt. A. J., 431. Miller, Surg. A. S., 85. Miller, Lt. B. F., 403. Miner, Capt. J. H., 196, 201, 202. Miller, Lt. G. H., 382. Miller, Lt. H. M., 252. Miller, Capt. J., 275. Miller,
North Dakota (North Dakota, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
., 85, 90. Wilson, Capt. R. N., 189. Wilson, Lt. T, 95. Wilson, Lt. W. H., 287. Wilson, Lt. W. S., 14, 58. Winchester, Adj't J. R., 275. Wingate, Maj. R. J., 69. Wingfield, Surg. T. H., 2. Winkle, Col C. M., 160. Winslett, Capt. J. B., 314. Winston, Col. J. R., 263. Wise, Lt. E. N., 467. Wise, Gen. H. A.; Brigade of, 431. Wise, Lt. H. A., 13, 49. Wise, Lt. J. M., 431. Wise, Lt. R. A., 431. Witcher, Col. W. A., 85, 228. Withers, Col. E. B., 381. Witherspoon, Ass't Surg. N. D., 314. Witherspoon, Chaplain T. D., 284. Witherspoon, Lt. T. M., 313. Wolfe, Maj. B. L., 12. Wood, Maj. E. N., 303. Wood, Capt. G. M., 2. Wood, Capt., James, 383. Wood, Capt. J. A., 13, 49. Wood, Ass't Surg. T. F., 253. Woodhouse, Lt. W. K., 15, 68. Woodruff, Lt. R. W., 204-5. Woodrum, Lt. W. T., 3. Woods, Capt. R. C., 71. Woods, Capt. R H., 171. Woodward, Lt. J. F., 16, 46. Woody, Capt. R. S., 71. Wooldridge, Lt. E. J., 13, 53. Wooldridge, Adj't J. H., 213. Woolen, Lt.
Norfolk (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
W. J., 246. Neal, Lt. S. B., 424. Neff, Lt. J. H., 4, 57. Nelson, Lt., Kinloch, 13. Nelson Light Artillery, 27. Nelson, Lt P. M., 84. Nelson, Lt. W. C., 326. Newbill, Lt., George, 145. Newman, Capt., Conway, 19o. Newman, Lt., Geo. S., 369. Newman, Capt. H. W., 286. Newman, Lt. R. M., 71. Newton, Surg. E. D., 2. Nichols, Ass't Surg. W. L., 16. Nicholson, Capt. J. M., 431. Nisbet, Capt. A. R., 393. Noble, Lt M. C., 161. Noel, Capt. W. H., 231. Nofsinger, Lt. L., 71. Norfolk Light Artillery, 31, 63, 458, 472. Norman, Capt. W. D., 403. Norment, Col. G. M., 383. Norris, Capt. Geo., 432. Norris, Capt. J. W., 161. Norris, Lt. W. E., 432. North Carolina Artillery, 1st Regiment, 6. North Carolina Artillery, 10th Regiment, 46. North Carolina Cavalry, 5th Regiment, 7. North Carolina Infantry, 1st Regiment, 5, 260. North Carolina Infantry, 2d Regiment, 254, 456. North Carolina Infantry, 3d Regiment, 5, 261. North Carolina Infantry, 4th Regiment, 255, 464.
