Found 321 total hits in 190 results.
ngaged passage for America, 126.
Hampton, General, Wade, tribute to General R. E. Lee, 245.
Hardee, General W. J., 68, 73.
Hardeman, Major, Isaac, 183.
Hazen, General, 78.
Helpers' Impending Crisis, 140.
Hill, Hon. B. H., on Treatment of Prisoners, 387.
Hill, General D. H, death of, 61.
Hoge, D. D., Rev. M. D. Prayer of at Laying the Corner-stone of the Lee Monument, 204; his tribute to General R. E Lee, 353.
Hollywood Association, Aid of, for the Lee Monument.
Honey Hill, Battle of, 74.
Hope, James Barron. His poem Memoriae Sacrum, 209.
Hornets' Nest Riflemen of N. C., 295.
Houston, Hon., Samuel, 144.
Howard, Gen. O. O., 73.
Howitzer Veteran Association, Roster of the, 28; action on receiving mementoes from the Washington Artillery, with remarks of Captain F. D. Hill, 310.
Huguenots, The, 5.
Huntersville, W Va. Loss of Stores at, in 1862; Union sentiment at, 169.
Iverson, General, 80.
Jackson, Major George T, 76.
Jackson, General He
Watterson, Henry, 351.
West Virginia Troops at the Dedication of the Lee Monument, 271.
Wheat, General C. R., Memoir of, 47; The Last Words of, lines by H., 59; the death of, 56.
Wheat, Captain, John Thomas, 57.
Wheat, Leo, 47.
Wheeler, General, Joseph, 77.
White, Dr. Isaiah H., Surgeon C. S. A., on the Treatment of Prisoners, 383.
White, D. D., Rev. J. J., 353
William and Mary College, Students of, at the Dedication of the Lee Monument, 286.
Williams General, 73.
Williamsburg, Account of the battle of, May 5, 1862, by Salem Dutcher, 409.
Wilmot Proviso, The, 436.
Willis, General, Edward, Notice of, 160; reports of battles of Chancellorsville, 177; of Gettysburg, 184; characteristic letter of-The Prisoner's Guard Reversed, 172; letter to, from General R. E. Lee, 186.
Willis, Dr. Francis T., 160.
Wilson, Hon. W. L., 353.
Winder Cavalry.
Its historical flag, 247.
Withers, General Jones M. Death of, 62.
Wolseley's, Lord, Tribute to General R. E
ee, 245.
Hardee, General W. J., 68, 73.
Hardeman, Major, Isaac, 183.
Hazen, General, 78.
Helpers' Impending Crisis, 140.
Hill, Hon. B. H., on Treatment of Prisoners, 387.
Hill, General D. H, death of, 61.
Hoge, D. D., Rev. M. D. Prayer of at Laying the Corner-stone of the Lee Monument, 204; his tribute to General R. E Lee, 353.
Hollywood Association, Aid of, for the Lee Monument.
Honey Hill, Battle of, 74.
Hope, James Barron. His poem Memoriae Sacrum, 209.
Hornets' Nest Riflemen of N. C., 295.
Houston, Hon., Samuel, 144.
Howard, Gen. O. O., 73.
Howitzer Veteran Association, Roster of the, 28; action on receiving mementoes from the Washington Artillery, with remarks of Captain F. D. Hill, 310.
Huguenots, The, 5.
Huntersville, W Va. Loss of Stores at, in 1862; Union sentiment at, 169.
Iverson, General, 80.
Jackson, Major George T, 76.
Jackson, General Henry R., 75; Order of, 167.
Jackson, Colonel, Win. L., Letter of in 1862, 169.
e of, in the War, 238.
Savannah, Ga., The Siege and Evacuation of, December, 1864, by Colonel C. C. Jones, Jr., Ll.D., 60
Schofield, General J. M., 348.
Scotch-Irish, The, 5.
Scott's, General W., Estimate of Lee, 319.
Secession, Massachusetts the Mother of, 91; Right of 145; Opposition of the South to, 223; Of the South, 219
Seven Pines, The Battle of, 322.
