Found 423 total hits in 274 results.
Adams, Charles Francis, 114.
Alabama, Losses inflicted by the cruiser, 115.
Allen, Governor H. W., 366; Proposed to arm the slaves, 370.
Allen, Colonel James W., 174.
Appomattox Courthouse, Details of the surrender, at 355; the flag of truce, 369; stands of arms surendered, at 363.
Armistead, killed, General L. A., 34.
Ashe, Captain S. A., 320.
Assumption Bill, The, 15.
Baldwin, Colonel John B., 175.
Banks, Defeat of General, 252.
Bate, General W. B., 132.
Beall, Captain John Yates, Execution of, 124, 131.
Beauregard, General G. T., 123.
Belmont, Battle of, 125.
Benjamin, J. P., 107; after the war in England, 170; his estimate of Gladstone and D'Israeli, 171.
Bentonville, Battle of, 295.
Berkeley, Colonel Edmund, 223.
Bethel, Battle of, 289.
Beverley, Road to, 10.
Blockading, Confederate, insufficient, 111; private, 114.
Bloody Angle, The, 200.
Booth, J. W., Why he shot Lincoln, 99.
Bragg, General Braxton,
; seces-
North Carolina, Events in 1861, 271; in 1776, 288, 289.
North, The Political Bargain of, 14; spirit of, 22; its hatred of the South, 29.
Nullification, Ordinance of, 30.
O'Ferrall, Hon. C. T., 134.
Ord, General E. O. C., 359.
Parker, Captain William H., 157.
Paris, Count of, 123.
Patterson, Colonel Joseph, 132.
Pawnee Sunday, 147.
Paxton, A. S., 93.
Peabody, Colonel Everett, 132.
Peabody, George, 114.
Pegram's Battalion, 240.
Petersburg to Appomattox, Retreat from, bridges burned, 67.
Pettus, Governor John J., 58.
Pickett, General G. E., his position at Gettysburg and charge of his Division, 187, 218.
Poindexter, W. B., 121.
Polk, General L., 125.
Polignac, General C. J., his mission to France, 364.
Pope, General John, Retreat of 77, 251, 333.
Preston, Colonel James F., 174.
Protective Policy, The, 30.
Pulaski Guards, Company C, 4th Virginia organization of, 175.
Quincy, Josiah, on Secession, 19.
inal, 175.
Reed, Major D. W., 123.
Resolutions of 1798-9, 17.
Revolutions of 1861 and 1776 Compared, 292.
Rhett, Robert Barnwell, his provision of treaty rights, 205.
Richardson, C. A., 172.
Richmond, Burning of in April, 1865, 73; Federal force which entered, 76.
Ripley, Colonel E. H., 76.
Rodes, General R. E., 91, 330.
Rost, F. A., 108.
St. Paul's Church, 147.
Saunders, W. J., 283.
Secession, in 1812, 15, 24; right of, 283.
Seddon, James A., 107.
Seminary Ridge, 34.
Semmes, General J. P., 228.
Semmes, Admiral Raphael, 111, 160.
Seven Days Battles, 250, 332.
Sharpsburg, Battle of, 263.
Shenandoah, Cruise of the, 320; carried Confederate flag around the world, 328.
Shenandoah Valley, Campaign of the, 97.
Sheridan's, Gen. P. H., Bummers, savagery of, 89; cavalry, 234.
Sherman, General W. T., 125, 164; expedition of from Vicksburg to Meridian, 300; his vandalism, 319.
Shiloh, Battle of and the National Military Park and mon
xports of the, 105; loss of the, in noble men, 180.
South Carolina Under Reconstruction Shackles, 140.
Spotsylvania Courthouse, Battle of, 200, 336.
Stanton, Frank, 297.
States, The Rights of, 16.
Stewart, Colonel William H., 338.
Stonewall Brigade, Composition of, 97.
Stewart's, J. E. B., march around the Federals, 7; his death, 47.
