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Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (search for this): chapter 1.2
. E. Howard McCaleb. Mr. McCaleb said that he would not attempt, on this ninety-third anniversary of the birth of Mr. Davis, to give even a brief outline of a life and character which are so intimately interwoven with the history of the country, but rather to recall a few personal reminiscences which he cherished of this great and noble leader. Mr. McCaleb said that the first time he saw Mr. Davis was when the speaker was a mere child. Mr. Davis was returning from the sanguinary fields of Mexico crowned with honors. The people of his adopted State had turned out en masse to welcome him. The boys threw up their hats as he passed, riding erect as an arrow, his face wreathed with smiles as he received the plaudits of his fellowmen. It was at Manassas that Mr. McCaleb next saw the great president. It was the day after the battle of Bull Run. And again he saw him in the last dying hours of the Confederacy, when he learned more and more to esteem, honor and love him. The Confederate
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 1.2
t he was disguised in a woman's dress at the time of his capture. He referred to the incarceration of Mr. Davis in Fortress Monroe, how he was manacled and chained by order of General Miles and that, though he was great in victory, he was still greater in defeat. Mr. McCaleb afterwards saw Mr. Davis frequently during his residence at Beauvoir. In one of these visits Mr. Davis had stated that he had never desired to wear the honors or assume the responsibilities of President of the Confederate States, but that his ambition was rather to lead the sons of Mississippi on the battle-field, as he had been trained and educated in military affairs, and desired to give his best services to his country in that capacity. With what poignant grief all heard of his death in this city. When the remains were being prepared for sepuchre one of the gentlemen present noticed a scar upon his left hand, and his old friend, Mr. J. U. Payne, told of an event in his life which to that time was unknow
Washington, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.2
urney southward, and in command of a brave band of Mississippians belonging to Harris' and Humphreys' Mississippi brigades. I accompanied him as far south as Washington, Ga. In that distinguished cavalcade was President Davis himself, General John C. Breckenridge, Secretary of War; Hon. Stephen R. Mallory, Secretary of the Navy; He he. He could never forget the night when, with guns cocked, the company which he commanded rode behind the President's ambulance from Abbeville, S. C. to Washington, Ga., where they were expecting a dash of the Confederate Cavalry any moment. They crossed the Savannah river bright and early on the morning of May 6, 1865, and entered Washington, Ga., where they remained two days. Colonel Johnston instructed him to report with his men to the President, who wished to bid him good-by. He stated that he had determined to disband his escort, because a small body of men could more easily elude the vigilance of the enemy than a large one, that a prize of $100
Biloxi (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.2
earing Meridan he saw then the first published accounts of the capture of Mr. Davis, and that historic thrice told lie, which has so often been refuted, that he was disguised in a woman's dress at the time of his capture. He referred to the incarceration of Mr. Davis in Fortress Monroe, how he was manacled and chained by order of General Miles and that, though he was great in victory, he was still greater in defeat. Mr. McCaleb afterwards saw Mr. Davis frequently during his residence at Beauvoir. In one of these visits Mr. Davis had stated that he had never desired to wear the honors or assume the responsibilities of President of the Confederate States, but that his ambition was rather to lead the sons of Mississippi on the battle-field, as he had been trained and educated in military affairs, and desired to give his best services to his country in that capacity. With what poignant grief all heard of his death in this city. When the remains were being prepared for sepuchre one
New Orleans (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.2
lled to the fact that his corn field was being frequently robbed. One morning as he entered the field he saw a black object near him in the corn, and, approaching nearer he saw it was a grizzly bear, which sprang upon him and planted his fangs in his left hand. With his right hand he hastily drew his bowie knife from its scabbard and stabbed the bear to death. This shows the presence of mind of the man, and the courage he was accustomed to display on all occasions. The whole city of New Orleans bowed down in grief at the death of Mr. Davis, and followed his mortal remains to their resting place in Metairie cemetary Mr. McCaleb concluded by telling how in this city of monuments the good women now propose to erect a monument to Mr. Davis, a suitable shaft which would commemorate the virtues of this illustrious chieftian. He commended the work and said: Let the monument be erected in the busy haunts of the great metropolis, so that our children as they pass beneath its shadow m