Sharpsburg, The Battle of, 325.
Skinker, Major Charles R, 285.
Slavery, The Effect of, 7; Unity of the Southern Colonies Against, 135; in Massachusetts, 136; Sentiments of Lincoln Regarding, 137; Decay of, in the North and Growth of, in the South 138; Discussed, 217; Questions Connected with, 226.
Smith, General G. W., 74.
Smith, Colonel, L. Jacquelin, 68.
Smith, Hon. W. E., Death of, 62.
Smith, Hon. W. N. H., Death of, 62.
Sons of Veterans, The, 254, 279.
South Carolina Troops at the Dedication of the Lee Monument, 267.
South, The, Directing Men from, 5, 12; Stands for Race Integrity, 14
African Slavery in the South, 217.
Agriculture in the South, 10.
Alabama troops at the Dedication of the Lee Monument, 268.
Alexander's Battalion of Artillery, 282.
Allen, Major J. V. H., 26.
Anderson, Colonel, Archer. His address Robert Edward Lee, 312.
Anderson, General Edward C., 65.
Anderson, Major, Geo. W., 66.
Andersonville Prison, 383.
Anglo-Saxon spirit, 97; unities of the race, 134.
Appomattox C. H., surrender at, 243.
Armor used by Mexican troops, 48.
Army Maladies and Diseases, 18.
Army of N. W. Va.
in 1861, 167.
Artillery Batt. 2d, Colonel J. T. Brown, guns of, in 1862, 168.
Associations of the Army of N. Va., Annual Reunion of, 85; Officers of, 111.
Atkins, Colonel, 74.
Baker, General, 75.
Barrett, Colonel T. G., 76.
Batteries defending Savannah, Ga, 70, 7, 74, 76, 78.
Bayard, Hon., Thos. F., 350.
Blair, General F. P., 73.
Blandford Cemetery, 401. 402.
Blues Association, R. L. I., 275.
Boggs' 12th Battali
t, Colonel, Alfred, Death of, 61.
Richmond College, Students of, 286.
Richmond, Evacuation of, 331; importance of, in the War, 238.
Savannah, Ga., The Siege and Evacuation of, December, 1864, by Colonel C. C. Jones, Jr., Ll.D., 60
Schofield, General J. M., 348.
Scotch-Irish, The, 5.
Scott's, General W., Estimate of Lee, 319.
Secession, Massachusetts the Mother of, 91; Right of 145; Opposition of the South to, 223; Of the South, 219
Seven Pines, The Battle of, 322.
Sharpsburg, The Battle of, 325.
Skinker, Major Charles R, 285.
Slavery, The Effect of, 7; Unity of the Southern Colonies Against, 135; in Massachusetts, 136; Sentiments of Lincoln Regarding, 137; Decay of, in the North and Growth of, in the South 138; Discussed, 217; Questions Connected with, 226.
Smith, General G. W., 74.
Smith, Colonel, L. Jacquelin, 68.
Smith, Hon. W. E., Death of, 62.
Smith, Hon. W. N. H., Death of, 62.
Sons of Veterans, The, 254, 279.
South Carolina Troops at
rse created the Confederacy, 219; Effect of his call for Troops from the South, 227.
Lopez's Cuban Expedition, 49.
Loring, General W. W., Order of, 167.
Louisiana, Acquisition of, 91, 433.
Louisiana Tiger Battalion, 47, 54.
McCabe, Captain, W. Gordon, his Tribute to James Barron Hope, 208; Address of, at Petersburg, Louisiana Tiger Battalion, 47, 54.
McCabe, Captain, W. Gordon, his Tribute to James Barron Hope, 208; Address of, at Petersburg, Va., June 9, 1890, 395.
McClellan's Advance on Richmond, 323.
McClure, A. K., 354.
McCrady, Major, John, 68, 74.
McKinney, Governor P. W., Remarks of, 299.
McLaws, General, Lafayette, 68, 73, 74, 75.