Stronach, Major A. B., 164.
Sumter, Fall of Fort, 284.
Talcott, Colonel T. M. R., 51, 67.
Taylor, Colonel William H., 332.
Tennessee Troops in Confederate States Army, 179.
Terrell, Colonel, 204.
Tom's Brook, Battle of, 10.
Toombs, Hon. Robert, 107.
Tucker, Commodore J. Randolph, 351.
Valley Campaign, The, 10.
Vance, Governor Z. B., vindicated, 164.
Venable, Colonel Charles S., 236.
Vicksburg, Siege of, 115.
Virginia, Infantry, the 1st at Gettysburg, 33; casualties of, 39; 21st at Second Manassas, 77; Contribution of to the Confederate States Army, 43.
Virginia, The Iron-Clad; what she did,
ptain James D., 114.
Burnside, General A. E., 265.
Burton, General H. W., 346.
Caddall, J. B., 174.
Calhoun, John C., 28, 106.
Campbell, John A, 107.
Cameran, W. E., 347.
Carrington, Colonel H. A., Sketch of, 216.
Carter, Colonel, killed, 8.
Carter, Lieutenant Henry C., wounded, 6.
Carter, Colonel Thomas H., 233.
Cedar Creek, Battle of, 223; forces at, 225; casualties in, 231.
Cavalry, Reorganization of, in 1862, 6
Chamberlain, General J. L., 355.
Chambersburg, Burning of, 93.
Chandler, Colonel C., killed, 336.
Charlotte Rifles, 18th Va., 216.
Chase, Salmon P., 29.
Chattanooga, Location of, 300.
Chickamauga, Battle of, 154, 299; position of Forrest at, 302; losses at, 309.
Claiborne Guards, Organization of, 329.
Clay, Henry, 30.
Clark, Governor Henry F., 291.
Clifford, Mrs. B. G., 99.
Cline, William R., 243.
Cobb, General T. R. R., killed, 273.
Cold Harbor, Battle of, 336.
Color-Bearers, Gallantry of, 241.
the Surrender of, 164.
Randolph, Captain William, 94.
Rawlings, Lieutenant E. G., killed, 87.
Rebel Yell, Original, 175.
Reed, Major D. W., 123.
Resolutions of 1798-9, 17.
Revolutions of 1861 and 1776 Compared, 292.
Rhett, Robert Barnwell, his provision of treaty rights, 205.
Richardson, C. A., 172.
Richmond, Burning of in April, 1865, 73; Federal force which entered, 76.
Ripley, Colonel E. H., 76.
Rodes, General R. E., 91, 330.
Rost, F. A., 108.
St. Paul's Church, 147.
Saunders, W. J., 283.
Secession, in 1812, 15, 24; right of, 283.
Seddon, James A., 107.
Seminary Ridge, 34.
Semmes, General J. P., 228.
Semmes, Admiral Raphael, 111, 160.
Seven Days Battles, 250, 332.
Sharpsburg, Battle of, 263.
Shenandoah, Cruise of the, 320; carried Confederate flag around the world, 328.
Shenandoah Valley, Campaign of the, 97.
Sheridan's, Gen. P. H., Bummers, savagery of, 89; cavalry, 234.
Sherman, General W. T., 125, 164; exped
tt, Robert Barnwell, his provision of treaty rights, 205.
Richardson, C. A., 172.
Richmond, Burning of in April, 1865, 73; Federal force which entered, 76.
Ripley, Colonel E. H., 76.
Rodes, General R. E., 91, 330.
Rost, F. A., 108.
St. Paul's Church, 147.
Saunders, W. J., 283.
Secession, in 1812, 15, 24; right of, 283.
Seddon, James A., 107.
Seminary Ridge, 34.
Semmes, General J. P., 228.
Semmes, Admiral Raphael, 111, 160.
Seven Days Battles, 250, 332.
Sharpsburg, Battle of, 263.
Shenandoah, Cruise of the, 320; carried Confederate flag around the world, 328.