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.2
e Mississippi river, induce all Confederate soldiers who have not surrendered to come to us there, and join Kirby Smith and carry on the war forever. Mr. McCaleb said he obeyed the President's instructions, and when nearing Meridan he saw then the first published accounts of the capture of Mr. Davis, and that historic thrice told lie, which has so often been refuted, that he was disguised in a woman's dress at the time of his capture. He referred to the incarceration of Mr. Davis in Fortress Monroe, how he was manacled and chained by order of General Miles and that, though he was great in victory, he was still greater in defeat. Mr. McCaleb afterwards saw Mr. Davis frequently during his residence at Beauvoir. In one of these visits Mr. Davis had stated that he had never desired to wear the honors or assume the responsibilities of President of the Confederate States, but that his ambition was rather to lead the sons of Mississippi on the battle-field, as he had been trained and
Danville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.2
masse to welcome him. The boys threw up their hats as he passed, riding erect as an arrow, his face wreathed with smiles as he received the plaudits of his fellowmen. It was at Manassas that Mr. McCaleb next saw the great president. It was the day after the battle of Bull Run. And again he saw him in the last dying hours of the Confederacy, when he learned more and more to esteem, honor and love him. The Confederate government had abandoned Richmond, and was temporarily stationed at Danville, Va., when General Extra Billy Smith brought the sad news of Lee's surrender. All was confusion, and in hot haste. Mr. Mc-Caleb said, we hurried to Charlotte, N. C. There Mr. Davis sent for me, and told me that the Confederate cabinet was about to begin its journey southward, and in command of a brave band of Mississippians belonging to Harris' and Humphreys' Mississippi brigades. I accompanied him as far south as Washington, Ga. In that distinguished cavalcade was President Davis hi
Abbeville, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.2
use was lost, the principles lived, and would reassert themselves at another and more favorable time. One morning when Mr. McCaleb went to him to express his fears about the condition of the Secretary of State, who was not an expert horseman, Mr. Davis said: Captain, do not trouble yourself about the Secretary of State, if one of us escapes it will be he. He could never forget the night when, with guns cocked, the company which he commanded rode behind the President's ambulance from Abbeville, S. C. to Washington, Ga., where they were expecting a dash of the Confederate Cavalry any moment. They crossed the Savannah river bright and early on the morning of May 6, 1865, and entered Washington, Ga., where they remained two days. Colonel Johnston instructed him to report with his men to the President, who wished to bid him good-by. He stated that he had determined to disband his escort, because a small body of men could more easily elude the vigilance of the enemy than a large on
Savannah River (United States) (search for this): chapter 1.2
aleb went to him to express his fears about the condition of the Secretary of State, who was not an expert horseman, Mr. Davis said: Captain, do not trouble yourself about the Secretary of State, if one of us escapes it will be he. He could never forget the night when, with guns cocked, the company which he commanded rode behind the President's ambulance from Abbeville, S. C. to Washington, Ga., where they were expecting a dash of the Confederate Cavalry any moment. They crossed the Savannah river bright and early on the morning of May 6, 1865, and entered Washington, Ga., where they remained two days. Colonel Johnston instructed him to report with his men to the President, who wished to bid him good-by. He stated that he had determined to disband his escort, because a small body of men could more easily elude the vigilance of the enemy than a large one, that a prize of $100,000 in gold had been offered for his capture, and every effort would be made to take him prisoner. Meet m
Mississippi (United States) (search for this): chapter 1.2
de the vigilance of the enemy than a large one, that a prize of $100,000 in gold had been offered for his capture, and every effort would be made to take him prisoner. Meet me, he said, south of the Chattahoochee, avoid all garrison towns, throw out your van guard and rear guard, as General Johnston has surrendered this department without my knowledge and consent. We will go to Mississippi and there rally on Forrest, if he is in a state of organization; if not, we will cross over the Mississippi river, induce all Confederate soldiers who have not surrendered to come to us there, and join Kirby Smith and carry on the war forever. Mr. McCaleb said he obeyed the President's instructions, and when nearing Meridan he saw then the first published accounts of the capture of Mr. Davis, and that historic thrice told lie, which has so often been refuted, that he was disguised in a woman's dress at the time of his capture. He referred to the incarceration of Mr. Davis in Fortress Monroe, h
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