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the Indian country. My orders required me to go frequently through the mines, and thus I was often the recipient of your hospitality at the Sinsinnewa Mound, and frequently in the town of Galena, where my particular associate was the venerable Captain Legate, of the United States Army, on duty as superintendent of the lead mines. Some misrepresentations having in late years been made of Mr. Davis's Western service, he wrote the following letter to his friend General G. W. Jones: Beauvoir, September 2, 1882. My Dear Friend: I have received your very gratifying letter of the 27th instant, and also numbers four and twelve of the early history of Dubuque. I have read the letter of —, contained in number four, with equal surprise and regret. I did not expect him to know that as far back as the administration of Mr. Monroe the question had been definitely settled that the action of a secretary was that of the President, and to comprehend the peculiar features of the Indian
Jefferson Davis, New Orleans, La. Honored Sir: Once when there was much sickness prevailing among the First Dragoons at Fort Gibson, and I was very sick in the hospital, the regiment was ordered, for the benefit of its health, to remove from the Cherokee Nation to the Creek Nation; but the surgeon refused to allow me to be removed with the regiment. However, you came to my aid, and had me taken to the Creek Nation, where I rapidly recovered. And I hope that your temporary removal from Beauvoir to New Orleans will result in a like benefit to your health; and that, when the long roll is sounded, you will find yourself in the camp of the Grand Commander. You have been my good friend on many occasions, and have shown that your friendship to me and others has not been measured by their rank or the size of their purse. Hoping to hear of your complete restoration to health, I am, Your old Sergeant-Major First Dragoons. The letter had no other signature, but Mr. Davis was ver
Benham to General Lee, some time afterward, the latter said, This accounts for the energy of the enemy's pursuit. The first day after we left the lines he seemed to be entirely at sea with regard to our movements, after that, though I never worked so hard in my life to withdraw our armies in safety, he displayed more energy, skill, and judgment in his movements than I ever knew him to display before. In requesting the above statement from General G. W. C. Lee, Major Walthall, then at Beauvoir with Mr. Davis, wrote him as follows: Besides its bearing in other respects, it may possibly throw some light upon the yet unexplained failure of General Lee's request for supplies at Amelia Court House, to reach the President or the War Department. It seems to be certain that neither the President, Secretary of War, Quarter-Master-General, nor Commissary-General ever received the requisition. Colonels Taylor and Marshall (of General Lee's staff) both remember that it was well u
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 78: the commencement and completion of the Rise and fall of the Confederate States of America.—the death of Jefferson Davis, Jr.—Honors Awarded by Mr. Davis's countrymen. (search)
imate with his father, and loved him devotedly-indeed they were like two young friends together — I joined my husband at Beauvoir. As Mr. Davis had lost all his papers, the history of the Confederacy was unwritten save by the deeds of its defenderson was also in the bank, and insisted on remaining near his sister. We were environed by yellow fever on all sides at Beauvoir. Mr. Davis thought he could not leave on account of his literary labor to join our children, and I feared to leave him. and that proved to be our last farewell to him. We returned home in November of the same year, and took up our abode at Beauvoir. The people of Alabama invited Mr. Davis to visit them the next year, and our daughter Varina, known as Winnie in thh heart failure. After days of suffering and imminent danger, Dr. H. Mc-Hatton, his able physician, ordered him back to Beauvoir, and enjoined quiet upon him for the future. Never defeated man had such a following, and never had people a leader
rted to have made allegations, hereinafter quoted by Mr. Davis in a letter characterizing those statements. General Sherman's remarks were published in the Globe-Democrat of St. Louis, and Mr. Davis wrote the following letter of denial: Beauvoir, Miss., November 6, 1884. Editor St. Louis Republican: Dear Sir: I have to-night received the enclosed published account of remarks made by General W. T. Sherman, and ask the use of your columns to notice only so much as particularly refers to m impartial seeker after truth will find and proclaim it. When the passions of the day have died out with the august figures that have passed, posterity will do justice. Mr. Davis thus wrote to one of the Senators voting in the negative. Beauvoir, Miss., January 30, 1885. Honorable -- , United States Senate. my dear Sir: accept my thanks for your defence of me against slanderous accusations, and equally are they tendered for your vindication of our people against allegations alike unfoun