Manassas, First Battle of 54.
Marshall, Col. Charles, his Oration at the laying of the Corner-stone of the Lee MonumenZinken, Col., 96.
Waddy, Col. J. R., 68.
War, The Army of the, 132.
Warner, Charles Dudley, 350.
Warriors, 6; of the South, 7.
Washington Artillery of Louisiana, 268, 306.
Washington and Lee University, Students of, at the Dedication of the Lee Monument, 286, 358.
Washington's proposed Final Stand in the Mountains
Confederate States, Medical and Surgical Journal, 17; Spirit of the soldiers of the, 18, 107; Officers-prisoners under fire on Morris' Island, S. C., 34; Scant resources of, 98, 240, 336; Disparity of its armies, 99, 155, 325, 326, 329; Patriotism and sacrifices of the women of, 104; humanity of to Federal prisoners, 119; Cabinet of the, 156; Generals of the, 156; Surviving generals of the, 419; Merits of the cause of the, 216.
Crawford, Colonel, William, 31.
Crater, The, 402.
Cromwell, O., engaged passage for America, 126.
Cuba, Expedition against, 49.
Dabney, Prof. R. H., On the Treatment of Prisoners.
Dana, Hon. C. A., 350.
Daniel, Hon J. W., Oration on Life, Services and Character of Jefferson Davis, 113; mentioned, 351; Address of at the Meeting to Erect Monument to Gen. R. E. Lee, 191.
Davis, Jefferson, 62, 106; Daniel's Oration on, 113; a lover of the Union, 151; On Treatment of Prisoners, 381; his estimate of the Life and Character of Gen. R. E. Lee
African Slavery in the South, 217.
Agriculture in the South, 10.
Alabama troops at the Dedication of the Lee Monument, 268.
Alexander's Battalion of Artillery, 282.
Allen, Major J. V. H., 26.
Anderson, Colonel, Archer. His address Robert Edward Lee, 312.
Anderson, General Edward C., 65.
Anderson, Major, Geo. W., 66.
Andersonville Prison, 383.
Anglo-Saxon spirit, 97; unities of the race, 134.
Appomattox C. H., surrender at, 243.
Armor used by Mexican troops, 48.
Army Maladies and Diseases, 18.
Army of N. W. Va.
in 1861, 167.
Artillery Batt. 2d, Colonel J. T. Brown, guns of, in 1862, 168.
Associations of the Army of N. Va., Annual Reunion of, 85; Officers of, 111.
Atkins, Colonel, 74.
Baker, General, 75.
Barrett, Colonel T. G., 76.
Batteries defending Savannah, Ga, 70, 7, 74, 76, 78.
Bayard, Hon., Thos. F., 350.
Blair, General F. P., 73.
Blandford Cemetery, 401. 402.
Blues Association, R. L. I., 275.
Boggs' 12th Battali
ournal, 17; Spirit of the soldiers of the, 18, 107; Officers-prisoners under fire on Morris' Island, S. C., 34; Scant resources of, 98, 240, 336; Disparity of its armies, 99, 155, 325, 326, 329; Patriotism and sacrifices of the women of, 104; humanity of to Federal prisoners, 119; Cabinet of the, 156; Generals of the, 156; Surviving generals of the, 419; Merits of the cause of the, 216.
Crawford, Colonel, William, 31.
Crater, The, 402.
Cromwell, O., engaged passage for America, 126.
Cuba, Expedition against, 49.
Dabney, Prof. R. H., On the Treatment of Prisoners.
Dana, Hon. C. A., 350.
Daniel, Hon J. W., Oration on Life, Services and Character of Jefferson Davis, 113; mentioned, 351; Address of at the Meeting to Erect Monument to Gen. R. E. Lee, 191.
Davis, Jefferson, 62, 106; Daniel's Oration on, 113; a lover of the Union, 151; On Treatment of Prisoners, 381; his estimate of the Life and Character of Gen. R. E. Lee, 362.
Davis, Gen Jeff. C., 73.