Shenandoah Valley, Campaign of the, 97.
Sheridan's, Gen. P. H., Bummers, savagery of, 89; cavalry, 234.
Sherman, General W. T., 125, 164; expedition of from Vicksburg to Meridian, 300; his vandalism, 319.
Shiloh, Battle of and the National Military Park and monuments of, 122; forces engaged at, 128.
Slavery, Constitutional, 27; South opposed to extension of, 104.
rrender, at 355; the flag of truce, 369; stands of arms surendered, at 363.
Armistead, killed, General L. A., 34.
Ashe, Captain S. A., 320.
Assumption Bill, The, 15.
Baldwin, Colonel John B., 175.
Banks, Defeat of General, 252.
Bate, General W. B., 132.
Beall, Captain John Yates, Execution of, 124, 131.
Beauregard, General G. T., 123.
Belmont, Battle of, 125.
Benjamin, J. P., 107; after the war in England, 170; his estimate of Gladstone and D'Israeli, 171.
Bentonville, Battle of, 295.
Berkeley, Colonel Edmund, 223.
Bethel, Battle of, 289.
Beverley, Road to, 10.
Blockading, Confederate, insufficient, 111; private, 114.
Bloody Angle, The, 200.
Booth, J. W., Why he shot Lincoln, 99.
Bragg, General Braxton, 127.
Braxton's Battery, 240.
Breast-plates in Federal Army, 221.
Brown, Execution of John, 279.
Buchanan, Admiral Franklin, 244.
Buchanan, President Against Coercion, 31.
Buell, General Don Carlos, 124, 131.
ganization of, 329.
Clay, Henry, 30.
Clark, Governor Henry F., 291.
Clifford, Mrs. B. G., 99.
Cline, William R., 243.
Cobb, General T. R. R., killed, 273.
Cold Harbor, Battle of, 336.
Color-Bearers, Gallantry of, 241.
Compton, Sergeant W. A., 203.
Confederation, Articles of, 13.
Confederate, Diplomacy, 102; commissioners to Europe, 108; capture of Mason and Slidell, 108; needs in arms, etc., 111;
Cotton obligations proposed, 112; Treasury—gold of, guarded to Atlanta, 157; Naval School, 157; iron-clads blown up, 160; naval department, 240; flags captured, those of Virginia, 191; first surgeon killed, 200; flag with white field, first appearance of, 240; government established, 282; Constitution, 289; soldiers, lines to, 297; achievements of, an Epic, 309.
Congressional Compromise, 25, 26, 30.
Constitution, Adoption of the Federal, 14; its construction, 16, 139.
Cummings, Colonel A. C., 97, 174.
Daoney, D. D., Rev. Robert L., 3.
Dana, C. A
., 283.
Secession, in 1812, 15, 24; right of, 283.
Seddon, James A., 107.
Seminary Ridge, 34.
Semmes, General J. P., 228.
Semmes, Admiral Raphael, 111, 160.
Seven Days Battles, 250, 332.
Sharpsburg, Battle of, 263.
Shenandoah, Cruise of the, 320; carried Confederate flag around the world, 328.
Shenandoah Valley, Campaign of the, 97.
Sheridan's, Gen. P. H., Bummers, savagery of, 89; cavalry, 234.
Sherman, General W. T., 125, 164; expedition of from Vicksburg to Meridian, 300; his vandalism, 319.
Shiloh, Battle of and the National Military Park and monuments of, 122; forces engaged at, 128.
Slavery, Constitutional, 27; South opposed to extension of, 104.
Slaughter, Surgeon Alfred, first killed, 200.
Slidell, Hon. John, 108, 110.
Smith, Captain B. H., wounded, 6.
Smith, General E. Kirby, 365.
Smith, Captain John Holmes, 183.
Smith, D. D., Rev. J. P., 135.
Smith, General Preston, killed, 304.
Smith, Dr. W. W., 200.
Smith, Gove