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 80: General Joseph E. Johnston and the Confederate treasure. (search)
was instructed to wait for an answer. Its receipt was acknowledged by telegraph, and an answer promised. After waiting several days to no purpose, Colonel Mason returned without one. When Mr. Davis was informed of the above statement by one who had read the Narrative, he wrote to Colonel Anderson, referred to book and page, and inquired what letter from him as there described he had received. He responded as follows: Richmond, Va., December 21, 1880. The Honorable Jefferson Davis, Beauvoir, Miss. My Dear Sir: Your letter of the 17th instant was duly received. I am sorry to say that my memory does not enable me to give you any assistance in regard to the matter mentioned at page 408 of General Johnston's Narrative, to which you direct my attention. I do not remember anything connected with the subject, except that there was a payment of silver coin to the army at Greensborough, and I have no papers which would afford information. Yours truly, Archer Anderson. Mr. Dav
e had no desire to come, even indirectly, before the public again. Finally, after a most urgent letter from his life-long and much-beloved friend, Colonel F. R. Lubbock, he consented to write a letter for publication. It is as follows: Beauvoir, Miss., June 20, 1887. Colonel F. R. Lubbock. My Dear Friend My reason for not replying was an unwillingness to enter into a controversy in which my friends in Texas stood arrayed against each other. In departing from the rule heretofore oly after the letter was published, it was announced that Mr. Davis favored a prohibition policy, because at a camp meeting he had worn a temperance badge and complimented one of the lady orators! In a letter to Reverend W. M. Leftwich, dated Beauvoir, August 24, 1887, Mr. Davis thus disposed of this absurd electioneering trick: Though we may disagree as to the best remedies against intemperance, we cannot differ as to the desirability of its suppression, and I would be least of all will
he second instant. I do not remember the interview with me mentioned by General Beauregard, nor that any proposition was submitted to the Confederate Government for the sale to it of any steamers of the character stated here. If any such proposition was made, it has passed from my recollection. To a like inquiry, addressed to Mr. Memminger, ex-Secretary of the Confederate Treasury, he replied on November 27, 1878. Charleston, S. C., November 27, 1878. Honorable Jefferson Davis, Beauvoir, Miss. My dear Sir: I have no recollection of having heard of the proposition referred to by General Beauregard. I remember my having written to Mr. Trenholm, one of the firm of Jno. Frazer & Co., to come on to Montgomery to present the advantages of establishing a depot for cotton and munitions of war at Bermuda, and some station in the West Indies, and that he came on and appeared before the Cabinet, warmly advocated this plan, and that it met with my cordial approval; but it was not app
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 85: the end of a noble life, and a nation's sorrow over its loss. (search)
vis's physician and friend, Dr. Chaille, and our nephew and niece by marriage, Mr. Edgar H. Farrar and Mrs. Stamps. It rvas evident we could not carry him to Beauvoir where he longed to be, and we accepted Judge and Mrs. Fenner's kind invitation to go to them. An ambulance was sent from the Charity Hospital, containing a soft respectful sympathy for his people's sorrow. Our old slaves sent the following loving letter: Brierfield, Miss., January 12, 1890. to Mrs. Jefferson Davis, Beauvoir, Miss. We, the old servants and tenants of our beloved master, Honorable Jefferson Davis, have cause to mingle our tears over his death, who was always so kind ance I am powerless to do so, I beg that you accept my tenderest sympathy and condolence. Your very obedient servant, Thornton. To Mrs. Jefferson Davis, Beauvoir, Miss. Could there have been a surer testimony to Mr. Davis's generous, just, and Christian spirit than that these negroes have given; certainly none afforded me
ent. At seven o'clock this morning an expedition, consisting of three U. S. gunboats, with an additional force of marines, left Ship Island, in the Gulf of Mexico, under command of Commander Melancthon Smith, U. S. N., for the city of Biloxi, Mississippi. No resistance being met with, Commander Smith landed at the wharf, under a flag of truce, and held a short conference with the Mayor of the city, who, after an hour's consultation with some prominent citizens, surrendered the town and thent in pursuit. After rowing about nine miles, the vessel was overtaken and forced to surrender — she was on her way to New Orleans with thirty thousand feet of hard pine flooring boards as a cargo. It not being Commander Smith's design to hold Biloxi, the expedition returned this evening to Ship Island with their prize in tow.--(Doc. 245.) The Richmond Examiner of to-day, publishes the following on the Confederate Tax Bill: In the Tax bill enacted by the Confederate States Congress