Hobson (Colorado, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
l, Lt. Col. A. A., 275. Hill, Gen. A. P., IV. Hill, Capt. C. F., 333. Hill, Maj. E. B., 69. Hill, Capt. G. A., 185. Hill, Lt. H., 403. Hill, Maj J. Booton, 185. Hill, Lt. J. M., 145. Hill, Lt R. W., 305 Hill, Lt. S. W., 274. Hill, Ass't Surg. V. G., 313. Hill, Capt. W. T., 160, 165. Hill, Lt. W. J., 49. Hill, Asst. Surg. W. O., 441. Hill, Asst. Surg. W. P., 394. Hiller, Lt. J. ., 368. Hilton, Capt. J, 212. Hines, Lt. A. A., 383. Hinton, Lt. Drury A., 347. Hobson, Col. Ed. L., 238. Hodges, Ass't Surg. E. O., 432. Hodges, Lt. J. A. M., 394. Hodges, Capt. T. M., 71. Hodley, Ass't Surg. J. M., 253. Hoffler, O. Sergeant S., 303. Holcombe, Capt. J. W., 95. Holcombe's Legion, 409. Holladay, Lt., Waller, 204. Holland, Lt. A. F. 72. Holland, Capt. G. G., 358. Holloway, Ass't Surg. D. P , 333. Holloway, Capt. W. H., 368. Hollyman, C. F., 305. Holmes, Capt. O., 275. Holt, Col. B. H., 394. Holt, Surg. J. J., 234. Holt, S. E., 28. Hon
South Dakota (South Dakota, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
sler, Capt. J., 382. Rogers, Capt. A B., 333. Rogers, Lt. B F., 108. Rogers, Col., Geo. T., 347. Rogers, Capt J. A., 447. Rogers, Capt. J. P., 326. Rogers, Lt. R. H., 403. Rogers, H. Stew'd T. C., 454. Roller, Lt. J. E., 467. Roscoe, Surg. A. H., 16. Ross, Capt. P. D., 239. Rosser, Lt. G. S., 108. Rosser, Gen., Thos. L., 472. Rossett, Surg. M. J. D., 424. Roterberry, Lt. A. F., 145. Rouse, Capt. J. M., 94. Routt, Capt. R., 286. Row, Surg. E. W., 12. Rowe, Ass't Surg. S. D., 333. Royall, Ass't Surg. E. M., 16, 46. Royston, Surg. R. L., 313. Rucker, Lt. J. G., 247. Rudolph, Lt. J. L., 213. Ruff, Lt. J. H.,368. Ruff, Ass't Surg. J. M. H., 213. Runkle, Lt. D. M. L., 432. Russell, A. D. C. J. B., 189. Russell, Surg. W. T., 404. Russell, Lt. W. W., 334. Rust, Capt. J. A , 60. Rutledge, Col. H. S., 423. Ryland, Chaplain W. S., 190. Saffoon, Lt. J. A., 441. St. John, J. C., 18. Sale, Capt. R. C. N., 432. Salem F. Artillery, 31. Sample, As
Adams (Colorado, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
Index. Abbott, Capt. G. W., 432. Abbott, L. H. T., 124. Abbott, Capt. W. L., 109. Abbott, Lt. W. R., 467. Able, Lt. T. N., 403. Abney, Capt. Zach., 314. Acosta, Lt. J. J., 304. Adams, Capt. G S., 421. Adams, Lt. J. H., 314. Adams, Col. James T., 296. Adams, Q. M. Sgt. N. B., 177. Adams, Capt. R. H. T., 69. Adams, Jr., Capt. Saml. T., 263. Adams, Lt. T. R., 43, 49. Adams, Major W. C., 238. Adams, Adj. W. F. C., 238. Agee, Lt. G. T., 72. Agnew, Lt. W. S., 327. Akins, Lt. L., 96. Ala. Infantry, 3d regt., 239. Ala. Infantry, 4th regt., 44, 146. Ala. Infantry, 5th regt., 241. Ala. Infantry, 6th regt., 242. Ala. Infantry, 8th regt., 315. Ala. Infantry, 9th regt., 6, 317. Ala. Infantry, 10th regt., 318. Ala. Infantry, 11th regt., 6, 320. Ala. Infantry, 12th regt., 244. Ala. Infantry, 13th regt., 323. Ala. Infantry, 14th regt., 4, 324, 464. Ala. Infantry, 15th regt., 5, 149. Ala. Infantry, 40th regt., 414. Ala. Infantry, 41st regt., 422. Ala. Inf
Crescent City (California, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
, Lt. W. M., 286. Coward, Col. A., 122, 136. Coward, Col. D. G., 262. Cowherd, Lt. E. F, 90. Cowherd, Ass't Surg. C., 246. Cox, Ass't Surg. C. G., 424. Cox, Capt F. C., 3; men paroled by, 4. Cox, Lt. J. J., 327. Cox, Lt. James P., 348. Cox, Gen. W. R., Brigade of, 252. Craig, Chaplain J. N., 122. Crawford, Capt. E. A., 402. Crawford, Surg. H. L., 227. Crawford, Lt., Samuel, 441. Crawford, Lt. W. H., 314. Crenshaw Battery, 454, 457. Crenshaw, Lt. J. H., 14, 60. Crescent, C. S. A. Regiment, 466. Crichton, Lt C. G., 85. Cridlin, Chaplain R. W., 72. Cringeon (or Cringan), Capt. J. W., 473. Crisler, Maj. N. W., 71. Crist, Lt. J. W.. 85 Croft, Col., Edward, 368. Cromwell, Surg. B. L, 369. Croom, Capt. W. H., 304. Cross, Lt. M. H., 253. Crow, Maj. James M., 313. Crump, Capt. J. J., 296. Crump, Capt. S. H., 212, 226. Crumples, Maj. L. H, 413. Cullen, Capt. Geo., 190, 192. Cullen, Surg. J. S. D., 69. Cullingworth, Lt. J. N., 16, 46. Culp
Halifax (Canada) (search for this): chapter 1.5
Regiment, 466. Crichton, Lt C. G., 85. Cridlin, Chaplain R. W., 72. Cringeon (or Cringan), Capt. J. W., 473. Crisler, Maj. N. W., 71. Crist, Lt. J. W.. 85 Croft, Col., Edward, 368. Cromwell, Surg. B. L, 369. Croom, Capt. W. H., 304. Cross, Lt. M. H., 253. Crow, Maj. James M., 313. Crump, Capt. J. J., 296. Crump, Capt. S. H., 212, 226. Crumples, Maj. L. H, 413. Cullen, Capt. Geo., 190, 192. Cullen, Surg. J. S. D., 69. Cullingworth, Lt. J. N., 16, 46. Culpeper, Capt. N. S., 95. Cumbria, Lt. R. A. J., 34. Cunningham, Lt. G., 413. Cureton, Capt., Thos. J., 296. Curtis, Capt. John H., 286. Custer, U. S A. Gen., XXII. Cuthoertson, Lt. J. D., 263. Dabney, Capt. V., 185. Dale, Capt. James M., 286. Dallam, W. W., 467. Dandridge, Courier A. S., 27. Dandridge, Lt. E. P., 12. Danforth, Lt. H. D., 71. Daniel, Lt G. F., 263. Daniel, Lt. James C., 213. Daniel, Surg. R. P., 304. Daniel, Capt. R. T., 189. Dantzler, Ass't Surg. J M. D., 304. Darde
New Hampshire (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
o W., 432. Jarvis, Lt., Thos., 49. Jefford, Lt. J. D., 403. Jeffries, Maj. J. M., 421. Jelks, Surg. E. A., 213. Jenkins, Lt., Henry, 383. Jenkins, Lt., James, 109. Jenkins, Capt. J. F., 109. Jenkins, Capt. J. J., 84, 89. Jenkins, Capt. N. H., 122. Jenkins, Lt., Thos. G., 276.. Jenkins, Capt. M. T., 253. Jett, Capt. J., 348. Jones, A., 18. Jones, Capt. A. C., 161, 163. Jones, Lt. B. F., 334. Jones, Surg. C. C., 160. Jones, Adj't C. M., 449. Jones, Lt. C W., 108. Jones, CapC. H., 333. Walker, Capt. D. N., 13-15. Walker, Ass't Surg. B. F., 304. Walker, Ass't Surg. F., 347. Walker, Capt. J. A., 212. Walker, Gen. J. A., IX; Staff, 189. Walker, Lt. J. T., 124. Walker, A. D. C., J. W., 303. Walker, Lt. N. H., 16. Walker, Capt. N. J., 326. Walker, Adj't O. K., 212. Walker, Lt. P. A., 327. Walker, Lt. R. S., 421. Walker, Lt. T. J., 314. Walker, Capt. W. T., 333. Walker, Gen. W. H.; Brigade of, 402. Wall, Capt. W. C., 204. Wall, Capt. W. J.,
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